Date & Address Block

Dear Senator,

As you consider this year’s challenging budget decisions, we urge you to support LB318 as it will keep community development efforts strong and provide an economic base for communities at a time when they need it most.

Since 1969 the Nebraska Legislature has recognized the importance of standardizing the delivery efforts of all levels of government in the implementation of planning and development assistance to local governments through a regional planning body.

Under Neb. Rev. Stat. 13-1904, Development Districts were specifically formed to serve as a regional resource center and provide planning, community and economic development, and technical assistance to local governments which are members of the district and may provide assistance to industrial development organizations, tourism promotion organizations, community development groups, and similar organizations upon request. Neb. Rev. Stat.13-1905 through 13-1907 allow direct funding to be provided to Development Districts from the State.

Historically, the Nebraska Department of Economic Development (DED) recognizes the importance of the Development Districts as certified professionals that have experience in implementing programs and projects and are the frontline personnel in the communities they serve.

Providing $500,000 in funding through LB318 would create a partnership with DED that would be mutually beneficial for all entities and best meets the needs of Nebraska. It allows everyone to maximize the limited resources of all for a more effective outcome.

Since 2004 the Northeast Nebraska Economic Development District (NENEDD) has assisted its member communities with projects such as housing, street improvements, water and sanitary sewer improvements, libraries, fire halls, housing studies, comprehensive plans, pre-engineering studies, community strategic planning and direct financing to businesses. During this time period over $70.5 million in grants and loans were brought into NENEDD’s 17-county region resulting in the creation and/or retention of over 3,500 full-time equivalent jobs. These projects are very important to the viability and growth of our communities.

(For our community, XXX, we have experienced first hand the benefit of the Development Districts through project, XXX.) Based on estimates we have come up with, our Economic Development District would receive approximately $77,514.00 in funding,

We encourage and request your support of LB318 as an effective use and investment for the communities in Nebraska. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you might have.


John Doe


City of Cornhuskers