Asia – Grade 9

Name: Period: Date:

Asia: Literature of Ancient India (Use textbook)

Minimum of two bullet points for each box

P102-103 – Sacred & Practical Teachings - READ & WRITE summary notes.

Why it Matters / Aryan Invasions / Land of Kingdoms
Birthplace of Buddhism / Home of Hinduism / Diverse People & Cultures

P104-105 – Historical Highlights - READ & WRITE summary notes.

Indus Valley Civilization / Early Vedic Age / Late Vedic Age
Rise of Buddhism / Age of Empires / Write a thesis statement based on this information.

P106-107 – People and Society - READ & WRITE summary notes.

Brahmans / Kshatriyas / Shudras
Outcastes / Women / Write a thesis statement based on this information.

P108-109 – Arts and Culture - READ & WRITE summary notes.

Literature / Religion – Hinduism / Religion – Buddhism
Religion – Jainism / Arts & Architecture / How was literature Presented??
Shiva Notes/Illustration

ALL DO: P112-113 – Legacy of Ancient India - READ & ILLUSTRATE & LABEL the top 3 that interest you.

P114-119 – From the Rig Veda - READ & WRITE summary notes to help you prepare to read.

Book of Hymns / Aryan Life
Literary Term: Paradox / Active Reading: Make Inferences

From the Rig Veda- Creation Hymn

Oxymoron definition:______

Difference between Oxymoron and paradox: ______

As you read, try to picture whom the priest is speaking to at different points in the ritual. Also imagine what actions he and the mourners are performing. Use the following chart below to organize your inferences. You may use bullet points and images to help with your interpretation and analysis.

Who is Addressed? / What is happening?

Answer the following questions about the reading:

1.  What questions does “Creation Hymn” raise about how the universe was created? What answers does it give?

2.  What are you told about “that one” who is mentioned in the “Creation Hymn”?

3.  What paradoxes did you observe and what do they mean?