Critical Review of a Journal Article 30 points

Miss Furry

Emmaus High School

As part of the required academic work for AP European History, you will write a critical review of an academic journal article. Remember: 1. You must select an article that in some way relates to European History. 2. You cannot review a book review. You must review an actual journal article. Below you will find suggestions for where to find an article as well as instructions for how to write the review.

Your article, which somehow relates to European history, must be selected from a reputable historical periodical published from 2012-13 to 2016-17. You can find an article in one of two ways. One, you can go to the Emmaus High School library and access the full-text of an article using a database. Or you can go to Muhlenberg College or Moravian College (or another local university or college), and use their facilities to find a paper copy of a current issue of a journal. I recommend the second method, believing it important to actually touch the periodicals and flip through them to find an article of interest to you. You will find a list of acceptable journals attached to this page. They are grouped according to where you can find them. If you find an article you would like to use but its periodical does not appear on the attached list, you must have Miss Furry approve the article BEFORE you write your review.

The total length of your review should be between three to five typed-pages. In writing a critical review, follow the outline provided below.

I. Full bibliographic citation of the article

II. Introduction

A. Why you selected the article (This small part of the review should be in first person.)

B. Author’s purpose or intent in writing the article

C. Summary of what will be in your review

III. Summary of your article’s main points

IV. Critical review

A. An analysis of the author’s presentation

B. Evaluate the validity of the author’s argument

C.  The author’s success or failure in making his or her argument

D.  Author’s past research (Yes, you might have to look this up!)

E. Language

F. References

G. Terms

H. Statistics

I. Illustrations

J. Tables or graphs

K.  Main findings and conclusions

L.  Anything else you can analyze about the article

V. Personal response: your personal feelings and opinions of the article and the author (This small part of the review should be in first person.)

VI. Conclusion: a summary of your main points.

Critical Journal Article Review Grading Criteria

Miss Furry

Emmaus High School

28 / Outstanding / ·  Focus: This essay strongly analyzes the chosen journal article.
·  Content: This essay emphasizes analysis over summary with the greatest focus on the critical review section.
·  Style: This essay avoids passive voice and uses first person only for why the article was selected and the personal response section.
·  Organization: This essay adheres to the set journal article review structure [Citation, Introduction (Author’s intent and article choice), Summary, Critical review, Personal Response, Conclusion].
·  Conventions: This essay follows rules of grammar, punctuation, and capitalization, as well as historical writing conventions.
26 / Above Average / ·  Focus: This essay greatly analyzes the chosen journal article.
·  Content: This essay emphasizes analysis over summary, but may have some minor problems with length of sections.
·  Style: This essay uses limited passive voice and uses first person only for why the article was selected and the personal response section.
·  Organization: This essay adheres to the set journal article review structure [Citation, Introduction (Author’s intent and article choice), Summary, Critical review, Personal Response, Conclusion] with minor disorder of the sections.
·  Conventions: This essay follows most rules of grammar, punctuation, and capitalization, as well as historical writing conventions.
23 / Average / ·  Focus: This essay analyzes the chosen journal article.
·  Content: This essay emphasizes analysis over summary, but has some problems with length of sections.
·  Style: This essay uses passive voice and uses first person when inappropriate.
·  Organization: This essay attempts to adhere to the set journal article review structure [Citation, Introduction (Author’s intent and article choice), Summary, Critical review, Personal Response, Conclusion] with some disorder of the sections.
·  Conventions: This essay follows some rules of grammar, punctuation, and capitalization, as well as historical writing conventions.
20 / Below Average / ·  Focus: This essay lacks strong analysis of the chosen journal article.
·  Content: This essay summarizes more than it analyzes and has problems with length of sections.
·  Style: This essay frequently uses passive voice and first person when inappropriate.
·  Organization: This essay ignores the set journal article review structure [Citation, Introduction (Author’s intent and article choice), Summary, Critical review, Personal Response, Conclusion] causing disorder of the sections.
·  Conventions: This essay follows basic rules of grammar, punctuation, and capitalization, as well as historical writing conventions.
19 ò / Unacceptable / ·  Focus: This essay lacks analysis of the chosen journal article.
·  Content: This essay lacks analysis and primarily summarizes the article.
·  Style: This essay extensively uses passive voice and first person when inappropriate.
·  Organization: This essay ignores the set journal article review structure [Citation, Introduction (Author’s intent and article choice), Summary, Critical review, Personal Response, Conclusion] causing major disorder of the sections.
·  Conventions: This essay follows few rules of grammar, punctuation, and capitalization, as well as historical writing conventions.

