Name ofAttorney
Office MailingAddress
Telephone Number
Facsimile Number
State BarI.D.Number
(Attorney forDebtor(s))
Debtors. / Case No.
[FIRST AMENDED, as appropriate] CHAPTER 13 PLAN (DATED ______)
To Debtors: In the following notice to creditors, you must check each box that applies.
To Creditors: Your rights may be affected by this plan. Your claim may be reduced, modified, or eliminated. If you oppose the plan’s treatment of your claim or any provision of this plan, you must file an objection to confirmation at least 7 days before the date set for the hearing on confirmation, unless otherwise ordered by the Bankruptcy Court. The Bankruptcy Court may confirm this plan without further notice if no objection to confirmation is filed.
Yes / No / This Plan contains non-standard provisions in paragraph 11.Yes / No / This Plan limits the amount of secured claims in paragraph 2(b) which may result in a partial payment or no payment at all to the secured creditor.
Yes / No / This Plan avoids a security interest or lien in paragraph 11.
- FUTURE EARNINGS/INCOME.The futureearningsandotherincome ofthe Debtor(s)aresubmitted tothe supervision andcontrolofthe Chapter13Standing Trustee as necessaryforthe executionofthis Plan,and Debtor(s)shallpaytothe Trustee the sumof$______eachmonthfora termof ____ months, oruntilallofthe provisions ofthis Planhave beencompleted. Planpayments shall commence withinthirty(30)daysfollowingthe filingofthe petition. The Debtor(s)shallmake payments directlytothe Trustee until[his/her/their]wage deductionsbegin.
- PAYMENTS/DISBURSEMENTS.Fromthe payments soreceived,the Trustee shallmake disbursementsasfollows:
(a)AdministrativeClaims. The Trustee shallpaythose claims,feesorcharges specified in11U.S.C.§507(a)(2),includingthe Debtor(s) attorney feesandcosts in such amountasmaybe allowed bythe Court. As ofthe date ofthis plan,Debtor(s)counsel estimatesthattotalattorney feesandcosts forrepresentationofDebtor(s)(excludingthe fee forfilingthe Debtor(s)petition)willbe as follows:
Estimated totalattorney fees: / $ *Estimated totalcosts / + / $
Totalestimated attorney feesandcosts: / = / $
Less retainer: / - / $
* Ifthis figurediffers fromthe DisclosureofCompensationoriginally filed bythe Debtor(s)attorney,saidDisclosuremustbe amended simultaneouslywiththe filingofthis planoramended plan,asprovided inFed. R. Bankr. P.2016(b).
(b)Impaired SecuredClaims. Afterthe payments provided forabove,the Trustee shallpayallowed securedclaims,asdetermined pursuantto11U.S.C.§506(a), togetherwithinterestatthe rate setforthbelow fromthe date ofconfirmation, ona pro rata basis,asfollows:
Nameof Creditor / ClaimNumber / AllowedSecuredClaim* / Rateof%[*This figureis the lesserofthe totalamountofthe debtowingtothe creditor orthe value ofthe collateralsecuringsaiddebt.]
Securedcreditors shallretaintheirliens asprovided by11U.S.C.§1325(a)(5)(B). In orderforanyunsecured deficiencytobe allowed andpaid,a proofofclaimmustbe filed pursuanttoMontana's LocalBankruptcyRules.
(c)Unimpaired SecuredClaims. The followingsecured creditors,whose claims willbe leftunimpairedbythis Plan,arenotprovided forbythisPlanandshallreceive no payments throughthe Trustee exceptwithregardtothose arrearagesspecified below,if any:
Nameof Creditor / Claim No. / Description ofCollateralConcurrentlywiththe paymentsonimpairedsecured claims specified above,the following arrearages onunimpairedsecured claims,ifany,shallbe paidthroughthe Trustee ona pro rata basis untilthe same have beenpaidinfull:
Nameof Creditor / Claim No. / Amount of ArrearageUponcompletionofthe Plan,allprepetitionarrearagesprovided forbythis Planshallbe deemed current.
(d)DomesticSupportObligations. Afterthe paymentsprovided forabove, the Trustee shallpayallallowed prepetitiondomestic supportobligations. Suchallowed claims forprepetitiondomestic supportobligations shallbe paidinfullunderthisPlan,withoutinterest (unless otherwise provided).
Creditor / Claim No. / ClaimAmount(e)Priority Claims. Afterthe payments provided forabove,the Trustee shallpay allowed claimsentitled topriorityinsuchorderasspecified in11U.S.C.§507.
