Finance and StaffCommittee

Thorpe St Andrew Town Council

Minutes of the Finance and StaffCommittee meeting

held on 17 July 2017at 7.30pm

1 / Present:Miss S Lawn (Chairman)
Mr F Bowe / Mr J Emsell / Mrs T Mancini-Boyle / Mr J Ward
Apologies:Mr I Mackie and Mr L Reeves
In attendance:
Mr T Foreman (Town Clerk) / Ms J Fenn (Deputy Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer)
Mr D Sayer (Parks and Estates Manager / Mrs D Matthews (Committee Officer)
3 Members of the public




The Minutes of the meeting held on 22 May 2017 were agreed and signed as a true record subject to an amendment to Minute 7 – Roxley Hall - to change “café” to “dementia café”.

4PUBLIC SESSION (limited to 3 minutes per speaker)

No members of the public present wished to speak.


VARIANCES – 1 APRIL 2017 TO 30 JUNE 2017

The Deputy Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer presented the summary of receipts and payments and the variances for the period 1 April 2017 to 30 June 2017 and commented that there were no areas of concern. In response to questions, she confirmed that the costings for the dementia café were not as yet final as a few more items needed to be added to the total to date.

With regard to the St Georges day event, it was noted that the outstanding payments from the Fat Cat (£195) and Claridges (£40) had now been received and members expressed disappointment at the level of contribution made by Claridges, particularly as they had sold out on the day. Members asked to be advised what contributions they had made in the past and that the Events and Media Committee look into measures to encourage a more appropriate level of contribution and to review the levels of funding donated by the commercial stands with perhaps a view to introducing a minimum donation.

Members thanked the Deputy Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer for her work in preparing the finances and it was


(1)the Finance Receipts and Payments and Variances 1 April to 30 June 2017 be approved;

(2)the Events and Media Committee be asked to look at measures to encourage a more appropriate level of contribution from catering stalls and to review the levels of funding donated by the commercial stands with perhaps a view to introducing a minimum donation.


Members were shown a plan of the existing and the proposed suggested layout of the River Green Toilets prior to submission of the application for planning permission. The proposals would include retention of the 3 existing gents’ toilets to provide 2 unisex toilets and 1 toilet for the disabled; the removal of the ladies’ toilet facilities and the conversion of this area into an open office/tourist information/storage area for the Parks and Estates staff to use in their management of the River Green. The proposals included the creation of a “hatch” overlooking River Green to facilitate management of the area. A question was raised as to whether the proposals were premature as it was unlikely that the commercial use of the Rive Green by the day boat company would be established in time for this season and there had been discussion about the possible use of John Fox Cottage for an office area. The Broads Authority had intimated that Historic England were unlikely to be sympathetic to use of the Cottage as an office and the conversion of the toilet block into an office/store room would create a flexible open space for a variety of different needs. It could also provide the necessary support for any CCTV system needed for the area. It was noted that the transfer of ownership of the toilet block from the District Council to the Town Council would include a sum of £25k which could be utilised to cover the costs of the conversion as well as ongoing costs. It was noted that the application for planning permission for the conversion would be included as part of the application for the quay heading.

RESOLVED to approve proposals for the conversion of the River Green toilets as outlined above and the necessary planningpermission be sought.


Members considered the report of the Town Clerk regarding a request from the Town Mayor to consider a proposal for civic regalia for the Town Clerk. Members supported the proposals contained in the reportwhich would more formally recognise the role of the Clerk particularly at formal meetings and events when attending with the Mayor and/or the deputy Mayor. They also supported the principal that the costs of such a proposal should not be a burden to the ratepayer but were however happy that the nominal costs of engraving the Jewel could be met from Council funds.


(1)to support the proposal for civic regalia for the Town Clerk;

(2)that the proposal be undertaken with little or no burden to the ratepayer;

(3)that the Town Council express a preference for a jewel to be acquired and worn by the Clerk funded personally by them but that it be a matter for the current and subsequent Clerks to decide whether they wished to do so;

(4)it be noted that the current Clerk was willing to wear his own academic black gown and the jewel currently held by the Town Council;

(5)the cost of engraving the current jewel be met by the Town Council.


The Town Clerk reported that Town Council was due to move to the Town Hall in September and, following a visit to the Hall, the Mayor had asked for consideration to be given to the provision of a clock tower including a weather vane of St Andrew on the front central gable of the Hall. The estimated costs would be £1k to £2k and members confirmed their support for the proposal. Concerns were expressed about the appearance of the air conditioning/heat units on the front of the Hall and if there was any way to improve the look of the frontage with the possible relocation of the units. The Parks and Estates Manager under took to investigate other options for location of the units. It was noted that additional fencing was being installed at the front of the Hall.

The Town Clerk went on to ask Members to consider a proposal for a flagpole to be erected at the Hall and Members noted the suggested location on an area of grass to the left of the building when approaching from the front. The pole would be visible from a number of locations when approaching the Hall and would not inhibit use of the area around the Hall. Other options for additional flag poles attached to the front of the building were also considered. It was agreed that, pending a decision as to whether more flagpoles were desirable, the planning application for the clock tower and flag pole should also seek permission for 2 flagpoles to be erected on the frontage of the two outside gables of the hall.

RESOLVED that support be given for the erection of the clock tower and freestanding flag pole as detailed above and the necessary planning permission be sought including the option for 2 additional wall mounted flag poles.


It was proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to close the meeting to the public and press under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the disclosure of personal details.

The public then left the meeting.


Following a successful initial period of employment, the Town Clerk invited Members to confirm the employment of the Administrative Officer.

RESOLVED to confirm the employment of the administrative officer.

Further to this matter, Members were advised that no annual increment had been paid to the Administrative Officer in April as part of the budget process as she had only been in post since November. Members agreed to an initial increment of 2½ % and future reviews be undertaken in-line with other staff as part of the budget process in April.

RESOLVED to apply an initial increment of 2½ % for the salary of the Administrative Officer and future reviews be undertaken in-line with other staff as part of the budget process in April.


The Clerk reported that the Parks and Estates Manager had now commenced a period of phased return to work and Members welcomed him back.

Members also placed on record their thanks to all staff for their hard work and commitment in securing the successful and timely completion of recent projects on the dementia café, the memorial stone and the garden.


Members were advised that BT had declined to give consent to the Town Council to repaint the telephone box in the Town.


Events and Media / 19 June 2017
Town Council / 7 August 2017

The meeting closed at 8:30pm

Signed: …………………………………….

Dated: ……………………………………..

22May 2017