Updated Message from Marc McTeague

When I brought the big white binder full of angel lists into the office for CJ to scan into PDF’s, she looked at me funny. “I thought you weren’t going to do it again this year? You said last year was the final time.” She’s right, that’s what I told her last year. But 403 kids need us again this year. They are counting on us and I couldn’t say no.

I thought not only of the kids, but of all the people that have joined our mission over the last 19 years. About how many lives have been affected and how many people have made this a Christmas tradition for their family. About how much this means to the givers, and not just the recipients.

And truthfully, I also thought about my father who won't be able to help this year. He was always such a help to me, taking the gifts from my office to my home and picking up stuff all over town. He got such a kick out of just how big this program had become. Just two years ago, I remember telling him to take it easy. His back was killing him and he didn’t need to be toting presents everywhere, but he insisted. Alzheimer’s is kicking his butt right now and he won’t be around much longer. Most days he doesn’t know who I am, but I know somewhere deep inside he would want me to keep going and I will do so in his honor.

So here’s the deal. Michele told me to keep this short which isn’t easy because this program means so much to me. If you want to adopt a kid (or kids) this year, go to our website at . The list of kids is on there along with all the details and the FAQ’s. In the past we’ve done as many as 679 kids, so I know we can get it done this year.

This is still the only charity that I’m aware of that is truly one on one giving. One hundred percent of what you buy for your angel, goes directly to the child. The Salvation Army has painstakingly interviewed all of the families in the program to verify the need and this is the only Christmas charity that they’re enrolled in. These kids will not have a Christmas if it weren’t for generous people like you. How can I be sure? Because my wife now works for the Salvation Army full time.Just another blessing from doing this all these years.

Please do me a couple of favors. Forward this message to anybody you think might be interested in joining our mission. Also, if you’ve adopted angels in the past and would like to share a story about how this has touched you, your family or your kids, please drop me a note. I’d love to post some of these stories on the website.

Ace, Trevor, Patience, Neveah….are all counting on us again this Christmas.

Peace and Love,

Marc A. McTeague