State of California

Health and Human Services Agency

Department of Rehabilitation

California Vendors Policy Committee (CVPC)

Training Subcommittee Meeting Minutes

Thursday, September 24, 2015

2:00-3:00 PM
Meeting Location: Department of Rehabilitation, Room 407
721 Capitol Mall Sacramento, CA 95814


Roy Harmon, Chair

Sandy Balani, Member

Joanie Patche, Member

Barbara Moore, Member

Max Duarte, Member

Andy Brown, Member

David Burr, DOR Staff

Stacy Cervenka, DOR Staff

Kathleen Munyer, DOR Staff

Denise Hudson-Mendoza, Member of the Public


1. Welcome and Roll Call
The Subcommittee Chair welcomed attendees and conducted a roll call.

2. Teleconference Participation

Subcommittee Members reviewed teleconference etiquette.

3. 2015 CVPC/BEP Vendor Training Seminar

a.  Exhibitors for Friday afternoon

a.  The Exhibit Hall is nearly full. Ms. Munyer believes that now is a good cut-off time and that Members shouldn’t promise anymore space to organizations, unless they check that there’s available space.

b.  Speakers for Saturday

a.  If Subcommittee Members come up with more speakers, please let Ms. Munyer know, so she can confirm that there is still space on the agenda.

b.  Ms. Munyer sent Mr. Harmon, Mr. Burr, and Ms. Cervenka a very rough draft agenda.

c.  Members discussed the draft agenda, made suggestions for shortening some presentations, lengthening others, and moving some agenda items around.

d.  Ms. Munyer spoke with Debbie Peart. She is happy for the vendors to tour her micro-market. People would need to pre-register, so that Ms. Peart can give a list of visitors to security.

e.  Elias Thomas will be donating some CDs of music he made to the CVPC raffle. He would also like to sell them for $10 apiece and donate $5 from each sale to the CVPC training fund.

c.  Serve Safe Training- If a vendor is bringing an assistant that is being paid for by DOR, they must serve as a reader for that vendor during Serve Safe Training.

d.  Early Registration closed on Monday. There were 24 people registered. The winner of the $100 bill is Paul Patche II.

e.  It’s important to get as many people to pre-register as possible, so that food, transportation to and from the hotel, and Serve Safe training can all be coordinated.

f.  Mr. Harmon reminded people who are bringing auction items that they can either donate them or submit their receipts to the vendor training fund.

4. Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned.

Contact Person

Stacy Cervenka

Advisory Committee Analyst

Specialized Services Division

(916) 558-5380