Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations

Consider the 1st order ordinary differential equation (ODE)


The initial condition can be taken as


Then we could use a Taylor series about and obtain the complete solution, or



then we can find the first two terms. For the second derivative


Similarly the third derivative is


If we truncate at the third derivative



, where .

Euler’s Method

Take the Taylor series to 1st order, and let the interval , then


The error for a time step (the local error) is . The global error, after many steps, is . Then

where ,

where ,

where .


The exact solution can be found from


Let where , or . Then for all x ,

or , and . Since the right hand side is linear in x try . Then

and becomes which must hold for all x. Hence

, and B=-1, making , and since then


But @ , or , and . Making the complete solution


Using Euler’s method and taking

, since . In general,

n / xn / yn / yexact
0 / 0.00 / 1.0000 / 1.0000
1 / 0.02 / 1.0200 / 1.0204
2 / 0.04 / 1.0408 / 1.0416
3 / 0.06 / 1.0624 / 1.0637
4 / 0.08 / 1.0848 / 1.0866
5 / 0.10 / 1.1081 / 1.1103

For the error, , , can be defined as

The results plot as

It would be better to use the slope at the beginning and end of the increment (e.g., the average at each end), and although we don’t know the slope at the end we can approximate it.

Modified Euler Method

Let . Then an approximation for y at the end of the increment is

and an estimate for the slope at the end of the increment is .

We can now set


The error can be found from

and since



Hence the local error is and the global error is . Another way to write our results is

The previous example now can include modified Euler

n / xn / yeuler / ymodified / yexact
0 / 0.00 / 1.0000 / 1.0000 / 1.0000
1 / 0.02 / 1.0200 / 1.0204 / 1.0204
2 / 0.04 / 1.0408 / 1.0416 / 1.0416
3 / 0.06 / 1.0624 / 1.0637 / 1.0637
4 / 0.08 / 1.0848 / 1.0866 / 1.0866
5 / 0.10 / 1.1081 / 1.1104 / 1.1103

which is much better.

Runge-Kutta Methods

The modified Euler method is actually a two step (second order) Runge-Kutta algorithm.

These methods can be readily extended to eight and even tenth order. The derivations follow the same procedure. Assume for the second order method


, and


The parameters a, b,  and  are found by comparing to a Taylor series expansion.





Since ,

Using ,



Comparing to the Taylor series


Then which is three equations in four unknowns. Hence we can pick for the fourth equation any equation that is convenient.

For example we can take



Modified Euler is


Fourth Order Runge-Kutta

For fourth order Runge-Kutta the estimates for the changes are

and the updated value for y is found from


Note that all of the algorithms presented are for first order equations with only one dependent variable. These can be readily extended to systems of higher order differential equations. For those cases please see page 7.

Higher Order Differential Equations


and let the vector be defined as


which is now a vector first order equation, and the first order rules can be applied to a system of first order equations.

Systems of First Order Equations



Modified Euler:


Runge-Kutta (4th order):



The equation for a pendulum with a mass, m, at the end of a rod of negligible mass with length, L, is


For the initial conditions take

, and ,(1)


is the angle from the vertical, , and

Let . The equation becomes

. (2)

Now let then since


The equation can be written


and integrating


This is the conservation of energy. The initial condition is ,

hence or


is also the governing differential equation.

Integrate the equation of motion (2) subject to the initial conditions (1), and using Euler, modified Euler, and Runge-Kutta. Use the expression for the energy to check the accuracy of your integration. Integrate for one-quarter of a cycle and then determine the period for a complete cycle.