Package thefts from UPS or even FedEx are crimes of opportunity. The El Paso Police Department would like to remind citizens to take extra care this time of year when having mail and packages delivered to their residence. Package thefts from doorstops and front porches during the day usually increase between the months of October and January. There are steps you can take to be proactive in keeping your package safe from theft.


  • Encourage family and neighbors to pick up packages as soon as possible as after they are delivered.
  • Track your packages. Try to be present at the time of delivery. Many mail carriers allow you to track your shipment online:
  • Be neighborly. If you can’t pick up your mail ask a neighbor to do it for you. The U.S. Postal Service can also hold your mail if you travel during the holidays.
  • Have your package shipped to the nearest office and arrange for a pickup there.

The El Paso Police Department wants everyone to have a safe winter and upcoming Holiday Season. As a reminder here are some safety tips to keep in mind.

At Home:

  • Be sure to lock your doors and windows when you leave your home.
  • Do not display holiday gifts where they can be seen from a window or doorway.
  • Leave some lights on
  • Leave a radio on
  • Leave drapes/curtains in a normal position
  • Pickup mail and newspapers
  • Never give information about your home over the telephone
  • Never post on social media that you are out of town
  • Always call police to report any suspicious activity

While Shopping:

  • Always keep your children close to you
  • Do not shop alone
  • Never take more money than you need to make your purchases
  • Do not flash your money when paying for items
  • Pay with a check card or credit card
  • Be aware of your surroundings
  • Do not leave any purchases or purses unattended
  • Do not overburden yourself with packages
  • Carry your purse close to your body
  • Place your purchases in the trunk of your car but do this before arriving to your next location, not when you get there

Your car:

  • Lock your vehicle
  • Use any anti-theft devices
  • Do not leave any packages or valuables inside the vehicle
  • Approach your vehicle with your keys out and ready
  • Park in well lighted areas
  • Keep your vehicle in proper working order
  • If something seems wrong, get help from security or call the police

Outside Activities:

  • Dress appropriate to weather conditions and type of activity

if you walking, running or riding a bike

  • Wear reflective of light colored clothing
  • Be aware of your surroundings
  • Obey all traffic laws
  • Don’t let yourself become distracted
  • Hiking – notify individuals of intended route with your estimated length of trip and

expected return time

  • Be prepared for inclement weather
  • Driving – obey all traffic laws
  • Be aware of individuals walking, running, and biking during the cooler weather
  • Don’t drink and drive
  • Be aware of your surroundings.

From all the officers at the Westside Regional Command, have a safe and happy Holiday Season!