Chief Dan McKenzie called the business meeting of the Waverly Volunteer Fire Department to order, Chaplain Frazee led the department in devotions.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and there being no corrections or additions were approved as read. The Treasurer’s report was given and the bills against the department were listed, a motion to accept the report and to pay all bills was made by Randy Meyer, with a second heard from Shane Postast, motion carried.

Roll was answered by 31 members, 6 were excused, and non absent.

Bob Fiser was recognized for his efforts with the Heritage Days Waterball and committee work. Pat Shields was recognized for his Fire Fighter 1 completion. The groups that took 1st and 3rd place during Heritage Days Waterball were also recognized. Discussion about what time to have waterball for next year was discussed. