User Guide
Anti VirusServer Settings
OpenAccounts Version8
eFinance Version 8
V1 2012
Prepared by
Chris Hughes
Advanced Business Solutions
Park House
300 Pavilion Drive
Northampton Business Park
Tel: +44 (0)1604 666 800
Web: /
Date:22/07/2014 / Document Version: 1.0

Copyright © Advanced Business Software and Solutions Ltd. 2014

Whilst Advanced Business Software and Solutions Ltd endeavours to ensure that the information in this document is correct it does not accept any liability for errors or omissions or any liability arising out of its use.

The software described in this document is supplied under licence and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such a licence. Issue of this document does not entitle the recipient to access or use the software described.

The development of Advanced Business Software and Solutions Ltd software is continuous and the published information may not reflect the current status. Any particular release of the software may not contain all of the facilities described and / or may contain facilities not described.

Version History

Date / Version / Issued By / Changes
22/07/2014 / 1.0 / Chris Hughes / Document created

Version Approval

Version / Name / Title / Organisation / Approval Record


Version and Date / Name and Title

Document Control

Filename / Location / Minimum Retention


Anti Virus

OpenAccounts v8


SQL Database only


Client Write Area (Customer folder)

eFinance v8


SQL Database only


V1 Release 2012



Further Assistance

Anti Virus

Generally, in the name of performance, it would be ideal to have no anti virus software on back office servers. Today’s reality and security policies clash with this ideal and so this document has been formed to try and address a balance between the security rationale and the day to day running of our software.

This document assumes all 3 applications are installed on the same server and on the same D drive. Should you have a more complex or separated installation please refer to the install documentation provided to you by the technical consultant at install time.

For the purposes of file type exclusion the following is being used

* = any character(s) of any length

? = any individual character

As with any process like this ensure you backup first and have the ability to restore your server to the same position before you begin this process.

OpenAccounts v8

The following are setting for the OpenAccounts v8 application, split into 3 areas, database, application, and client write area.


In D:\AdvancedDB there will be your Live and Test databases residing in

D:\AdvancedDB\OALive80\oa_data and


These files will be accessed in read / write mode continually.

Option 1

Exclude the folders and all of its contents.

Option 2

Exclude the following file types in these folders

Exclusion / Reason
*.d? / Database files (can be openacc.db, openacc.d1, openacc.d2 etc)
*.b? / Before-image transaction files (can be openacc.b1, openacc.b2 etc)
*.lg / Database log files
*.a? / After-image transaction files (can be openacc.a1, openacc.a2 etc)
Temp Folders

There is a temporary folder per installation, files are typically used instead of RAM so it is important they are not scanned

D:\AdvancedDB\OALive80\temp and


Option 1

Exclude the folders entirely

Option 2

Exclude all extension less files. Probably *.in your application

SQL Database only

If the software is running from a SQL database there are additional areas to consider

D:\Advanced\OALive80\oa_schema and


NOTE: The exclusions from the previous page should be copied exactly

The SQL Databases are associated log files may be in various locations by default SQL databases for SQL 2008 R2 would be here

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA

Option 1

Exclude the folder and all of its contents.

Option 2

Based on the standard SQL extenstions

Exclusion / Reason
*.mdf / Database files
*.ldf / Log files


OpenAccounts runs within the Progress runtime engine, therefore we must exclude the engine as well as the OpenAccounts application

Progress OpenEdge 10.2B

Progress can usually be found installed in D:\Oev10

Option 1

Exclude both folders all of their contents, sub folders and their contents.

Option 2

You could exclude extension types in D:\Oev10\Bin

Exclusion / Reason
*.exe / Progress runtime executables
*.dll / Used by the progress runtime executables

Option 3

Should the security policy not allow wildards on executables the following should be excluded as a minimum from D:\Oev10\Bin

Exclusion / Reason
_dbagent.exe / OpenEdge Management DB Agent
_mprosrv.exe / OpenEdge Database Server/Broker
_mprshut.exe / OpenEdge Shutdown Utility
_proapsv.exe / OpenEdge Application Server
_progres.exe / OpenEdge Character Client (used for background processes)
Admsrvc.exe / OpenEdge Admin Server
Prowin32.exe / OpenEdge Graphical Client
*.dll / Used by the progress runtime executables
OpenAccounts V8

There is an OpenAccounts folder per installation typically

D:\Advanced\OALive80 and


Option 1

Exclude both folders all of their contents, sub folders and their contents.

Option 2

Exclude fromD:\Advanced\OALive80 and D:\Advanced\OATest80

Exclusion / Reason
Openrunv8.exe / Progress runtime executables
*.r / Compiled Progress OpenAccounts code
(Include all sub folders with this exclusion)
*.p / Progress OpenAccounts code
(Include all sub folders with this exclusion)
*.pl / Progress OpenAccounts procedure libraries
(Include all sub folders with this exclusion)
*.wrx / Progress Wrapper file for calling OCX files
(Include all sub folders with this exclusion)
*.ico / Image files used by OpenAccounts
(Include all sub folders with this exclusion)
*.dll / Called by the application
(From activex folder only)

Client Write Area (Customer folder)

This area / folders are designed for the clients and the application to be able to write to and change. All of the reports generated by the systems are here.