List of possible Magazine titles for AP European History reports Updated 2016-17

Titles listed are available from Proquest (P), an EHS subscription database. Dates given are for full text coverage in the appropriate database.

Agricultural History

2002-present (P)

Anglican and Episcopal History

2000-present (P)

British Catholic History

2014—present; 1 year delay (P)

British Heritage

1998—present (P)

British Journal of Canadian Studies

2003—present (P)

British Journal for the History of Science

2001-present; 1 year delay (P)

Bulletin of the History of Medicine

2003-present; 1 year delay (P)

Canadian Journal of History

1993—present (P)

Catholic Historical Review

1995—present (P)

Central European History

2006-present 1 year delay (P)

China Journal

2004—present (P)

China Quarterly

2001-present; 1 year delay (P)

Church History

1994—present (P)

Comparative Studies in Society and History

2001—present; 1 year delay (P)

Contemporary European History

2001-present; 1 year delay (P)

Current History

1988-present; 9 month delay (P)

Early Music History

2001-present; 1 year delay (P)

East European Quarterly

1994—present (P)

Eighteenth Century Studies

2002-present; 1 year delay (P)

The Eighteenth Century

2003-present; 1 year delay (P)

European Review of Economic History

2001—2015 (P)

French Politics

2003—present; 1 year delay (P)

French Politics, Culture, and Society

2008—present; 3 year delay (P)

Foreign Affairs

1987-present (P)

German History

1998—present (P)

German Politics and Society

2008—present; 3 year delay (P)

Historian (London)

1998-present (P)

Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television

1992—present (P)

The Historical Journal

2001—present; 1 year delay (P)

History (Washington)

1997—present (P)

History Review

2004-2012 (P)

International Labor and Working Class History

2001—present; 1 year delay (P)

International Review of Social History

4/2001—present; 1 year delay (P)

Jewish History

1997—present; 1 year delay (P)

Journal of Canadian Studies

1993-2015 (P)

Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History

2008-present; 1 year delay (P)

Journal of Ecclesiastical History

2001-present (P)

Journal of Economic History

2001-present; 1 year delay (P)

Journal of European Economic History

2007-present (P)

Journal of European Studies

2009-present (P)

Journal of Global History

2006-present; 1 year delay (P)

Journal of International and Area Studies

2002-present (P)

Journal of International Affairs

1995-present (P)

Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth

2008-present; 1 year delay (P)

Journal of the History of Philosophy

1992-present (P)

Journal of Women’s History

1995-present (with 1 year delay) (P)

Journal of World History

1998-present; 1 year delay (P)

Journal of World-Historical Information: JWHI

2013—present (P)

Journalism History

1994—present (P)

MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History

1999-present (P)

Magazine of History

1998-present (P)

Medical History

2012—present (P)

Military History

1997—present (P)

Modern China Studies

2011—present (P)

Modern Intellectual History

2004-present; 1 year delay (P)

The Public Historian

2002-2012 (P)

Rural History

2002—present (P)

Russian Life

1995—present (P)

Scandinavian Review

1992—present (P) / The World Today
2003—present (P)
The Seventeenth Century
1999—present (P) /

World Affairs

1994-present (P)
Urban History
2001—present (P) / World War II
1998—present (P)
Victorian Studies
1994—present (P) / World Politics
2002—present (with 1 year delay) (P)
War in History
1997—present (P) /


1999—Present (P)