Religious Norms and Public Spheres: the challenge

UC Berkeley, May 6-7th, 2011

Great Hall, Bancroft Hotel

2680 Bancroft Way, Berkeley (near Café Strada)

Thursday May 5 th, 2011

6:45 PM: Dinner

Friday May 6 th, 2011

8:30-8:45 AM

Opening remarks

8:45-10:15: Religious Norms and Public Spheres: the challenge

Chair: David Lieberman

Olivier Roy: “Muslim democrats vs. European populists

Silvio Ferrari: “A European perspective”

Peter Danchin: “Islam in the Secular Nomos of the European Court of Human Rights"

10:15-10:30: Break

10:30-12:00: The debate of Islamic Norms in Arab countries

Chair: Hatem Bazian

Enrique Klaus: “Scandals in Egypt and the manufacturing of religious norms in the Public Spheres

Belkacem Benzenine: “The challenge of secularism in the political and religious spheres in the Arab world?

Hosam Tamman: “Role of Salafi satellite channels in the integration of Salafi religious criteria in the community and hence in re-structuring public sphere

Discussant: Charles Hirchkind

12:00-1:00 PM: Lunch

The debate on religious norms in the Public Sphere

1:30-3:40: The case of European countries

Chair: Leti Volpp


Geneviève Zubrzycki: “Debating the Place of Religious Symbols in the Public Sphere in Poland, 1989 2010”


MatthewFrancis: “Return? It never left. Exploring the ‘sacred’as a resource for bridging the gap between the religious and the secular”


Valérie Amiraux: “Burka bashing in the European Union: the racialization of Muslims

Romain Sèze: “Standardization of the exercise of the Islamic religious authority in France

Christian Jopke: “Limits of Restricting Islam: The French Burqa Law of 2010

Discussants:Prof. Sarah Song, Berkeley Law

Prof. Nargis Virani

3:40-4:00: Break

4:00-5:00: North American countries cases

Chair: Ron Hassner


Nadia Marzouki- Pasquale Annichinno: “Mosques controversies in the U.S.: emotions, politics and the right to religious freedom


David Koussens: “Catholic Rituals and Symbols in Government Institutions: Juridical Arrangements, Political Debates and Secular Issues in Quebec

Discussant: Patrice Brodeur

5:00-5:40: Asian countries cases

Chair: Pradeep Chhibber

Sophie Lemière: “Cracks in the Mosaic: The Rise of Right-Wing Ethno-Religious Groups in Malaysia

Marco Ventura: "You shall go to hell. Legal arguments on forced conversions before the Supreme Court of India"

Discussant: Mahan Mirza:

5:45-6:30 PM: Keynote lecture

Ebrahim Moosa“Norms in the Madrasa-Sphere: Between Tradition, Scripture and the Public Good

7:30 PM: Dinner

Saturday May 7th2011


Elise Massicard:“The case of Halevism in Turkey”

Munir Jiwa:“The aesthetic of Islamic Norms through arts, media…

Soraya Tlatli:

Discussant: Nargis Virani

10:30-10:45: Break

10:45-12:00: Conclusions Panel

Olivier Roy

Naomi Seidman

Ebrahim Moosa

Patrick Haenni

Marianne Farina

Imam Faheem Shuaibe or Imam Zaid Shakir

12:00-1:00PM: Lunch

13:00-4:00 PM: PUF presentation

Jo Gardner: "Religious Nationalism and the Westphalian State

Alexander Rosas: “Diversification of the Republic:Cultural Diversity in Contemporary France

Sheherazade Kahil: “Institutionalization in France of the pilgrimage to Mecca”

Mary Hoopes:“Asylum Claims Before the Federal Courts of Appeals: Considering the Role of Religion”

Akasemi Newsome: “Immigrants before German Administrative Courts: Do Islam and Gender Matter for the Application of Foreign Legal Regimes in Germany?”

Zehra Zahin: “The Diyanet -Program of International Theology: Adjustement to Western Norms or Aggiornamento from Inside?”