The client write area usually resides under a folder called customer, under this folder there is another per installation such as

D:\Advanced\Customer\OALive80 and


Option 1

Exclude both folders all of their contents, sub folders and their contents.

Option 2

Exclusion / Reason
*.prt / OpenAccounts spooled fixed width reports
(oa_spool folder only)
*.xlsm / Templates used by OpenAccounts executive reporting
(EDR/??/Templates folders, where ?? is a list of at least 9 folders)
*.xlsm / Reports generated by OpenAccounts executive reporting
(EDR/??/Reports folders, where ?? is a list of at least 9 folders)
*.txt / Datafiles generated for EDR reports and latterly merged to produce output
(EDR/??/Datafiles folders, where ?? is a list of at least 9 folders)
*.log / OpenAccounts log files
(Include all sub folders with this exclusion)

eFinance v8

The following are settings for the eFinance v8 application, split into 2 areas, database and application

NOTE: These settings assume that all of the OpenAccounts v8 exclusions are in place, as such the following settings should be used in addition and not alone


In D:\AdvancedDB there will be your Live and Test databases residing in

D:\AdvancedDB\eliv5080\oa_data and


These files will be accessed in read / write mode continually.

Option 1

Exclude the folders and all of its contents.

Option 2

Exclude the following file types in these folders

Exclusion / Reason
*.d? / Database files (can be openacc.db, openacc.d1, openacc.d2 etc)
*.b? / Before-image transaction files (can be openacc.b1, openacc.b2 etc)
*.lg / Database log files
*.a? / After-image transaction files (can be openacc.a1, openacc.a2 etc)

SQL Database only

If the software is running from a SQL database there are additional areas to consider

D:\Advanced\eliv5080\oa_schema and


NOTE: The exclusions from the previous page should be copied exactly


eFinance v8

There is an eFinance folder per installation typically

D:\Advanced\eliv5080 and


Option 1

Exclude both folders all of their contents, sub folders and their contents.

Option 2

Exclude the following file types in these folders

Exclusion / Reason
*.r / Compiled Progress OpenAccounts code
(Include all sub folders with this exclusion)
*.p / Progress OpenAccounts code
(Include all sub folders with this exclusion)
*.ico / Image files used by OpenAccounts
(Include all sub folders with this exclusion)
*.xsl / Used in the presentation layer of eFinance
(Exclude from html / oxvirt folders, include all sub directories from them as well)

V1 Release 2012

The following are settings for the V1 application, split into 2 areas, archive and application


The archive is where all of the stored images are kept there are two versions, flat file and the SQL database method.

Flat File

The flat file version of the archive can store 10’s of thousands of images in its own generated structure, this structure typically begins at

D:\VersionOne\DbArchive\00 and


Option 1

Exclude both folders all of their contents, sub folders and their contents.

Option 2

Exclude the following file types in these folders

Exclusion / Reason
*. / The images themselves
(Include all sub folders with this exclusion)
Note: this indicates files without an extension
*.dat / Metadata about the stored image
(Include all sub folders with this exclusion)

In addition the databases are stored in flat files in

D:\VersionOne\DbArchive and


The following only need to be excluded

Exclusion / Reason
*.dat / The database data
*.idx / Indexes for the databases
SQL Version

Please follow the guidelines for OpenAccounts SQL databases.


The server side of the application can include many parts depending on which modules have been licensed. Therefore some of the following may not be present on your server.

There is generally one overall installation of V1, and within this a live and test archive. The installation is usually found in D:\VersionOne

Option 1

Exclude this folder all of its contents, sub folders and their contents.

Option 2

Exclude the following file types in this folder

Exclusion / Reason
*.exe / Various executable programs and services used by the application
(Include all sub folders with this exclusion)
*.dll / Various executable programs and services use libraries
(Include all sub folders with this exclusion)
*.def / Definition files – used to handle application logic
(Include all sub folders with this exclusion)
*.log / For log files
(Include all sub folders with this exclusion)
*.xml / Used for various settings

Option 3

Should the security policy not allow wildards on executables the following should be excluded as a minimum from D:\VersionOne

Exclusion / Reason
DbLoginServer.exe / Db Login Server
(DbLogin\ folder)
DbArchiveServer-31418.exe / Live Db Archive Servers
(DbArchive\ folder)
NOTE: If running on non-standard ports the numbers may be different
DbArchiveServer-41418.exe / Test Db Archive Servers
(DbArchive\ folder)
NOTE: If running on non-standard ports the numbers may be different
DbCapturePDFFileWatcher.exe / Scans for PDF incoming files
(DbCapture\ folder)
DbCSCaptureServerUnpack.exe / Db Capture Services
(DbCapBackground\ folder)
DbCapComms31451.exe / Db Capture Services
(DbCapture Communications Server\ folder)

Further Assistance

Should you still require assistance after running the above procedure, please contact the Service Delivery Centre

Telephone: 08451 609 999


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