Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

6th May 2013 in the Village Hall

Present: Cllr. B. Tyler (Chairman), Cllrs. L. Parker, T. Stellmacher, A. Murdock and H. Ingram. Mrs. N. Clarke

  1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr. I. Luscombe

2.Minutes of Previous Meeting

Had been circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.

  1. Matters Arising from the Minutes

Discussions with Western Power Distribution have so far failed to clarify the situation regarding the costs involved in replacing the street light at no. 5 Broadgate. Two invoices have been received (£620.20 and £715.57) but no relevant work has been apparent on site. The Clerk will discuss the matter further with their Kettering office. Meanwhile all wooden poles will be examined by Cllrs annually and repairs carried out as necessary.

The fly-tipping at Gatehouse Lane has been cleared by H.D.C.

The Parish Notice Board has been refurbished at a cost of £105.

It remains the H.D.C.'s intention to abandon the red lines drawn around most villages indicating the limits of development and impose a single generic policy for the assessment of planning applications. This policy is in an early stage of development and has still to be examined by an independent inspector.

The overgrowth in Hollands Lane has been reported to Highways who have promised to inspect the area and report back.

The bus company responsible for damaging the High Street triangle has been contacted by the Chairman. They were apologetic and promised that their drivers will be instructed to be more careful in future.

  1. Casual Vacancy

Cllr T. Stellmacher has resigned as Councillor with effect from 7th May 2013 and the appropriate casual vacancy notice has been displayed on the village notice board since 23rd April 2013. Since there has, to date, been no request for an election, the council will co-opt a person to fill the vacancy as soon as practicable.

5.Planning Developments

Cllr Parker thanked all the councillors for each completing the extensive questionnaire from H.D.C. and thereby providing a coordinated response to the new Local Plan.

6.Financial Matters

The precept for 2013/4 has been approved and a first payment of £3000 has been forwarded to the P.C.'s bank.

A quotation of £243.80 has been received from Zurich Municipal for annual insurance cover from June 1st 2013 and will be accepted. The cost last year was £225.

David Gibley has provided a summary of the extensive Youth Club's activities during 2012/13 and has requested £400 from the P.C. in order to continue providing the same service. It was agreed that, in view of the obviously enthusiastic people involved and the number of regular young folk participating on a weekly basis, the P.C. would contribute to the funding as requested.

Cheques for signature:

100906Jack Burrows (Notice Board repairs) £105.00

100907Youth Club funding £400.00

100909Zurich Municipal Insurance £342.80

7.Police, Community and Heritage Matters

Councillor H. Ingram reported that she had not recently received the local police crime sheets and will investigate.

8.Arboreal Matters

The trees in the Caldecott Road cemetery have now been pollarded and an invoice is expected shortly.

  1. Annual Peregrination

This year's village peregrination will take place on 24th June 2013 at 6pm.


The three village charities have reported their activities as follows:

a) Valentine Goodman (Trustee Mrs V. McKeggie) 27 payments of £30 to residents of Bringhurst, Drayton and Great Easton.

b) Mould Charity (Trustee Mrs S. Kingston) £143 in bank, £3 income this year. Proceeding to wind up charity.

c) Poore's Charity (Trustees Mr B. Tyler and Mrs E. Band) £315 distributed between 12 elderly residents.

A letter has been received from Bringhurst P.T.A. thanking the P.C. for its donation towards the Buy a Brick campaign. Some £3,500 has been raised towards equipping the new classrooms.

A proposal by the Village Hall and Playing Field Committees to have joint insurance is being investigated by professionals.

Finally the Chairman and Councillors thanked Tony Stellmacher on his retirement for his outstanding contribution to the work of the P.C. over the last 12 years and especially his many years as Responsible Finance Officer. He will be a hard act to follow.

Date of Next Meeting:

June 3rd 2013 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall.

D. G. Douche
