March 07, 2005



Duration / Duration- 3 years (156 weeks) / Duration- 2 years (104 weeks)
1A / Field tours (including various exercises) / Field tours& exercises – 35 weeks
Six tours (introductory, hill, west, east, central, south India tours)
Four exercises(working plan, mensuration, integrated watershed and road alignment )
Parliamentary attachment(1 week) / Field tours& exercises– 33 weeks
Six tours (introductory, hill, west, east, central, south India tours)
Seven exercises (working plan, mensuration, integrated watershed, PRA & Microplan, crime detection, wildlife techniques and, road alignment )
Parliamentary attachment(1 week)
Period reduced due to rationalization of activities to be shown to probationers during tours
1B / Excursions / 01 weeks / 03 weeks
More stress on learning in the field than class room teaching
1C / Examinations (including preparation time) / 06 weeks / 06 weeks (new subjects added so a few more days are required for the examination of the new subjects/ exercises
Saturdays included for examinations)
1E / Foundation course (LBSNAA) / 16 weeks / 16 weeks
1F / Qualifying Exercises / 03 weeks- (weapons, horse riding, swimming and motor driving exercises (no classes in the forenoon are of during weapons exercise) / 02 weeks- weapons, horse riding, swimming and motor driving exercise
(motor driving to be on Saturdays/Sundays and classes in the forenoons during weapons exercise)
1G / Term break / 04 weeks / 04 weeks
Total / Activities outside classroom / 65 weeks / 64 weeks
2 / Class room activities / 51 weeks (1418 sessions) / 36 weeks (1365 sessions)
Forenoons of Saturdays included
Since all probationers have basic knowledge of computers, number of sessions reduced
Saturdays, Sundays & Gazetted holidays included / To cover 1418 class room sessions, 203 working days + 40 Sundays + 40 Saturdays required. Assuming 12-15 gazetted holidays in a year (for 2 year 30 days GH + RH) / Saturday forenoon sessions are included 36 weeks are required to cover the above sessions. (Out of 41 Saturdays only forenoon proposed to be covered i.e. 41 X 5 = 205 sessions. It can be converted into number of sessions in a week that means 205/ 40 = 5.1weeks (with Saturdayforenoons included, 40 extra sessions are available.) So almost 05 weeks can be reduced to cover 1365 sessions
2B / Sessions for guest speaker, workshop/seminar and convocation / 01 weeks (70 sessions) / 03 weeks (120 sessions including Saturdays)
More stress on guest lectures and workshops/seminars
2C / Cultural and sports activities / 01 weeks
To celebrate sports meet, maghotsava, vasant utsava- / 01 week
To celebrate sports meet, maghotsava, vasant utsava-
On- the- Job training ( OJT) / 36 weeks / Not included in probation
2D / Joining Period / 02 weeks
Joining time and formalities- / Not Applicable since OJT is not a part of probation period
3 / Abstract /
  1. Activities outside classroom- 105 weeks
2. Activities for classroom 51 weeks /
  1. Activities outside classroom- 64 weeks
  2. Activities for classroom 40 weeks

4 / Total Activities / 156 weeks / 104 weeks

Week = 07 days, each day = 07 sessions, each session= 45 minutes Saturday forenoons are working days