Teams Medical Practice Leaflet

Community Care Development, Research and Teaching Part of the NHS Learning Network

Dr Paul Cassidy: MAMBBS MRCGP Dip AGP

Dr Caroline Hett: MB BS MRCGP Dip MedSci

Dr Mark Dornan: MBBS MRCGP Cert Med ed DFSRH

Dr Alison Heaton: MB BS MRCGP

Dr Joe Mulroy

Michelle Anderson: RGN Practice Nurse

Kerry Straughan: RGN Practice Nurse

Sarah Glister: Health Care Assistant

Lucy Thompson: Health Care Assistant

Sue Jennings, Practice Manager

Teams Medical Practice is highly patient focused and has a multidisciplinary approach to patients’ health care. We aim to deliver the best for our patients by combining the skills of the practice team with other health and social care workers in the community.

We provide modern health care facilities and focus on continually improving the health of our patients and residents of the community.

The practice is a training practice which involves training GP Registrars who are qualified doctors gaining experience in general practice.

Our core area covers the postcodes NE8 and NE11 (North of Ravensworth Castle) and we welcome new patients who live in this area. We do sometimes accept patients from outside of the core area on the basis that they would not receive home visits from the practice or out of hours care (out of hours care is still however available to patients through the 111 service).

The practice has a website at The website will provide you with information about the Practice, as well as giving you access to lots of general health information and links to other health related websites. The Practice also has a Facebook page at and a Twitter account at

How to Register as a Patient

When you apply to register with the practice you will be required to complete a registration form. You will have to come in to the practice to complete your registration.

Patient Online Access

When you register with the Practice you will automatically be asked if you want access to book appointments online and also order repeat prescriptions. You will need to complete a form and provide proof of identity to be able to do this. If you are 16 years or over and wish to have access to your full medical record, please inform Reception of this. Your request may take a couple of months to process. Please note that there may be some occasions where full access won’t be granted – if this applies to you, we will contact you directly.

Patients under the age of 12 may have access granted to their parents/guardians upon request but access to full medical records will be removed when the patient reaches the age of 12. Access to full medical records for patients between the ages of 12 and 15 will only be granted to the patient if the Practice considers them to be Gillick competent (this is based on guidance from the Royal College of Practitioners).

Practice Opening Hours

Patients should always be able to contact the practice by speaking to a receptionist in person or by phone between 8.00am and 6.00pm Monday to Friday (except Bank Holidays when the Practice is closed). The practice is closed Mondays 1:00pm – 2:00pm for staff training and development.


Appointments can be booked during the opening times shown above. Some doctor and nurse appointments are available online which can be booked at anytime (24 hours a day) but patients need to register with us first. Patients can also book appointments with us from a Mobile Telephone application once registered for online booking. We offer appointmentsup to 4 weeks in advance.Doctor appointments startat 8.10am MondaytoFriday and the last appointment on these days is generally 5.40pm (we are closed at lunchtime on Mondays 1.00pm – 2.00pm for staff training and development).

The appointments we offer are a mixture of those that can to be booked on the day and those that can be pre-booked. To make an appointment simply ring us and we will try and fit you in on the day that you ring. If possible we will also try and fit you in with the doctor you prefer. Please try to see the same doctor during the course of the same illness. Appointments with our nursing staff are offered each working day. All the doctors and nurses are happy to discuss and give medical advice on the telephone. If you feel able to discuss your problem over the phone please let the receptionist know anytime during our opening hours and they will arrange for a doctor or nurse to give you a ring back as soon as they can.

Please be punctual for your appointment. If you cannot keep your appointment, please help us by letting the Practice know as soon as possible as someone else who needs to be seen may be able to have your appointment. Routine appointments are for 10 minutes. In certain circumstances, e.g. chronic disease clinic, we offer longer appointments of 15 or 20 minutes.

The Practice has a policy that if you DNA (Do not attend) 3 appointments in a 6 month period (with any of our clinicians), you will be sent a warning letter. If you then DNA again, you will be removed from the Practice list unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Named GP

To help you get the best care it is important for you to try to see the same GP about ongoing problems. You can book online and up to 4 weeks in advance. The Practice is also trying to get any correspondence that comes into the practice sent to the GP who knows you best. We call this your ‘Named GP’. If you start seeing a different GP regularly please check with reception that your named GP is up to date on your records. Please note that it won’t always be possible for you to see your named GP about urgent problems as many GPs work part time. We also have temporary doctors and trainees in our surgery and they are unable to be your named GP.

