LoudonCounty Science Fair


K 1-2 3-5

Experiments Experiments Experiments

Models Models Models

Posters Posters Posters

Demonstrations Demonstrations Demonstrations

Allentries should have the student’s name, grade level, school’s name, homeroom teacher’s name, and category written on a card and attached on the back of the entry. To ensure impartially, the judges will not be able to see the student’s name during judging.

When asked, all students should be able to explain their project to the judges. All work done on the project (drawing, labeling, titles, etc.) is to be done by the individual student. Parents or others may construct backboards for larger projects.

Poster Rules:

All posters must be completed by the student on one sheet of standard size poster board (22 x 28). Anything to be judged with the poster must be attached to the poster, but must not change the overall size of the poster. All posters must be constructed to be displayed in portrait orientation.

Model Rules:

All models must be constructed from materials not included in a kit. The size limitations for models are 4 feet wide by 2 ½ feet deep by 10 feet in height.

Demonstration Rules:

All demonstrations should be performed by the student. No live animals, open flames, or explosive materials are to be used. A hot plate may be used. The size limitations for demonstrations are 4 feet wide by 2 ½ feet deep by 10 feet in height.

Experiment Rules:

All experiments should be performed by the student. No live animals, open flames, or explosive materials are to be used. A hot plate may be used. The size limitations for experiments are 4 feet wide by 2 ½ feet deep by 10 feet in height.

The Scientific Method: One Suggestion for Experiments

  • State the Problem- Usually written as a question
  • Materials –List all the supplies needed to perform the activity
  • Procedure –Tell how the project is to be performed
  • Observation –Charts, tables, logs, and other descriptions of what happens during the project
  • Conclusion –Describe what was learned as a result of the project

**This is only one form of the scientific method. You may select from any of them. **

Standards of Judging

♦30 points – Creative Ability

♦30 points – Scientific Merit: Organization and understanding of scientific facts.

Each student must explain what has been accomplished.

♦10 points – Thoroughness

♦10 points – Skill: Good workmanship

♦10 points – Clarity: Labeling, description, sequence of thought

♦10 points – Dramatic Value: Overall attractiveness