July, 2008 15-08-0000-00-0005

IEEE P802.15

Wireless Personal Area Networks

Project / IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Title / Minutes Summary of IEEE 802.15.5 Meetings
Date Submitted / July14, 2008
Source / Tae Rim Park
140th St. & Convent Ave
New York, NY 10031 / Voice: +1-212-650-7219
Re: / IEEE 802.15 Interim Meeting inJacksonville
Abstract / IEEE 802.15.5 Minutes.
Purpose / Minutes of IEEE 802.15.5 sessions.
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

802.15.5 Meeting Minute

May 2008, Hyatt Regency, Denver

Monday PM2, July14

4:00Chair called the meeting to order.

  • Chair showed patent policy.
  • Chair reviewed the agenda. The agenda was accepted unanimously.
  • Chair showed the meeting minutes (15-08-0391r0) of the last meeting and the minutes were accepted unanimously.
  • Chair shared teleconference results.
  • Chair talked about future plan of recirculation and TG5 actions.

4:20 Chair presentedand thesummary of comment resolutions

4:30 Ms. Young Ae Jeon presented high rate comment resolution

  • 15-08-0532-00-0005
  • 15-08-0533-00-0005

4:55 Meeting recessed for one hour to finalize the draft

5:55 Meeting is resumed

5:55 Chair presented front matter

6:00 Meeting recessed until Tuesday AM1 session

Tuesday AM1, July 16

8:00 Chair called the meeting to order

8:10 Dr. Park and Ms. Jeon presented editing status

8:20 Tae Rim Park presented editing status for front matter

8:25 Meeting recessed for 10 minutes to change room (Mineral E)

9:00 Tae Rim Park presented editing status for front matter again

9:10 Meeting recessed until AM2 session

Tuesday AM1, July 16

10:30 Chair called the meeting to order

10:40 Chair explained the sponsor ballot procedure

10:50 Meeting recessed for 30 minutes

11:20 Motion

  • Made by Young Ae Jeon., seconded by Sung-soon Joo, ‘Move to accept all comments resolved and drafts prepared by editing team as in the following four documents’
  • d5P802-15-5_Draft_standard.pdf
  • d5P802-15-5_Draft_standard_comment_sheet.xls
  • d5P802-15-5_Draft_standard_comparision.pdf
  • d5P802-15-5_Draft_summary_document.pdf
  • Approved unanimously (7-0-0).

11:30 Motion

  • Made by Chang Sub Shin, seconded by Sung-soon Joo, ‘Move Chair to present document (15-08- 0493-00-005) in the mid week plenary’
  • Approved unanimously (7-0-0).

11:50 Meeting recessed until Wednesday AM1 session

Wednesday AM1, July 16

8:00 Chair called the meeting to order

8:10 Chair presented motion plan

  • Doc. 15-08- 0493-00-005

8:20 Review draft for Sponsor Ballot

10:00 Meeting recessed until Wednesday PM1 session

WednesdayPM1, July 16

1:30 Chair called the meeting to order

2:00 Review draft for Sponsor Ballot

2:10 Meeting recessed until Wednesday PM2 session

WednesdayPM2, July 16

4:00 Chair called the meeting to order

4:10 Review draft for Sponsor Ballot

4:20 Meeting adjourned until the September interim meeting at Waikola, Hawaii

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