For Short-Listed Construction Management Consultants

Project:619, IBC & IHLC New Facility

Location:1504 & 1510 W. University Avenue, Gainesville

This fact sheet supplement attempts to provide short-listed applicants with more detailed information on the Owner’s expectations for the interview phase. Please also refer to the initial Project Fact Sheet and the facilities program in preparing for the interview session.


Please do not otherwise contact User Group or Selection Committee representatives prior to the October 4th, 2016 interviews.

Each finalist shall provide a concise summary of the current and projected (through Final Completion of the UF-619 project) workload for all key staff proposed for this project, including project managers, superintendents, and primary estimators. This summary shall include the name, location, size (cost and square footage), and current status of each project the staff member is or is projected to be assigned to, along with current owner/client contact information.

Also, using the information presented here and on the PD&C website, each team shall develop a simple bar chart schedule for pre-construction and construction. A 300-activity CPM schedule is not required.Rather, the idea is to illustrate the team's understanding of the project and the University's requirements, noting critical activities, key milestones, constraints, and ideas for saving time.

Both the schedule and the workload summary shall be delivered in PDF format via e-mail to the Project Manager no later than close of business on September 30th, 2016.

INTERVIEW AGENDA (Tuesday, October 4th, 2016 – PD&C Conference Room 235)

8:15am / Committee Discussions
8:30am / Presentation (40 min.) / Parrish McCall Constructors
9:10am / Q & A / Discussion (15 min.)
9:25am / Break & Setup
9:30am / Presentation (40 min.) / Foresight Construction Group, Inc.
10:10am / Q & A / Discussion (15 min.)
10:25am / Break & Setup
10:30am / Presentation (40 min.) / Oelrich Construction, Inc.
11:10am / Q & A / Discussion (15 min.)
11:30am / Committee Deliberations


NOTE: The selected applicant will be required to provide proof of project-specific insurance compliant with the requirements of the Agreement for Construction Management Services prior to execution of that Agreement, including General Liability, Automotive Liability, and Worker’s Compensation.


Short-listed applicants demonstrated on paper their qualifications, past performance, and experience with similar scopes of work. Now, the University seeks to determine which team provides the best combination of those qualities with an intimate understanding of the demands of this project and a clearplan for translating programmatic concepts and user/stakeholder input into quality design and construction.

Each team will be evaluated in the following categories as they relate to both the selection criteria outlined in the original Project Fact Sheet and the specific discussion points listed below:

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Understanding of Project Requirements

Approach & Method

Ability of Personnel

Site Logistics & Management

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The interview format will consist of a 40-minute presentationby the team, followed by a 15-minute, interactive Q&A / discussion between the team and the Selection Committee. Instead of leaving the content of the 40-minute presentation open to interpretation, though, the Committee asks that each team specifically provide the following (in no particular order):

  • An explanation by team members of their role(s) in the project, lines of authority & responsibility, etc., with particular emphasis on (a) continuity through design, bidding & buyout, construction, and warranty phase and (b) responsibility for the estimating, pre-qualification, procurement, management, and coordination of the MEP/FP trades.
  • A review of the team's schedule for pre-construction and construction (provided in advance as noted above). How would you handle a delay in construction start date up to 3 months?
  • Recent experience using multiple local municipalities.
  • Experience in salvage and preservation of materials for reuse.
  • Examples of how you work with AE design team to select materials and/or methods consistent with historic facilities.
  • An illustration and review of how the site would be organized and managed given existing grades and constraints, the need to maintain roads and service drives, and the proposed schedule.
  • An explanation of the methodology for developing, presenting, and using iterative cost estimates.
  • Project-specific strategies for engaging, attracting, and employing a diverse pool of trade contractors and vendors, particularly Small, HUB Zone, Minority, Small Disadvantaged, Veteran, Service-Disabled Veteran, and Woman-owned businesses. Be prepared to discuss past performance, outcomes, and monitoring/reporting mechanisms.

Do not prepare or bring cost estimates of this project.

Do not bring anyone who will not play a direct and active role in this project.

Teams will not be asked to estimate the facility, but likely will be asked for their thoughts on project-specific elements, concerns, and issues. The University’s intent is to focus on the UF-619 project, not to re-hash each team’s past successes on other projects.

In preparing for this interview, finalists are urged to review all of the documents and references provided to date, including the facilities program, initial Project Fact Sheet, UF Design Services Guide, UF Design and Construction Standards, and template CM contract.

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