
Taiwanese (1) golfer Yani Tseng won the RICOH Women’s British Open on the first day of August and became the first successful defending (2) in this tournament in nearly a decade.

It was Tseng’s second win in a major this year, and the 22-year-old has become the youngest professional golfer, man or woman, (3) five majors.

“I feel so good,” said a (4) Tseng. “This is a great place to win my second British Open because there is so (5) history attached to the course. I startedout (6) a little bit nervous, but it was much easier than last year. I knew I could trust myself.”

Golf has always been part of life for Tseng, the daughter of a club pro father and a caddie mother. “I’ve played golf (7) I was five and just love it,” Tseng said. “I would always go to the driving range after school. My parents are good golfers and love it too. (8) it was a family sport.”

“When I was a rookie, there was not much pressure. But when I started playing better, I knew I could win tournaments and felt (9) pressure. But I just use that pressure (10) motivation and use it to push myself to get better and keep working harder.”

( ) 1.(A) profess(B) profession (C) professionally (D) professional

( ) 2.(A) character(B) champion (C) circle (D) challenge

( ) 3.(A) win(B) wins (C) to win (D) to winning

( ) 4.(A) smiling (B) smile (C) smiles (D) smiled

( ) 5.(A) many (B) much (C) little (D) few

( ) 6.(A) feeling (B) feel (C) felt (D) feels

( ) 7.(A) when (B) since (C) as (D) for

( ) 8.(A) So (B) But (C) Although (D) Then

( ) 9.(A) a few (B) few (C) a little (D) little

( ) 10.(A) on (B) in (C) at (D) as

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1.professional [prD'fGNDn9] adj. 職業的
2.golfer ['gAlfQ]n.高爾夫選手
3.defending champion衛冕者
4.tournament ['t"nDmDnt]n.錦標賽
5.decade ['dGked]n.十年
6.major ['medIQ] n.重要大賽
7.attach [D't$tN] v.聯結 / 8.course [kors] n.(高爾夫)球場
9. start out開始
10.pro=professional n.職業選手
11.caddie ['k$d0] n.桿弟
12.driving range高爾夫練習場
13.rookie ['r7k0]n.菜鳥
14.motivation [`motD'veNDn] n.動力

1.This is a great place to win my second British Open because there is so much history attached to the course.

→to win my second British Open為形容詞片語,修飾place。

→(which is) attached to the course是限定形容詞子句,修飾history。

2.Golf has always been part of life for Tseng, the daughter of a club pro father and a caddie mother.

→(who is) the daughter…mother為非限定形容詞子句,補充說明先行詞Tseng。






解答: 1.(D) 2.(B) 3.(C) 4.(A) 5.(B) 6.(A) 7.(B) 8.(A) 9.(C) 10.(D)

Terrorist Attacks Kill 77 inNorway

A car bomb went off and killed eight people in downtown Oslo, Norway, on July 22. On the same day, 69 youths were shot dead by a lone gunman in a summer camp on Utoya island northwest of Oslo.

Anders Behring Breivik, an anti-Muslim extremist, was arrested after the Utoya island massacre. The 32-year-old Norwegian confessed to both terrorist attacks during the police investigation. He also told the police that he was considering attacking other targets linked to the government or the ruling Labor Party.

Breivik released a 1,500-page manifesto not long before the attacks. He showed an utter hatred of Muslims and the left-wing Labor Party, which he claimed is destroying Europe’s cultural heritage by allowing an unlimited number of immigrants.

Norway, once a homogeneous country, has become increasingly diverse in recent decades. More than 12 percent of the 5 million residents are immigrants or their children. About half of the immigrants come from Asia, Africa or Latin America. Worries about immigration fueled the growth of the Progress Party, a right-wing opposition group that has become the second biggest party in the parliament. Party officials have confirmed that Breivik used to be a member, but left because he thought they were too moderate.

In a memorial service for the victims of the attacks, Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg called for unity across ethnic and religious lines to face the country’s greatest peacetime tragedy.

( ) 1.How many people died in the shooting on Utoya island?

(A) 69.(B) 77.(C) 8.(D) 22.

( ) 2.Which description of Anders Behring Breivik is WRONG?

(A) He is 32 years old.

(B) He hates Muslims.

(C) He planned the shooting with five other people.

(D) He made public his intentions before he made the attacks.

( ) 3.What did Breivik write about in his manifesto?

(A) His suggestions for the government.(B) His hatred of Muslims.

(C) His dissatisfaction with the tax laws.(D) His love of his country.

( ) 4.Which of the following is most probably the number of immigrants living in Norway?

(A) 1,500.(B) 5,000,000.(C) 12,000.(D) 600,000.

( ) 5.Which area is mentioned as a region that Norway’s immigrants came from?

(A) Latin America.(B) Eastern Europe.(C) Australia.(D) North America.

1.terrorist ['tGrDr0st]n.恐怖分子
2.go off爆炸
3.lone [lon] adj.單獨的
4.extremist [0k'strim0st] n.極端分子
5.massacre ['m$sDkQ] n.大屠殺
6.confess [kDn'fGs] v.承認
7.investigation [0n`vGstD'geNDn] n.調查
8.ruling ['rul0H] adj.執政的
9.manifesto [`m$nD'fGsto] n.宣言
10.utter ['KtQ] adj.全然的
11.heritage ['hGrDt0dI] n.傳統
12.immigrant ['0m3grDnt] n.移民 / 13.homogeneous [`hom3'dIin0Ds] adj.單一的
14.increasingly [0n'kris0Hl0] adv.越來越……地
15.diverse [d3'v"s] adj.多元化的
16.resident ['rGzDdDnt]n.居民
17.fuel ['fju3l] v.刺激
18.opposition [`Ap3'z0NDn] n.反對
19.parliament ['pArlDm3nt] n.國會
20.moderate ['mAdDr0t] adj.溫和
21.memorial service追思禮拜
22.victim ['v0kt0m] n.受害者
23.ethnic ['GLn0k] adj.種族的
24.tragedy ['tr$dIDd0] n.悲劇

1.He also told the police that he was considering attacking other targets linked to the government or the ruling Labor Party.


→(which are) linked to…Party為形容詞子句簡化後的形容詞片語,修飾targets。

2.He showed an utter hatred of Muslims and the left-wing Labor Party, which he claimed is destroyingEurope’s cultural heritage by allowing an unlimited number of immigrants.

→which he claimed…immigrants為非限定形容詞子句,補充說明先行詞the Labor Party。

→子句意義還原是:he claimed that the left-wing Labor Party is destroying…。






解答: 1.(A) 2.(C) 3.(B) 4.(D) 5.(A)