Application for Regional Representative

The Grant Professionals Association (GPA) will entertain applications for the volunteer position of Regional Representative from members with these qualifications:

Be an active member of GPA; a minimum of two years preferred

Be a member of a chapter; experience in chapter leadership preferred

Have a minimum of three years’ experience in the grants profession

Consistently demonstrate a commitment to uphold and promote the GPA Code of Ethics and appropriate codes of professional behavior

Commit to fulfill the responsibilities of the Regional Representative position

Possess the flexibility to travel within the assigned region, as needed

Have experience in bringing together and working with people of diverse backgrounds and experiences

Demonstrates excellent presentation and communication skills

GPA is organization into eight regions. For practical purposes, Regional Representatives will likely represent a region in which they live or work; however, that is not a requirement. The eight regions include the following. Please indicate the region in which you live or work as indicated below.

Region 1: Alaska, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Washington / Region 5: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont
Region 2: Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming / Region 6: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington DC, West Virginia
Region 3: Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin / Region 7: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee
Region 4: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio / Region 8: Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas

Contact Information

City, State, Zip:
Telephone: / Email:
GPA Member Since:

I am interested in serving as a Regional representative for Region ____.

Application Narrative Instructions

Please respond briefly to the following two sets of criteria. Please append any attachments at the end of the document and submit your application as a single PDF file to the address listed below.

Professional History and Background

1.Indicate your professional qualifications, highlighting your experience in the grants field, educational background, and professional memberships, if any. Attach a copy of your most recent resume.

2.Summarize your involvement with membership associations, including GPA. Include examples of volunteer work and leadership positions held.

3.Provide examples highlighting your experience with the following:

Managing meetings and groups

Bringing together and working with people of diverse backgrounds and experiences

Communicating and presenting at meetings or workshops

Marketing and public relations

Leadership and peer-to-peer support

Chapter Support and Development Questions

1.Describe your current efforts with your local GPA chapter.

2.Why would you like to serve as a Regional Representative?

3.What are some of the challenges facing the grant professionals community in your Region? How can and does a GPA chapter assist with these challenges?

4.What is your plan for developing chapters and/or assisting existing chapters to grow and develop? Please provide specifics, including any plans for travel, meetings, and working with chapter leadership.


I,______, certify that the information submitted with this application is true and that I am a member in good standing of the Grant Professionals Association. I also certify that I will uphold and promote the GPA Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Practice. I am willing and able to serve as a regional representative and accept the responsibilities of this position.

Name (print or type):

Signature: Date:

Regional Representatives Application, April 2017Page 1


Submit an electronic copy of application and attachments as a single document to

Regional Representatives Application, April 2017Page 1