(A Culinary Journey Around the World)

Teacher: Ms. D. Nembhard


  1. To apply FoodSafe knowledge in food preparation
  2. To identify and properly utilize kitchen equipment, imperial and metric measurements, and food preparation techniques
  3. To acquire and practice increasingly advanced food preparation techniques.
  4. To use Canada’s food Guide to Healthy Eating in order to make healthier food choices and to evaluate new nutrition information, fads, and fallacies
  5. To be introduced to the foods, dining customs, and food preparation techniques of various cultures from around the world

Course Content: Topics will include the following:

Workplace Skills

FoodSafe Level 1 Certification


Flour Mixtures (Canada)

The contributions of various cultures including those from: Africa, North and South America, Europe, Asia

Equipment Requirements: To be brought to every class:

  1. Clean apron, preferably bib-type, clearly labelled, and kept in front of binder
  2. 3-ring binder
  3. Pen and/or pencil
  4. Plastic sheet protector (for lab recipe)
  5. Hair elastic (if needed) to tie back hair


Due to the extensive laboratory time required for this course, regular, punctual attendance is mandatory to achieve success in Food Studies 11. If unduly late for a lab period, the student may be assigned an alternate class or tutorial time to complete missed work. All absences must be documented with a phone call to the office, or a note signed by parents/guardians.

It is the student’s responsibility to make up missed work! Arrange for your partner to collect any handouts given. A tutorial may be required for completion of this work and should be arrange with the teacher at the end of class.

With an excused absence (fieldtrips or illness), an alternate assignment or make-up lab will be given to the student to complete during tutorial or at home. If absent from a demonstration/planning class, the student will be required to copy out the recipe/lab plan and observe the other students during the lab (and/or do an assigned task). They will not be allowed to participate if the lab hinders the safety and progress of other students. Unexcused absences could result in missed labs and marks. Students should not expect to be able to make up all missed labs.

Evaluation: Marks will be cumulative over the semester.

50%Lab Work

15%Practical Experience



A.Lab Work

Student performance (individual and group) during lab periods will be assessed on a daily basis. Most labs will be marked out of a possible 10.

Students must participate in 50% of the in-class labs to obtain course credit.

To adhere to FoodSafe practices, a clean apron is mandatory for participation in labs No apron= no cooking= zero

B. Practical Experience (Edible Homework)

Students will prepare products at home, under parent/guardian supervision. These experiences are designed to improve skills and enhance confidence in food preparation skills.

Forms are to be completed and handed in before or on the due date. If a concern or problem arises, students must see the teacher a.s.a.p so suitable substitutions can be arranged prior to the due date.

C. Assignments

Assignments are to be handed in at the beginning of the period that they are due.

As a general rule, assignments will be accepted until they are corrected and/or returned to the rest of the class.

Notebooks:The student is reminded to keep a neat, up-do-date notebook

Return textbooks to their logical place! These books may be used for reference, test preparation, and/or open book tests.

D. Tests and Quizzes

Testing will normally take place at the end of each unit of study.

Unannounced quizzes may occur at any time, often at the start of class.

Students who are absent when a test is given will be assigned a mark of “0”. If absence is excused, the student will be expected to write the test the first day back in class or as arranged with teacher

A final exam will be given at the end of the course

Letter Grades will be assigned as follows:


/ 86—100% /


/ 67—72% /


/ 50—59%


/ 73—85% / C / 60—66% / I / 49%

Work Habits will be assessed using the following criteria as guidelines:


  • On task, does all work, comes prepared to class


  • Stays on task most of time, usually prepared


  • Needs many reminders to work, rarely prepared

  • Does all work
  • 2 or more assignments missing
  • Several assignments missing