
Lab 5BConnective Tissue, Muscle Tissue, Nerve Tissue

Purpose: To familiarize the student with the connective tissues of the body.


Connective tissues of the body can be classified as connective tissue proper, cartilage, and bone, blood and lymph Connective tissue proper is characterized by cells and fibers embedded in a soft amorphous ground substance. The components of connective tissue proper, as in other types of connective tissue, are cells, fibers, and ground substance. The cells are not close together as in epithelium, but they are spread out. The ground substance consists of a variety of mucopolysaccharides such as chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid in combination with protein. Connective tissues are usually found between other tissue types, holding them together. Don't rely on colors for identification because they may change from slide to slide. Use your lecture notes and online lecture presentation to help you with this exercise.

Performance Objectives:

1. At the end of this lab exercise the student should be able to identify the following types of connective tissue.

2. Describe the function (s) of the tissues identified.

Identify the following types of connective tissue:

1. Connective tissue Proper- fibers are the predominant feature

A. loose connective tissue

1. areolar spread: fibroblasts, collagen fibers, elastic fibers

2. adipose: adipocytes

3. Functions (s) ______

B. dense connective tissue

1. dense regular (tendon) = white fibrous

2. Functions (s) ______

2. Other connective tissues

A. hyaline cartilage: matrix, chondrocytes, lacunae. Draw a picture or describe what you see below.

1. Functions (s) ______

B. elastic cartilage

1. Functions (s) ______

C. bone, ground (cross section) Draw a picture or describe what you see below.

1. Functions (s) ______

D. blood: identify white and red blood cells. The specific red and white blood cells will be identified in a future lab.

Muscle Tissue

1. Study a slide of muscle tissue and be able to identify the three types of muscle tissue. Draw a picture or describe what you see below. Describe the differences between the three muscle types that help you in the identification.

Nerve Tissue

1. Study a slide of nerve tissue and be able to identify neurons. Draw a picture or describe what you see below.


Wayne 2015 Define or describe all the terms that have a solid or dashed line next to them! Answer all questions