Women’s Energy Network of South Louisiana

Sponsorship Opportunities

2015 WEN-SLA Sponsorship Categories

1) Platinum Sponsors $10,000 Annual Commitment

·  For 12 months, the sponsor has full recognition at all WEN-SLA events listed herein

·  Five company representatives will each receive 1 free WEN-SLA membership for 12 months (a $375 value)

·  Two qualified company representative will receive 1 free WEN-SLA Executive membership for 12 months (a $500 value).

·  Two (2) free attendances at the four executive level events (an $280 value)

·  Two (2) free WEN-SLA Luncheon attendances per month (an $850 value)

·  For 12 months, the sponsor's company logo will appear in electronic mail-outs

·  For 12 months, the sponsor’s name will receive credit at WEN-SLA events listed herein and at the four executive level events with verbal recognition

·  For 12 months, the sponsor’s logo will appear in event programs and on meeting boards at the registration table at WEN-SLA events

·  For 12 months, the sponsor will receive recognition on the WEN-SLA website with inclusion of the company logo on the website and link to sponsor home page

·  For 12 months, the sponsor shall have priority for WEN-SLA lunch meeting attendance, with the right to reserve an entire table with paid attendance for attendees

·  For 12 months, the sponsor may exhibit signage and promotional items before and after a WENSLA lunch program at a 6’ skirted table provided by WEN-SLA

·  The sponsor will also be eligible to host a WEN-SLA event at their company location, and will plan this event in conjunction with their WEN-SLA single point of contact

·  A WEN-SLA single point of contact for the sponsor, which shall be the WEN-SLA President-Elect for the year of the sponsorship

2) Gold Sponsors $5,000 Annual Commitment

·  Two company representatives will receive a free WEN membership

·  Invitation to executive member events, which are by invitation only

·  2 free WEN-SLA Luncheon attendances per month

·  The sponsor's company logo will appear in electronic mail-outs

·  The sponsor's name will receive credit at WEN-SLA events with verbal recognition

·  The sponsor’s logo will appear in event programs and on meeting boards at the registration table at WEN-SLA events

·  The sponsor will receive recognition on the WEN-SLA website with inclusion of the company logo on the website and link to sponsor home page

·  The sponsor shall have priority for WEN-SLA lunch meeting attendance, with the right to reserve an entire table with paid attendance for attendees

·  The sponsor may exhibit signage and promotional items before and after a WEN-SLA lunch program at a 6’ skirted table provided by WEN

3) Silver Sponsors $2,500 Annual Commitment

·  1 free WEN-SLA Luncheon attendances per month

·  The sponsor's company logo will appear in electronic mail-outs

·  The sponsor's name will receive credit at WEN-SLA events with verbal recognition

·  The sponsor’s logo will appear in event programs and on sponsor boards at the registration table at WEN-SLA events

·  The sponsor will receive recognition on the WEN-SLA website with inclusion of the company logo on the website and link to sponsor home page

·  The sponsor may exhibit signage and promotional items before and after a WEN-SLA lunch program at a 6’ skirted table provided by WEN

4) Bronze Sponsors $1,000 Annual Commitment

·  The sponsor's company logo will appear in electronic mail-outs

·  The sponsor's name will receive credit at WEN-SLA events with verbal recognition

·  The sponsor’s logo will appear in event programs and on meeting boards at the registration table of the WEN-SLA events

·  The sponsor will receive recognition on the WEN-SLA website with inclusion of the company logo on the website and link to sponsor home page

5) Dinner Panel Event Sponsorship: $2,500 Gold Sponsor; $1,200 Table Sponsor

·  Includes a table of eight (8) that will have reserved, priority seating. (Gold includes 2 tables)

·  Company name and logo will be displayed during Happy Hour/Silent Auction (Gold only)

·  Company logo displayed on all publications and announcements (Gold only)

·  Company Logo displayed at table

·  Company logo displayed on invitations

·  Special recognition at the event

6) Individual Event Sponsor $500 One-Time Commitment

·  Two (2) free attendances at the Sponsored Event. For the sponsored event, the sponsor's name will appear in all applicable electronic mail-outs

·  For the sponsored event, the sponsor’s name will receive credit at the event with verbal recognition

·  For the sponsored event, the sponsor’s logo will appear in event programs. The sponsor will receive recognition on the WEN-SLA website as an individual event sponsor with inclusion of the company logo on the website and link to sponsor home page

·  For the sponsored event, the sponsor may exhibit signage and promotional items before and after a WEN-SLA lunch program at a 6’ skirted table provided by WEN

·  Events included in this sponsorship level are the WEN-SLA Monthly Luncheons, Happy Hours, and Holiday Tea

Sponsorship Benefits:

1) Corporate Visibility

WEN-SLA sponsorship will provide you with direct exposure to professionals in the energy industry. Board members and executive tier members attend our programs.

2) Corporate Recognition

Your company sponsorship will be recognized in a weekly email blast distributed to WEN members and others in South Louisiana, North Texas, Atlanta, and Washingon, D.C.

3) Corporate Priority Distribution

You will receive an email invitation before each WEN-SLA program for your use and distribution.

4) Corporate Website Promotion

Your company's logo will be displayed on a sponsorship page on the WEN-SLA website and your website can be linked to the sponsorship page. Sponsorship will be recognized based on your level of participation. The WEN website received approximately 20,000 hits in the first eight months of 2010.

5) Corporate PR at the Event(s)

You will receive additional thanks and visibility from the moderator of programs for WEN-SLA (each luncheon, membership drive event, and Happy Hour events) in recognition of your sponsorship during the program to increase your company's awareness among the attendees.

6) Corporate Awareness on Materials

Your company's support will be recognized in any WEN-SLA event programs and on a poster placed near the registration table (Monthly Luncheons, Membership-Drive event, and Happy Hour events).

7) Corporate Complimentary Attendance

Depending on the Sponsorship Level commitment, sponsor may receive complimentary admission that can be used and shared within the company for attendance at WEN-SLA events.

8) Corporate Client Education

Depending on the Sponsorship Level commitment, sponsor may register non-WEN members for complimentary admission at WEN-SLA events.

The Women’s Energy Network of South Louisiana is a 501(c)(6) Non-Profit Association. Contributions to WEN are not deductible as charitable contributions, but may be deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense.