Mat-Su Career and Tech.High School


Course Outline



  1. Explain society’s need for a system of order, maintenance, and detail the role of law within that system.
  2. Identify the structure and roles of police organization and management.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of policing issues, challenges, and legal aspects.
  4. Exhibit knowledge of the court structure and participates.
  5. Explain the concept of the dual-court system in America.
  6. Identify some of the differences between the state and federal court systems.
  7. Explain the nature and purpose of the pretrial activities and criminal trial.
  8. Identify the various components of the corrections system.
  9. Compare and contrast probation and parole.
  10. Discuss the major characteristics and purpose of today’s prisons.
  11. Investigate careers in law, public safety and security.
  12. Identify occupation specific skills, aptitudes, attitudes and personal skills.


Justice 1 provides a comprehensive approach to the study of employment opportunities in the criminal justice system. The court, police, and correction systems will be covered in depth. Representative speakers for local, state, and federal agencies will present employment information for students including duties and a perspective from occupational experience. Various field trips will bring reality to the criminal justice system. This course of study is recommended for students interested in careers in law enforcement, legal, public, or military service.


Criminal Justice Today: An introductory Text for the 21st Century

Books will be checked out to students the first week of class. Must have a book cover!


  1. Backpacks are discouraged -not a lot of space.
  2. Cell phones and Ipods are not allowed (district policy)

C.Behavior during tests. – Students will be arranged by teacher for their test position.

No talking is allowed during a test.

D. Respect others, yourself, and school property

E. Be the best person you can be each day


1. Supplies – Students will need a three ring binder along with at least 12 dividers to keep their

notebook organized. This will be expected in class each day along with paper

and a pen / pencil.

2. Tardies: (coming into class following the bell without an excused pass)

#1 = Warning and documentation

#2 = Call home to parent

#3 = Office for detention assignment

If it remains a problem, suspension will be applied.

3. Hall Passes: Students will receive two restroom slips per quarter. Unused slips can be used

for 10 points (each pass) extra credit. Don’t loose your passes, they won’t be


  1. Classroom management includes:
  1. Student is given verbal warning.
  1. Student will be held after class.
  2. Communication will be made with parents
  3. Removal from class to the Principal’s Office

5.Parent involvement and support is greatly appreciated. Please contact me at anytime

with any questions or concerns. My door is always open.


1.Late Papers – Assignments will be given full credit only if turned in by the due date. Any late work will receive a -10% each day it is turned in late up to 5 class days. After the five days, it will no longer be accepted.

2.Make-up work – Students are responsible to get make-up assignments from teacher and hand them in on time. Paperwork missed is filed in classroom for student to pick up upon return.

3. Homework – Within this class we will be referring to the text on a weekly basis. For each chapter there will be at least one homework assignment along with a test. When homework is assigned, it will be an expectation to be turned in by the date due.


A = 90%-100%





Grades are calculated by point value. Assignments with a higher value (Tests / Projects) will have a larger point value. Class participation will be self graded at least once a week (5 points each week). If students are absent when this score is given, it will be a 0 and can’t be made up. This is not a large portion of the grade so a few absences will not be detrimental to your grade.

Mrs. Thiede 352-0422 or


Please detach this portion and return it with parent/guardian signature. This is our first assignment worth 20 points. Points will be deducted 10% for each day late after Monday, August 24th.

I have read the above information and understand what is expected of me in this classroom.

Student Signature______Period ______

Name Printed ______Date______

Parent Signature ______Date______

Name Printed ______

Your student’s success is a shared responsibility among all of us. The more involved parents can be with their students’ education, the more achievement can be observed. Please contact me (Mrs. Thiede) at 352-0422 or . If I am not available, please leave a message and I will return your call or message as soon as possible.

Best phone # to contact you ______

Email address ______

Parents or Student: Optional but valuable

Please provide any information (health, vacations, living arrangements, disabilities, hobbies…) that may help me better teach and understand your child better.


Students: (required in order to receive full credit)

Why did you choose to take this course? What area in our justice system particularly interests you?


“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”

- Henry David Thoreau

“If you weren’t the person you wanted to be

yesterday, then be the person you want to be today”

- Author Unknown