Urgent Consultations

Urgent Consultations are usually available after discussion with the doctor.

Home Visits

Home visits are for the genuinely housebound orif you are genuinely too ill to attend the surgery. If you require a visit please telephone us before 10:30am with your request, unless an emergency arises later. Please give as much information as possible to the receptionist. This will help the doctor decide how best to deal with your problem. Please remember the doctor can see four or five patients in the surgery in the time it takes to make one house call.

Repeat Prescriptions

Repeat prescription ordering is available by calling the practice using our automated telephone line or via our practice website. You can also fill in the ‘B’ side of your previous prescription and leave it in the prescription box on the reception counter. The prescription ordering number which is AVAILABLE 24 HOURS A DAY is: 0191 460 8472.

When you place your order via the telephone line, you will be prompted to leave your name and patient identification number. To avoid waste also give the names of any medication you do not require. A member of our reception staff will contact you by phone if necessary to clarify any issues. Patients who may have difficulty using the new system should contact reception in the usual way. Remember you can also contact your local pharmacist to discuss using their ordering and delivery service.

Better still . . . . . if you, or someone you care for, use the same medicines regularly, you may be able to benefit from repeat dispensing. This means you won’t have to re-order your prescription from the surgery every month. To save time and effort please contact us for more information. Certain medications that the doctor has agreed can be issued ‘when required’ are not classed as repeat medication. These medications have to be specifically ordered when they are required. For example, inhalers or antihistamines for hay fever.

Booking an Ambulance

The practice can no longer arrange ambulance bookings for patients due to a change in national policy. To book an ambulance, please call 0191 3017687.

Disabled Access

There is access to the building without steps. There is wheelchair access into the building and into all consulting rooms. We have two disabled parking bays.

We no longer allow mobility scooters into the surgery beyond the entrance lobby. The decision is not one that was taken lightly and we have introduced the new rule on health and safety grounds. We appreciate this will make it more difficult for some users but we feel we have no alternative. Before doing so we consulted with Disability North and the local fire brigade. We have a wheelchair available for your use should you require it. All you need to do is enter the lobby and ask one of our receptionists for assistance.

Confidentiality and Access to Patient Information

Every staff member of the Practice has a duty of confidentiality to patients and the practice is registered under the Data Protection Act. In general we will not share patient information with other agencies without the express consent of the patient. There are however exceptions to this, for instance, sharing information subject to the Child Protection Act.

Summary Care Record

The Summary Care Record is an electronic record which contains information about your medication, allergies and any bad reactions to medicines you have had. It is used to support your emergency care. Giving healthcare staff access to this information can prevent mistakes being made when caring for you in an emergency or when your GP practice is closed. If you choose not to have a Summary Care Record you need to let your GP practice know by filling in and returning an opt-out form.

Change of Personal Details

Please do not forget to notify the surgery of any changes to your personal circumstances. In particular, if you change name, address and/or telephone number. This is essential to enable the practice to maintain good records and to be able to contact you if necessary.

Comments, Complaints and Suggestions

We aim to investigate complaints thoroughly and respond in a timely manner. If you are not happy with the response to a complaint you may wish to contact NHS England by calling 0300 311 22 33 or email .


Would patients please be considerate to our neighbours and park in the public car park off the bend on Askew Road West.

Practice Services/Clinics

The Practice has the following services and clinics available to patients:

Ante-Natal Care

Most of the antenatal care is provided in the antenatal clinic held on a Wednesday morning andThursday afternoons when the community midwife is present. If you think you may be pregnant or need advice on how to make sure you are fit and healthy before becoming pregnant please make an appointment with the nurse or doctor.

Anti-Coagulant Clinic

The Anti-Coagulant clinic is held for patients who take Warfarin and need regular monitoring.

Asthma/COPD Clinic

The Practice Nurse will talk to you about the service that we offer for anyone suffering from asthma.

Blood Pressure

The Practice offers appointments for patients to have their blood pressure checked.

