

Hereford Hospital NHS Trust has announced plans for a new “Pay-on-Foot” scheme to improve patient and visitor car parking arrangements for the CountyHospital site. The new scheme will be effective from July 17th.

The announcement follows a review of the existing arrangements, prompted by comments from individual patients, patient groups and a focus group.

The review showed quite clearly the following problems with the existing car parking arrangements:

  • Misuse of the spaces provided by city centre workers and shoppers because charges are favourable compared to alternatives;
  • Many patients and visitors to the hospital combining their visit to the hospital with a walk into the city centre;
  • Payment in advance, minimum 3 hours, encourages visitors to use up the parking time they have paid for, extending the length of their stay in the car park considerably;
  • Directionless traffic flow leading to chaos and frustration.

As it is not possible at this time to increase the number of available spaces, the new scheme is expected to improve availability of spaces by increasing turnover by an estimated 20%, based on experience elsewhere.

The three main areas of car parking in front of the Hospital will be enclosed behind barriers which will dispense tickets upon entry. Two pay machines on the site will be available for drivers to pay on foot for the time they have used, as they leave the Hospital. The “paid up” ticket will activate the exit barrier. Assistance will be available at all times that the barriers are lowered. Parking areas outside the barriers will continue to operate on a pay-and-display basis.

The new scheme is expected to deliver the following benefits, seen elsewhere:

  • Drivers pay for the time they use rather than being encouraged to use the time they have paid for;
  • Discourage use of the car park by those not visiting the Hospital;
  • Increase turnover of spaces;
  • Improved traffic flow;
  • Improved driver and pedestrian safety.

The Trust, in negotiation with its Service Provider, Sodexho, and with Controlled Parking Plus, has endeavoured to keep the cost of parking to an acceptable level. However the evidence is clear that car parking use is affected by price, and as a city centre site the level of charges needs to deter unnecessary vehicle visits and extended parking times.

The charges will continue to start at £1.50 for the first hour (previously 3 hours) and will rise to a maximum of £16.00 for 24 hours. (Previously £4)

Arrangements to discount the costs for daily visitors are also being put in place (5 for the price of 4 daily visits in a week), together with extended publicity and access to the NHS Patients’ Travel Costs Reimbursement Scheme for patients in receipt of defined State benefits.

Parking for disabled drivers will continue to be located directly outside the main entrances. Disabled drivers will be required to pay the standard rates unless they qualify for the reimbursement scheme outlined above.

Concessions are also to be introduced for situations where visitors’ /patients’ stays are extended as a result of “failures by the Trust”, for example having to wait in A&E for more than 4 hours.

Non Executive Director Caroline Brown, who has been involved in site visits and agreeing the overall principals of the scheme, commented, “Car parking is a very emotive subject, and the existing arrangements simply are not satisfactory. A huge amount of research, planning and discussion have gone into redesigning the arrangements to provide a safe and equitable solution to the problem for all Hospital patients and visitors. It will inevitably take time for people to adjust to the new scheme so we will ensure that signs are clear and that attendants are available to assist with any problems. Above all, we will be closely monitoring the new scheme to ensure that it works and would appreciate the continued cooperation of the public during the transition period..…Hopefully, though, stress-free parking will be a reality in the not-too-distant future!”

Mike Johnson, Director of Planning, who has overseen the development of the scheme, said, “Car parking is an issue dear to every car driver. The site has limited space available and inevitably demand always exceeds our capacity. Whilst this scheme increases costs for patients, visitors and the disabled driver, I believe it strikes a reasonable balance and satisfies most but not all of the comments we received during the scheme’s development. This scheme is not about creating an income for the Trust, it is part of our response to meeting patients’ needs, balanced with our commitment to operate in a responsible manner in respect of the environment. We will continue to look at other alternatives to develop more integrated travel arrangements with our Local Authority colleagues and public transport providers. In addition as we develop additional or alternative options for our staff, who also need to be considered within the overall plan, further improvements to visitor parking may also be possible.”

Further information

Please contact: Katrina Wilcox, Head of Corporate Affairs 01432 372928