Qualification structure for SQA Level 2NVQ Diploma inDemolition (Construction) - Demolition
SQA Qualification Code:GN71 68
Ofqual’s Qualification Code:603/2946/4
Total Qualification Time:380 hours
Minimum Guided Learning Hours: 177
Credit value: 38
To gain the qualification,learners must achieve a minimum total of 38creditsThis comprises:
19credits from the Mandatory Core Units
plus 19credits from the Optional Units
Please note: It is important that the SQA Unit codes are used in all your recording documentation and when your results are communicated to SQA.
Mandatory Core Units: Learners must achieve all 19 credits
SQA Unit Code / Unit Title / Regulator’s Unit code / Level / Credit value / GLH / TQTFX74 81 / Conforming to General Health, Safety and Welfare in the Workplace / D/616/6569 / 1 / 2 / 17 / 20
FX6X 68 / Conforming to Productive Working Practices in the Workplace / R/616/6570 / 2 / 3 / 20 / 30
FX73 68 / Moving, Handling and Storing Resources in the Workplace / Y/616/6571 / 2 / 5 / 27 / 50
HX7E 68 / Removing and Segregating Components Prior to Demoltion in the Workplace / Y/616/8725 / 2 / 9 / 40 / 90
Optional Units: Learners must achieve a minimum of 19 credits from 1 of the Optional units
SQA Unit Code / Unit Title / Regulator’s Unit code / Level / Credit value / GLH / TQTHX7F 68 / Demolishing/Dismantling Masonry and Concrete Structures in the Workplace / K/616/8745 / 2 / 19 / 73 / 190
HX7G 68 / Demolishing/Dismantling Roofs and Cladding in the Workplace / M/616/8746 / 2 / 19 / 63 / 190
Additional Units (not compulsory)
SQA Unit Code / Unit Title / Regulator’s Unit code / Level / Credit value / GLH / TQTHX7R 68 / Demolishing/Dismantling Timber-Framed Structures in the Workplace / R/616/8755 / 2 / 12 / 40 / 120
HX7T 68 / Demolishing/Dismantling Steel-Framed Structures in the Workplace / Y/616/8756 / 2 / 16 / 53 / 160
FX71 68 / Erecting and Dismantling Access/Working Platforms in the Workplace / H/616/6573 / 2 / 8 / 27 / 80
HW1D 68 / Preparing and Operating Powered Units, Tools or Pedestrian Plant, Machinery or Equipment in the Workplace / H/616/7321 / 2 / 7 / 28 / 70
HE58 68 / Slinging and hand Signalling the Movement of Suspended Loads in the Workplace / F/508/4971 / 2 / 10 / 33 / 100
GN71 68 Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Demolition (Construction) - Demolition