Beach Park

Prefixes and Suffixes Review Assessment


Circle the correct answer.

Question #1:

Add a suffix to the word in parentheses. Write the new word.

Their (friend) brought them both great pleasure.

Question #2:

Add a suffix to the word in parentheses. Write the new word.

His (argue) with his brother lasted for several hours.

Question #3:

Add a suffix to the word in parentheses. Write

the new word.

The (America) flag waved in the breeze.

Question #4:

Add a suffix to the word in parentheses. Write

the new word.

The doctor's news made the parents feel (hope).

Question #5:

Add a suffix to the word in parentheses. Write

the new word.

The (hero) actions of the fireman led to the rescue of the baby.

Question #6:

Add a suffix to the word in parentheses. Write

the new word.

The man walked (slow) on the icy sidewalk.

Question #7:

Add a suffix to the word in parentheses. Write

the new word.

Joe is (tall) than his friend Scott.

Question #8:

Add a suffix to the word in parentheses. Write

the new word.

After the class, the students (hurry) to their lockers.

Question #9:

Add a suffix to the word in parentheses. Write

the new word.

You should try to practice your trumpet (day) in order to improve.

Question #10:

Add a suffix to the word in parentheses. Write

the new word.

Sarah poured Charles a (spoon) of cough medicine.

Question #11:

What does the prefix “sub” most nearly mean?

  1. uniform
  2. under
  3. without

Question #12:

Which of these answers could be a word that includes the prefix "bi?"

  1. the word “across”
  2. the numbertwo
  3. movement

Beach Park

Prefixes and Suffixes Review Assessment


Circle the correct answer.

Question #13:

What do the prefixes "anti" and "contra" most nearly mean?

  1. before
  2. against
  3. below

Question #14:

To make a word indicate that an action has been reversed, which prefix could be used?

  1. per
  2. pre
  3. un

Question #15:

Which prefix indicates that something is wrong?

  1. ex
  2. mis
  3. bi

Question #16:

What does the prefix "deca" mean?

  1. million
  2. thousand
  3. ten

Question #17:

Looking at the prefix on the word “centipede,”how many legs does a centipede have?

  1. zero
  2. one hundred
  3. ten

Question #18:

Which of these words has a prefix that means "out"?

  1. subway
  2. exclude
  3. include

Question #19:

Which of these words has a prefix that means "out of"?

  1. exclude
  2. include
  3. descend

Question #20:

Which of these words has a prefix that refers to the earth?

  1. geography
  2. anterior
  3. transfer

Question #21:

Which of these words has a prefix that means "around"?

  1. compact
  2. avoid
  3. circumference

Question #22:

Which of these words has a prefix that means "before"?

  1. prevent
  2. paraphrase
  3. malfunction

Beach Park

Prefixes and Suffixes Review Assessment


Circle the correct answer.

Question #23:

Which of these answers would include a word that has the prefix "uni"?

  1. the word “around”
  2. the number one
  3. the number two

Question #24:

What is a semi-circle?

  1. half circle
  2. part of a circle
  3. circle on wheels

Question #25:

What does the prefix "pre" most nearly mean?

  1. beside
  2. before
  3. during

Question #26:

To travel through several states on one highway, a person would drive on which of these?

  1. an intrastate highway
  2. an international highway
  3. an interstate highway

Beach Park

Prefixes and Suffixes Review Assessment

Answer Key

1. "friendship" OR "friends"

2. argument

3. American

4. hopeful

5. heroic

6. slowly

7. taller

8. hurried

9. daily

10. spoonful

11. B -under

12. B -the number two

13. B -against

14. C -un

15. B -mis

16. C -ten

17. B -one hundred

18. B-exclude

19. A -exclude

20. A -geography

21. C -circumference

22. A -prevent

23. B -the number one

24. A -half circle

25. B -before

26. C -an interstate highway