Penllergaer Primary School PTA

Meeting 18th March, 2014. 3.30 p.m. – 4.20 p.m.

Staff Present: Mrs. Woolcock, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Williams, Mrs Burns

Parents Present: Approx 8 (parents and staff to sign in at future meetings)

Fundraising School project 2013/2014 – Adventure playground and outdoor resources for new build Reception classes.

Mrs. Woolcock welcomed everyone and was pleased to see an increase in attendance.

Matters Arising / Action
  • HT asked if parents would nominate a chair person, vice chair person, Secretary and Treasurer by next meeting. School would support PTA secretary by printing posters, copying and distributing letters and leaflets.
  • Junior Movie Night - Positive feedback received from parents and particularly from pupils –Pupils liked the classroom layout (didn’t want to sit on chairs) and felt it was more like a cinema than if they had been in the Barn. Pupils said they didn’t want infants & juniors together. Timing regarding start and length of film was just right.
  • Possible Infant Movie Night to run alongside Junior Movie Night in future.
  • Positive feedback received from parents regarding Infant Story Night. Parents who wished to listen to story with their child had the opportunity to do so. 10 more parents signed up for Easy fundraising during the Story night.
  • Mother’s Day Sale – letters and booking forms have been distributed to parents of Nursery – Y2. Letters have been distributed to Junior pupils with information regarding the two days, the gifts will be on sale in school. PTA have already purchased and wrapped gifts. There are 4 volunteers to sell on the stalls on each day.
  • Sports Relief – Unfortunately lack of time means we will have to miss this event this year. Mrs Ace (staff) expressed willingness to build activities into the school curriculum fi we wish to pursue this next time.
  • Easter Disco – DJ has been booked for Tuesday, 8th April. No gap between the infant and junior disco. Free raffle ticket at entry. 8 Easter eggs for prizes.
  • Silver Smarties event in May. One tube of smarties per pupil. They eat the smarties and fill the tube as full as possible with 20p,10p or 5p coins and return tube to school. Class who collects most money wins a ‘silver time’ extra play time.
  • Summer Fete – Wednesday, 9th July – climbing wall, tombola stall for pupils and adults and pupil games stalls needed. Seek some volunteer Dads to run stalls eg throw a welly, golf, football stall etc.Fete & list of stalls and volunteers to be focus of next meeting.
  • Parents to be asked to donate any foreign currency left over from holidays to school.
  • Some Banks/Building Societies do a match funding scheme for charity events. Our school is not a registered charity. However, if the Banks have changed their policy and categorising schools as charities then it is worth pursuing.PTA would like to take advantage of such schemes.
  • Y6 leavers – suggestion to order polo shirts for Y6 pupils to wear in the Summer term so they feel special as Leavers at end of Primary. School badge on front and class of 2014 printed on them. Parents would need to buy these from PTA. Possible Gorseinon retailer may give a competitive price.
  • Proposed Wind Turbine at Felindre –Local schools had been told that they would directly receive money from this project as part of a Section 106 agreement whereby a Business makes a return to the community. HT had not heard of this proposal.
  • Parent has requested evening meetings. Previous evening meetings were not well attended. Suggestion to receive feedback from Parent PTA questionnaire first.
  • Questionnaire – PTA have devised a questionnaire for parents. HT expressed concerns about asking for personal information e.g. place of employment, e-mail address and telephone number. Some parents would not want to have this information in the public domain.The School has to hold a ‘data protection’ licence to hold this type of information. This would not cover PTA.
Questionnaire was circulated amongst members present who didn’t think requesting this information was intrusive.
Purpose of questionnaire needs to be clearly explained. It needs to be checked for accuracy/typos, and have a disclaimer stating ’completion of the questionnaire is voluntary’. Completed questionnaires would be entered into a draw to win a bottle of wine. / Mrs Tucker/Mrs Pearce to canvas parents
Mrs Tucker/Mrs Pearce will collect Nur-Y2 forms and money from school office and organise gifts. Mrs Bevan to send out parentmail reminder on 26th March
HT to write letter to parents. MB to parentmail event.
PTA to purchase smarties. Mrs Lake to put labels on each tube.
Mrs Evans (Matteo) to research climbing wall
HT to research donkey rides.
HT to write to parents. Mrs Thomas (Jack) to research name of travel agency.
Mrs Tucker to contact bank concerning registration and consideration in scheme.
Mrs Pearce to research prices and retailers.
Mrs Tucker to co-ordinate and return questionnaires to school office for distribution.
PTA must consider who would collate this information, store it and have access to it?

Date of next meeting Tuesday, 6th May at 3.30 p.m.