Cervical Smears

It is recommended that most women have routine cervical smears taken every three years until they reach the age of 65. You will be notified by the Contractor Services Agency when your smear is due. Please telephone and make an appointment. Routine smears are usually taken by the Practice Nurse or occasionally by a Doctor if necessary. The Contractor Services Agency will inform you of the result of your smear. This usually takes between four and eight weeks. If you have any queries about your result, please telephone and speak to the Practice Nurse.

Diabetic Clinic

Appointment letters for patients with diabetes will be sent out every 6 and 12 months but please contact the practice nurse if you have any concerns about diabetes or your care.

Drugs and Alcohol

The Practice is happy to provide care for patients with drug and alcohol problems. We use a shared care model with specialist nurses from Gateshead Drug and Alcohol Team. If you have any problems with drugs or alcohol please discuss this with one of our doctors.

Family Planning

All doctors and our practice nurses are trained in contraceptive care and we encourage the use of contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Emergency contraception is available and is more effective the earlier it is taken after unprotected intercourse. Please contact the surgery as soon as possible for emergency contraception. It is appropriate to use the weekend service for this advice.

Healthy Heart Clinic

The Practiceoffers appointments for the management of all aspects of heart disease, including BP, cholesterol checks and general preventative advice.

Minor Surgery

Doctors at the Practice can perform certain minor surgical procedures and joint injections in the practice. Please see one of the doctors or practice nurses to arrange this.

Over 75 Check

Patients over 75 are invited to attend the Practice to see the Practice Nurse, or if housebound, are visited by either the District or Practice Nurse. An assessment of their health needs is made at this consultation, along with any tests and procedures required. Referrals to other agencies will be made if deemed necessary by the assessor.

Palliative Care

The Practice provides palliative care for patients who are terminally ill, in conjunction with our colleagues in the District Nursing and Macmillan services. The doctors have an interest in palliative care and aim to provide patients with physical, psychological and social support during terminal illness.

Physiotherapy and Podiatry

Patients can self refer to an advice line for help with foot or musculoskeletal problems. The practice receptionists provide the forms or can take your details. Thereafter patients are seen by the services in the surgery or at local hospitals.


Smoking cessation advice can be given by specially trained members of our Admin Team, who can offer nicotine replacement therapy and support counselling. Several local pharmacists also offer a smoking cessation service.

Travel and other Immunisations

The Practice offers some travel vaccinations and travel health promotion. Patients who require travel vaccinations should make an appointment with us 6-8 weeks before they are due to travel. If you require Hepatitis B vaccinations, the practice has a charging structure for this. Please ask at Reception for more information.

Patients' immunisations status is routinely reviewed and boosters given as per immunisation schedules. Influenza vaccination clinics are provided annually by the nursing team.

Well Baby Clinic

A Well Baby Clinic is held at the surgery every Tuesday between 1.30pm – 3.00pm. Please make an appointment in the Baby Clinic for immunisations. This is to help reduce the waiting time in the surgery. If parents would like their baby weighed or they would like any advice etc they can make an appointment in the Well Baby Clinic or alternatively in the Health Visitor Baby Clinic which is held between 1.30pm and 2.30pm on Friday afternoons at Tyne View Children Centre.

Other Information

District Nurses

District nurses provide many important home nursing services for patients who are unable to come to the surgery. They care for patients discharged from hospital, deal with dressings and injections and help with incontinence. Please contact through reception.

Health Visitors

The health visitors work with the community in the promotion of child and family health. The health visitor is available at the baby clinic. The health visitor also provides care for people following a heart attack. Our health visitors are based at the Teams Family Centre phone 0191 477 3940.

Mental Health Nurses

Mental health nurses are attached to our practice for help and advice with mental health problems. Appointments are usually made following a consultation with a doctor.

Community Midwife

Community midwives are available for advice concerning pregnancy and the early weeks after childbirth. They run the antenatal clinics on a Thursday.

As a practice what we expect from you as a patient:

  • That you are on time for your appointment.
  • That if circumstances prevent you attending for your appointment, you notify the reception office as soon as possible.
  • GP's and staff are treated with respect (Teams Medical Practice operate a *Zero Tolerance Policy regarding violent or abusive behaviour. The Government is determined to ensure that staff who spend their lives caring for others are not rewarded with intimidation and violence).
  • You advise the receptionist of any change of address/telephone numbers.
  • You work in partnership with your GP/practice nurse/health care professional to achieve the best possible use of the services provided by the surgery.

As a patient with the practice what you should expect from us: