Jan/Feb/March Newsletter
2017 4 pages
Happy New Year From the Clubhouse.
  • Things to save, to raise money to buy supplies for daycare.
Milk Moola, Milk Caps, Box Tops, Labels for Education & Pop Cans
Please send in your saved supplies soon.. Thank you!
  • Sign in and out: Please make sure you sign before and after.

  • Gumballs: There are 1 gumball left that says “YOU WIN!”
The first gumball was won by Amanda Zimmer
The 2nd gumball was won by Colbie Gassert
Rules about the gumballs go to:
New things: Our Site is getting an AED so we are excited for that.
  • Candy for sale: We have Mentos, Salted nut rolls, Sweet and salty mix, M&Ms, Peanut M&M’s, Skittles and Snickers. $1.00 each. You can buy in advance which gives you credit for purchase.

  • Donations:
  1. Chris, thank you for donating books.
  2. Holly, thank you for donating bags and sipper seals.
  3. Lora, thank you for the cucumbers and play clothes.
  4. Lori, thank you for donating magazines.
  5. Head Start, the games, DVD’s and extra goodies.

  • News:If you need that extra hand for someone to watch your little one/s while you are still at home, my daughter Amanda who is 10 would love to be hired and take care of your little ones while all of you are still under one roof. Amanda charges $1 dollar an hour – you can’t beat that. I also have a sheet of list of babysitters, please ask for one if you don’t have one.

  • Head Start: To retrieve the creative curriculum go to:

  • Linedancing: Every Tuesdays night. Taco $1.00 each & free chips & salsa.

  • Homework: With the Head Start program, your child will be bringing homework with them home every week. Work with your child, sign your homework paper & send back. Your child will be getting a sticker for homework slip that is return with them. Once the sheet is filled, they can pick a prize or win a quarter for the gumball machine. There is no RUSH with the homework. Get them done on your own time which is more relaxing.

  • Mail Box: Please check your mail box weekly.

  • Scholastic book club: If you are planning on ordering books online sign up at & enter Sturgeon Lake’s class activation code HT9HY .
After your first visit, use your user name & password only, no class activation code required.
  • Referrals:$50.00 credit…

  • Going Green: Emails.. No hard copies any more, must read emails!

  • Parents… If there is anything you would like to share, present or volunteer with S.L Clubhouse daycare – just let me know.

  • Tips: There are 3 documents full of fun apps, check them out.

  • Evaluations: If you haven’t filled out your evaluations for this site, please tell me and I will get you one.

  • Credit Cards: I’m still new at the process, but I do except credit cards. There is a 3% fee for using them.

  • Days off…the next one is April 14th.

  • And for those who are not registered through Lakes and Pines Head start and didn’t get their newsletter – It will also be posted here: check out the next page.

How any pages is this.. Correct it on the top

Sturgeon Lake Clubhouse Family Child Care


Blocks, blocks, blocks, so many blocks. Here at the Clubhouse we have indoor and outdoor blocks. The picture on the right you’ll see a little girl playing with geometric blocks with a pattern, not only can you build with them, but you can make patterns, mazes, graphs and more.

Here on your left and on the bottom you will see our outdoor blocks which has a home for putting them away. They take out the blocks and with some blocks they may ask a peer for help. These blocks interlock like Legos which keeps them in place while in play.

Here in this picture to your right you can see that they have made a boat. Each person has their own seating and role. Wishing they had more blocks to add to their creation.

Blocks and more blocks.

Here on the left they are playing with CHUB blocks. In this picture they are trying to build it very high has they can. I asked them “What’s your next step to make it higher?” They replied “knock it down and start over again.” Hoping they would think of chairs or asking me, but maybe next time.

The picture on the right we have a little girl seeing how high she can stack her blocks before it falls down. The picture in the right and left bottom corner you see 2 children playing side by side playing with Legos and a 3D puzzle blocks.

Blocks are not just for FUN, but build cognitive, language, social, math and fine/large motor skills. 2016