Minutes of Clubs and Societies Committee Committee meeting held 30/7/2012

University of Melbourne Student Union

Minutes of the Clubs & Societies Committee

Meeting 12/12


4:15 PM, 30/07/2012

Location: OB Meeting Space, 1st Floor Union House


1.  Procedural Matters

1.1.  Election of Chair

1.2.  Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners

1.3.  Attendance

1.4.  Apologies (Patrick Clearwater, Erin Morton)

1.5.  Proxies

1.6.  Membership

1.7.  Adoption of Agenda

2.  Confirmation of Previous Minutes

2.1.  21/6/2012

2.2.  17/7/2012

3.  Matters Arising from the Minutes

3.1.  Income Tax

3.2.  Regulations

3.2.1.  Recommended to Students Council 21/6

3.2.2.  Recommended to Students Council 17/7

3.2.3.  Small Clubs / Increase (decrease) Expression of Interest

3.3.  Orientation 2013

3.4.  Vet Werribee

3.5.  Mailboxes

3.6.  CPG Financial and Governance Issues (Formal Request for Documents)

3.7.  Advice to Students Council regarding payments to clubs

3.8.  Malaysians of Melbourne University Grant Appeal

3.9.  Website Projects

3.9.1.  Grants

3.9.2.  Online Club Management

3.10. C&S Cuddle Party

3.11. TEDx Elections

4.  Reports

4.1.  Officers

4.2.  Committee

5.  Petition to Discipline

5.1.  Vision Generation

6.  Correspondence

6.1.  MUSEX Grant Rejection Appeal

6.2.  Juggling Club Grant Rejection Appeal

6.3.  Youth Charity Society Complaint

6.4.  ASOC Publicity Concern

6.5.  UoM Charity Talent Show Advertising

6.6.  COSDU Name Change

7.  Grants

7.1.  Standard & Semesterly

7.2.  Grants For Discussion

8.  New Clubs

8.1.  Payments for Bank Account Submission (03 60 605 3839) due 27/7/2012  Animal Appreciation Society  Cantonese Students Association

9.  Payment to SmallPrint ($65 from 03 60 605 3161)

10.  Meeting Schedule

11.  Other Business

11.1. Misc Democrifail

12.  Next Meeting (time, date)

13.  Close

Meeting opened at: 4:22 PM, by Quinn Oakley

Agenda Item 1: Procedural Matters

1.1  Election of Chair

Motion 1: That Quinn Oakley be elected as Chair

Moved: Tom Walker Seconded: Yitong Wang


1.2  Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners

So Acknowledged

1.3  Attendance

C&S Officers: Steph Field, Quinn Oakley

C&S Committee: Tom Walker, Melinda Keys, Yitong Wang, Chris Heath, Cassie Lutzko

C&S Administrator: Fiona Sanders

Other: Marie Kelly



1.4  Apologies

Erin Morton, Patrick Clearwater

1.5  Proxies


1.6  Membership

No Change

1.7  Adoption of Agenda

Motion 2: That the agenda be adopted with the addition of “Misc Democrifail” to Other Business

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 2: Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Motion 3: That the previous minutes (21/6/12 and 17/7/12) be accepted en bloc with the corrections to 17/7/12 as follows:

Section 3.10 – Correct spelling of “Lewis” to “Louis”

Motion 58 – List Patrick Clearwater as abstaining, result is still carried

Motion 55 – List Chris Heath as abstaining , result is still carried

Section 3.1 – Change “…Chris Heath admits…” to “… Chris Heath reveals…”

Moved: Tom Walker Seconded: Yitong Wang


Agenda Item 3: Matters Arising from the Minutes

3.1 Income Tax

No Progress to report

3.2 Regulations

3.2.1 Recommended to Students Council 21/6

Sent to Mark Kettle and Justin for approval and circulation in absence of Saaaaahm calling a Students Council Meeting

3.2.2 Recommended to Students Council 17/7

Sent to Mark Kettle and Justin for approval and circulation in absence of Saaaaahm calling a Students Council Meeting

3.2.3 Small Clubs/Increase (decrease) in Expressions of Interest

There was discussion of what would be available to small clubs regarding funding, rooms ect.

