7th & 8th Bible

Old Testament Studies

A few Suggestions for Bible Posters for the Open House

1.  The Creation Week

  1. List what was created on each day.
  2. Include: “The Sabbath teaches us the need to rest from all our works as God did from His work. We are to rest in Christ’s finished work.”
  3. Include: “The Sabbath points us to the eternal rest – heaven.”

2.  The Ten Commandments

  1. List the Ten Commandments.
  2. Include: “The Law says ‘Do this and live.’ The Gospel says ‘Live and do this.”
  3. Include: “The summary of the Law is to love God with all our hearts, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves.”
  4. Include: “We need the law engraved on the tables of our hearts in the moment of regeneration.”
  5. Include: “Only Jesus obeyed the law perfectly. We need His obedience to be our obedience. We need His righteousness to be our righteousness.”

3.  What is Typology?

  1. Include: “Typology is one of the ways the Old Testament teaches us about Christ.”
  2. Include: “A type is a person, object, or event in the Old Testament which is designed by God to resemble and foreshadow something in the New Testament.”
  3. Give and explain a few examples of types of Christ.

4.  Redemptive History Explained

  1. Include: “Redemptive History is a look at God’s plan/method of salvation through Jesus Christ as it is revealed on the pages of the Old Testament. It is to view Old Testament history in its relationship to redemption.
  2. Include: “How is the Bible viewed from the standpoint of the study of redemptive history? Answer: All of the Scriptures point to the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, become flesh. All of the Scriptures need to be interpreted in light of His historical work, death, resurrection, ascension, and second advent.”

5.  Ruth

  1. Give a few facts from Ruth’s life and history.
  2. Include: The words of Ruth’s choice
  3. Include: “Ruth’s redemption by Boaz is a picture of the redemption of a sinner by Jesus Christ.”
  4. Include information regarding Ruth being an ancestor of Jesus Christ.

6.  What are the three primary ways that the Old Testament points to the Lord Jesus Christ?

  1. Promise – Example:/ Genesis 3:15
  2. Prophecy – Example:/ Isaiah 53 or Psalm 22
  3. Typology: through a system of types – Example:/all the Old Testament sacrifices

7.  Joshua and the Conquest of Canaan

  1. Give a map of the conquest and a map of the inheritances of the tribes
  2. Include – “Canaan was the Promised Land that God promised to Abraham. It is also a type of heaven.”

8.  Wilderness Types

  1. Manna – Type of Jesus Christ the Bread of Heaven (John 6:48-51)
  2. Rock that was smitten – Type of Jesus Christ who was smitten that the life giving streams might flow forth from Him (1 Corinthians 10:4)
  3. Brazen Serpent – Type of Jesus Christ being lifted up on the cross (John 3)

9.  Saul

  1. Give a few instructive facts from the history of Saul

10.  Abraham and Isaac on Mount Moriah

  1. Explain this history and show how Isaac was a type of Christ who was sacrificed by His Father.

11.  Sacrifices and the Day of Atonement

  1. Describe how the sacrifices and Day of Atonement point to Christ.

12.  The Tabernacle

  1. Make two-dimensional model of the tabernacle.

13.  Joseph a Type of Christ

  1. Give a few examples of how Joseph is a type of Jesus Christ.

14.  The Fall and God’s Promise

  1. Explain the fall
  2. Tell about God’s plan of salvation revealed in Genesis 3:15.

15.  Heroes of Faith

  1. List various heroes of faith from Hebrews 11.

16.  God’s Ark (Noah’s Ark) – A Place of Refuge

  1. Give a few examples of how Noah’s ark is a type of Jesus Christ

17.  The Ten Plagues

  1. List and explain the ten plagues
  2. Include details about the Passover and explain that we need the blood of Jesus Christ on our hearts in order to be spared from God’s wrath against sin.