Early College High School Initiative – Delivery Plan Tool:

Targeting and Recruiting Students

  1. What are your school’s aspirations and goals in identifying, targeting and recruiting students into the ECHS program?Use SMART goals.
  • Specific– who exactly?
  • Measurable– put a percentage or number target or increase
  • Ambitious– with the dollars given, think big
  • Realistic– look at past trends and what is possible
  • Timely– put a date, time for the goal to be attained

Remember to think about:

  • Targeting underrepresented students (first-generation, low-income, ethnically underrepresented in college-going, etc.)
  • Increasing the numbers of students taking early college courses
  • Increasing the early college courses offered

Goal / Evidence it is ambitious / Evidence it is feasible
To sign up 60 new 11th graders for three early college courses in Spring 2015 so that 150 new students graduate with
6-9 college credits by 2016 / Only 10 11th graders participated in Running Start courses in 2013-14 / 100 11th graders attended the information session briefing about early college
  1. What are potential barriers to entry into the program and what are the root causes?
  • This is not scientific but use data to identify barriers or performance patterns where you can
  • Consider: what additional data or info do you need to further investigate root causes?
  • The proposed solutions to the barriers should be addressed in your strategies section!

Barriers / Potential root causes of barriers / Additional info we would need to investigate root causes / What would it take to address root causes?
1. Not all 11th graders will be deemed college ready (via assessment) / Many students do not prepare for the assessment (COMPASS) before taking it / Do a quick survey about who studied before taking the COMPASS / We will hold two COMPASS brushup workshops in November
  1. What strategies will you introduce to reach your goal(s)?
  • Answer the questions posed in the table below!

Strategy/intervention owner / Who is responsible for the successful implementation of this strategy or intervention?Choose ONE person.
Goal(s) / Which of our identified goals (see part 1) will this intervention help us to achieve?
Rationale / How and why will this intervention help us to achieve these goals?
Repetition and dosage (if applicable) / How often will this intervention be repeated and at what dosage in order to reach our goals?
Definition of success / In 3 years, if this intervention is wildly successful, what will be the result? Express using any measure (targets, feedback loops, other qualitative) that you feel is appropriate>
Leading indicators / What quantitative and qualitative measures will we monitor to let us know that we are on track to succeed?
Milestones / What are the 5 most critical dates & events to hit, between now and year 3, that will let us know we are on track to succeed?
Resources used / What human and financial resources will the intervention require and where will they come from?
Strategy/intervention / Have 11th grade teachers identify 20 students each with strong motivation, drive, work ethic and invite them to apply for the ECHS initiative. (Targeted students who may not normally consider college as an option.)
Strategy/intervention owner / Vice Principal Lee
Goal(s) / To sign up 60 new 11th graders for three early college courses in Spring 2015 so that 150 new students graduate with
6-9 college credits by 2016
Rationale / Teachers know who has the dispositional skills to push through and work hard in college courses
Repetition and dosage (if applicable) / Teachers will submit names of students once a semester
Definition of success / To have 200 new names of 11th graders each semester; to have names of students who are not in the top 20% of the class
Leading indicators /
  • No teachers refuse to submit names
  • 25% of teachers submit names in 2 weeks
  • 75% of teachers submit names in 4 weeks
  • 200 students test college ready

Milestones /
  • By Nov. 1st: VP Lee meets with the teachers
  • By Nov. 15: Deadline for teachers to submit names
  • By Nov. 22: Students called and encouraged to apply
  • By Dec. 1: Applications submitted
  • By Dec. 5: Students selected

Resources used / 11th teachers, Counselor John Smith meets students, families, support staff must mail out notices
Strategy/intervention owner
Repetition and dosage (if applicable)
Definition of success
Leading indicators
Resources used
Strategy/intervention owner
Repetition and dosage (if applicable)
Definition of success
Leading indicators
Resources used