Action: Email the full committee for a better discussion

3.3 Orientation 2013

No action yet

3.4 Vet Werribee

Action: Steph Field to advise the club of the Week 7 constitutional deadline

3.5 Mailboxes

Heard Nothing as yet

Action: Fiona Sanders to investigate a stacker

Cassie Lutzko arrives 4:35 PM

3.6 CPG Financial Governance Issues (Formal Request for Documents)

3.7 Advice to Students Council regarding payments to clubs

No action as Saaaahm has failed to call a Students Council

3.8 Malaysians of Melbourne Uni Grant Appeal

They told us the date was changed due to rain, but correspondence reveals that it was changed in O’Week (a week before the event).

The Committee upholds its previous decision to reject the payment.

3.9 Website Projects

3.9.1 Grants

No Action

3.9.2 Online Club Management

No Action

3.10 C&S Cuddle Party

Suit Up and bring people

ACTION: Put a reminder in the Bulletin

Motion 5: To Approve up to $1200 from the Special Projects budget line to pay for Catering.

Moved: Tom Walker Seconded: Cassie Lutzko


3.11 TEDx Elections

Fiona Sanders has met with the Club and informed them they cannot carry out unofficial elections for Secretary and that they should elect their General Committee as well

Club Invited to review their own Constitution, particularly the committee structure.

Action: Someone will attend their SGM, Fiona Sanders to advise

Agenda Item 4: Reports

5.1 Officers

Written Report was submitted covering the activities of the Officers over the past three weeks.

Motion 5: To accept the OB Report

Moved: Tom Walker Seconded: Marie Kelly


5.2 Committee

Yitong Wang translated the Ming Fa Foods contract

Tom Walker did some filing

Agenda Item 5: Petitions to Discipline

Motion 6: To suspend the grants of Vision Generation, due to the failure to open a bank account and provide account details to the C&S department, which is a breach of Regulation 4.4.3 and 6.1.a

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 6: Correspondence

6.1 MUSEX Grant Rejection Appeal

Committee holds that the rejection stands

6.2 Juggling Club Grant Rejection Appeal

Motion 7: To recind the previous rejection (Motion 48 from 17/7/2012) and approve the Functions Grant for the Juggling Club.

Moved: Steph Field Seconded: Melinda Keys


6.3 Youth Charity Society Complaint

Tom Walker or Patrick Clearwater to attend AGM

Action: Advise the anonymous complainant of the University’s Grievance Policy

Patrick Clearwater arrives at 5:23 PM

6.4 ASOC Publicity Concern

Action: Write to ASOC that they should use the correct logo

6.5 UoM Charity Talent Show advertising

Action: Send out 100 words in bulletin

6.6 COSDU Name Change

Motion 8: To approve the name change for “Catholic Overseas Students Down Under” to “Catholics of One Spirit Down Under”

Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Chris Heath


Agenda Item 7: Grants

7.1 Standard

Motion 9: To approve all standard and semesterly grants en bloc.

Moved: Tom Walker Seconded: Chris Heath


7.2 For discussion

Motion 10: To reject all late Promotional Period Grants en bloc. This encompasses the Promotional Grants of the Arts Students Society, Japanese Club, Melbourne School of Land and Environments Club, Korean Students Society, Christian Union, Scandinavian Club and the grants on the 25/7 and 1/8 for the Political Interest Society.

Moved: Chair

CARRIED, Chris Heath Abstains

Motion 11: To approve the joint funding application, off-campus exemption and the grant for Japanese Club and Weekly Watchers of Wonderful Anime

Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Melinda Keys


Motion 12: To grant the Off-Campus exemption and approve the Postgrad Environment Network Function Grant.