(f)General UnsecuredClaims. Afterthe payments provided forabove,the Trustee shallpaydividends,tothe extentpossible,toallowed unsecured,nonpriority claims ona prorata basis.
(g)LiquidationAnalysis. The totalamountdistributed underparagraphs 2(d), (e) and(f)above willbe atleast$ ,whichexceeds whatwouldbe available to payunsecured claims ifthe Debtor(s)estate wasliquidated underChapter7ofthe BankruptcyCode. Adischargewillnotbe enteredbythe Courtuntilsaidsumhasbeen distributed,oruntilallallowed unsecured claimshave beenpaidinfull,whicheveris less.
- REJECTION OF CONTRACTS OR LEASES. The Debtor(s) rejects the following executory contracts and unexpired leases, and shall surrender property subject tosuchcontracts orleases:
Typeof Agreement / DateofAgreement / Other PartytoContract
Allotherexecutorycontracts andunexpiredleasesshallbe affirmed.
- SURRENDER OF PROPERTY. The Debtor(s)surrenders anyandallinterestinthe followingdescribed collateraltothe stated securedcreditorinfullsatisfactionofthe creditor’s allowed securedclaim. Inorderforanyunsecured deficiencytobe allowed andpaidunderthis Plan,a proofofclaimmustbe filed pursuanttoMontana’sLocalBankruptcyRules. Upon confirmation, the stay that arose under 11 U.S.C. § 362 and 11 U.S.C. § 1301 immediately terminates without further order. The termination does not authorize actions for personal liability or property not surrendered.
SecuredCreditor / Description ofCollateral
- POSTPETITIONSECUREDDEBT: The Debtor(s)reservesthe righttoincur post-petition secured debts,uponpriorwrittenapprovalofthe Trustee,foritems necessaryto Debtor(s)performance underthisPlan.
- REPORTOFCHANGESININCOME: The Debtor(s)shallcommitallprojected disposable income tothe Planfor the applicable commitmentperiodandshallimmediatelyreport anychangesinincome inexcess of10% permonthtothe Trustee.
- DECLARATIONS: Underpenaltyofperjury,Debtor(s)affirms thatallfederaland state income,employmentandothertaxreturns due as ofthe date ofthis plan have beenfiled withthe appropriate agency,andthatallpost-petitionpayments due onalldomestic support obligations have beenpaidthroughthe date ofthis Plan.
- VESTING OF PROPERTY OF THE ESTATE.Property of the estate shall revest in the Debtor(s) upon (Check the applicable box):
Plan confirmation.
Closing of the case.
Other: ______
Debtor(s)is noteligible fora dischargeofdebts because the Debtor(s)has previouslyreceived adischargedescribed in11U.S.C.§1328(f).
Underpenaltyofperjury,Debtor(s)declares thathe/she hasnotreceived a dischargeina previous bankruptcycase thatwouldcause him/hertobe ineligible toreceive adischargeinthe above-entitled case under11U.S.C.§1328(f).
- INCOMETAX REFUNDS: Debtor(s), within 14 days of filing the return, will supply the Trustee with a copy of each tax return filed during the Plan term and will (Check one):
Retain any tax refunds received during the Plan term and has included them in Debtor(s) budget.
Turn over to the Trustee all income tax refunds received during the plan term.
Turn over to the Trustee a portion of any income tax refunds received during the Plan term as specified below.
If “None” is checked, the rest of Paragraph 11 need not be completed or reproduced.
Under Bankruptcy Rule 3015(c), nonstandard provisions are required to be set forth below.
These Plan provisions will be effective only if the applicable box on Page 1 of this Plan is checked.
- CERTIFICATION. No changes have been made to the form required by Montana
Local Bankruptcy Rules except those referenced in Paragraph 11 and the Debtor(s) is not seeking confirmation of any provision not allowed under the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure.
DATED this ____ day of______, 20___.
Attorney for Debtor
I,the undersigned, doherebycertifyunderpenaltyofperjury thatonthe ___ dayof ______,20___,a copy of the foregoing was served by electronic means pursuant to LBR 9013-1(d)(2) on the parties noted in the Court’s ECF transmission facilities and/or by mail on the following parties:
See attached mailing matrix [Insertthe name andaddress ofeach individualorentityserved.]
*The attached list will not be mailed out to creditors but will be on file with the United States Bankruptcy Court. A copy will be provided upon request.
[Name ofpersoncertifyingthe mailing]
[Mustcomplywith Mont.LBR9013-1(d)(2),byreflectingthe name andaddress ofeach partyserved,andbybeingsigned “underpenaltyofperjury” andbyidentifyingthe document served. Allcreditors andanypartiesrequestingspecialnotice shouldbe served withthis document.]