• Create an HTML document to display the following text in the title bar of the browser. “Welcome to the world of computers”
  • Explain the use of <BLOCKQUOTE> with an example
  • Give an example for header tags {<H1> TO <H6>}
  • Incorporate the following in a single HTML document. BOLD, ITALICS, SMALL, SUPERSCRIPT, SUBSCRIPT, UNDERLINE
  • What is the role of the following tags: -
  1. <pre>
  2. <tt>
  • Display the following equation in your page – 34x4+54x3+62x2+2x0=0
  • Display the following Text “India is my country” center aligned on the page
  • Display the following chemical symbols on the page
  1. H2O
  2. H2SO4
  3. HNO3
  • What is the role of <hr>tag? What are the various attributes it can take?
  • How do you give comments inside your source codes
  • Create a series of rows and columns with out using the <TABLE> tag
  • What is the tag that is not supported by IE and the tag not supported by Netscape
  • Display the follow on the page
  1. 67 >23
  2. x >= a <= b
  • How do you display a textbox for accepting password from the user
  • Explain the difference between the ordered list unordered list with examples
  • How would you display a list item with a different bullet
  • Insert an image in an HTML document and align the text to the right side of the image
  • Create an hyperlink for Microsoft’s site
  • Without using the form tag also we can place objects like checkboxes, textboxes on the form. Then what is the significance of the form tag? Discuss
  • What is the use of the <a> tag? How would you navigate between multiple pages?
  • Create an internal hyperlink from the top of your page to the bottom of the same page
  • Create a form with all the attributes and the tags available
  • Create a table with and without border to see the difference between them
  • Create web pages to explain the use of column span and row span
  • Divide a GIF image into two areas and create different hyperlinks for them
  • Create a style and use them in various places in your HTML document
  • Incorporate all the tags and attribute in an HTML document to create a full-fledged web page. Browse the following sites to get an idea for creating your web page.