The Structured Approach

The structured approach to software development follows the software development cycle.

Phase 1: Defining the problem

Phase 2: Planning the solution

Phase 3: Building the solution

Phase 4: Checking the solution

Phase 5: Modifying the solution

Characteristics of the Structured Approach

The structured approach to program development is used when:

  • The project is large-scale, complex and is best solved using modularization
  • The available development budget is large
  • The time available is considerable
  • A program that is easier to write, debug, understand and modify is required.
  • A project development team is involved, including analysts, designers, programmers, users and management.

Advantages of using the Structured Approach

  • East to write: the advantages of working with modules are they allow the developer to consider the whole program first and then work with manageable chunks. More than one programmer can work on a complex program when each takes responsibility for particular modules.
  • Easy to understand: modularity means that the design of the program is more transparent. Along with the use of comments and meaningful names the modules can be easily tracked and the connections between modules easily seen.
  • Easy to test and debug: each module can be tested separately.
  • Easy to modify

The Prototyping Approach

Prototyping involves building a working model that is evaluated by users. Usually the model is then modified and evaluated further, and it may become the solution. The prototyping approach usually involves only a small team of programmers and one or more users.

Characteristics of the prototyping approach

The prototyping approach to program development is used when:

  • The development involves small scale and small budget programs
  • There is less time available
  • A smaller team is needed
  • Further understanding is required in order to develop a larger program.

The rapid applications development approach

The rapid applications software development, or RAD, is any method of software design that uses tools to quickly generate a program for a user. It uses existing modules to create a solution and mat reuse code, CASE tools and templates. RAD lacks formal stages. The programmer is directly involved with the user.

Characteristics of the RAD approach:

The RAD approach to program development is used when the development involves:

  • A very small team, low budget and minimal time.
  • Small-scale projects
  • A small range of coding languages.

The end-user development approach

End-user development is where the user adapts existing software tools to suit their needs or to obtain a solution to the problem. Over the years there have been increasingly large numbers of programs to make it easier for end-users to write their own software.

Characteristics of the end-user approach.

The end-user approach to program development is used when the development involves:

  • The user
  • Existing software solutions
  • Very little cost or time
  • Small problems.