Moved: Chair


Motion 13: To approve the Psychology Association grant conditional on the alcohol plan, food plan and grounds booking being supplied before the event date.

Moved: Chair


Motion 14: To approve the Science Student Society grant conditional on the grounds booking being supplied before the event date.

Moved: Chair


Motion 15: To approve the Science Student Society conditional on the Certificate of Currency being provided before the application for payment.

Moved: Chair


Motion 16: To approve the Adventist Students On Campus grant for T-Shirts conditional on a larger readable and acceptable design being submitted before the date of purchase.

Moved: Chair


The Chinese Debating Group grant was deferred due to no forms having been submitted yet for the camp.

Action: Write to them concerning their AGM

Motion 17: To approve the International Vietnamese Students at the University of Melbourne grant for a camp.

Moved: Chris Heath Seconded: Cassie Lutzko


Motion 18: To approve the Melbourne International relations Society Functions and Purchases (Events and Hiring) grants and the off-campus exemption, and to approve the grant for a banner conditional on an acceptable design being supplied before the date of purchase.

Moved: Chair

CARRIED, Yitong Wang abstaining

Motion 19: To approve the Next Entrepreneurs grants for flyers and business cards conditional on an acceptable design being provided before the date of printing

Moved: Chair


Motion 20: To approve Political Interest Society grant for printing conditional on an acceptable design being supplied before the date of printing

Moved: Chair

CARRIED, Chris Heath and Cassie Lutzko abstaining

Motion 21: To approve the Political Interest Society semesterly grant (after 8/8 inclusive) conditional on Certificate of Currency being supplied before the application for payment.

Moved: Chair

CARRIED, Chris Heath abstaining

Motion 22: To approve the Queers in Engineering Science and Technology grant for printing conditional on the correct “affiliated to” logo being used in the design that is supplied before the printing date and to approve the Functions grant conditional the alcohol paperwork scans and grounds booking being supplied before the event date

Moved: Chair


Motion 23: To approve the Society for Electronic Entertainment grant and off-campus exemption conditional on the certificate of currency being supplied prior to the Application for Payment

Moved: Chair


Motion 25: To reject the Student Life (Disciplemakers) grant for a Function on 26/7 and to approve their Promotional Grant on 20/7 and their Functions Grant on 27/7 and 28/7

Moved: Tom Walker Seconded: Patrick Clearwater


Fiona Sanders, Melinda Keys and Tom Walker depart at 5:55 PM

Patrick Clearwater begins taking minutes

Motion 26: To approve the Universe (Campus Ministries) Functions Grant and to approve the Purchases & Hiring (Events) grant conditional on an Off Campus Activities Form being supplied before the event date and on a certificate of currency being provided before the application for payment.

Moved: Chair


Motion 27: To approve the Youth Charity Society grant conditional on a grounds booking being supplied before the event date.

Moved: Chair


Motion 28: To approve the Habitat for Humanity grant conditional on printing being supplied before 13/8.

Moved: Chris Heath Seconded: Yitong Wang


Agenda Item 8: New Clubs

8.1 Payments for Bank Account Submission (03 60 605 3839) due 27/7/2012 Animal Appreciation Society Cantonese Student Association

Motion 29: To approve the start-up grants ($100 each) payments to the Animal Appreciation Society and the Cantonese Students Association ‘en bloc’ from budget line 03 60 605 3839.

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 9: Payment to SmallPrint ($65 from 03 60 605 3161)

Motion 30: To approve payment of $65 from budget line 03 60 605 3161 to SmallPrint

Moved: Chris Heath Seconded: Cassie Lutzko


Agenda Item 10: Meeting

OB’s to add Patrick’s availability and Yitong’s amendments and circulate

Agenda Item 11: Other Business

11.1 Democrifail

The Thai Club has had some democracy failure. They have organised an AGM.

No Action

Agenda Item 12: Next Meeting TBC

Agenda Item 13: Close

Quinn Oakley declares the meeting closed at 6:10PM

Certified by Chair:

Signed: Dated:

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