December 2014

Dear Friend of Young Life,

You are receiving this letter because you have been a volunteer, supporter, prayer warrior, present or past leader, event attendee or all the above! For that we would truly like to thank you for your involvement in helping to open the door of faith in Christ to teens with disabilities in the Greater Seattle area.

I’d love for you to meet Alyce, one of those teens. Alyce is a sweet girl who had visited our Shoreline club a few times, but started to attend regularly last year. She was invited to go to Young Life’s beautiful Malibu Club camp last summer, her first camp away from her parents, and she had the time of her life!

Alyce was born with cerebral palsy and doesn’t walk; she spends most of her waking moments sitting in her wheelchair. However, that did not stop her from making the most of her time at Malibu Club in Canada! She was right there with everyone else at camp, dancing, singing, riding the big swing, participating in the games, and zooming down the zipline (one of the few in our group who did!).

One of the week’s most amazing moments happened at the ropes course. Alyce was willing to try this new and challenging activity; however, her lack of mobility would make it impossible for her to do it on her own. So James, one of our leaders, and Jim, a leader from another group, put Alyce on their backs and carried her through the ropes course! The course included going up a rope ladder, across a log bridge, and down off a platform to be suspended in mid-air from a cable. At the end of her exciting journey through all of this, Alyce broke down in joyful tears of exhaustion and disbelief over what she had just accomplished. Everyone who had watched what she did surrounded her with hugs and congratulations! One of our leaders reflected, “I know I’ll never see a more powerful example of Jesus using our hands to serve His children and our closest friends.”

After camp, Alyce’s mom said she saw a total change; Alyce went from standing back and not participating to diving in and enjoying herself. When she left for camp, Alyce carried with her some of her family’s stresses, which stemmed from her mom’s back injury and recent surgery. But when she returned home, she was refreshed, excited and happy; she couldn’t wait for club to start up again in the fall! At camp she was able to leave her worries, as well as her disability, behind and have a chance to just be a kid. She participated in fun and crazy activities, developed friendships with the other girls at camp, and confided in and grew closer to her Young Life leaders. She also expressed a deeper interest in learning more about Jesus and His role in her life.

Alyce took several photos and videos at camp, which she still looks at from time to time today. Looking at them always makes her smile and laugh. You can tell that Alyce made some wonderful memories at Young Life camp last summer.

I’m writing today with a sincere request on behalf of Alyce and kids like her in the Greater Seattle area. Would you please make a recurring or year-end gift to Young Life Capernaum? We want to reach more teens with disabilities, like Alyce, and give them the opportunity to experience life as many kids do — taking part in fun activities, clubs and camps; developing close, long-lasting friendships with peers and mentors; and making wonderful memories to last a lifetime. But more importantly, we want to give them the opportunity to hear and experience God’s love and develop a relationship with Him for eternity. Your financial support will truly go a long way in making all of this happen.

Thank you for considering this request. We so appreciate your support, whether through your prayers or your gifts of time or resources.

May you and your loved ones experience a beautiful Christmas season, from all of us at Young Life Capernaum Greater Seattle!

Blaine C. Clyde Area Director

P.S. Your generous donation will help us continue to serve kids from five Seattle area high schools, as well as work with local churches to develop their own community groups for our young adult friends with disabilities.

You can send a gift with the enclosed card and envelope, or feel free to give electronically through our website: . If your employer offers a matching gifts program, your tax-deductible gift can go even farther in making a difference in the lives of kids with disabilities. Thank you!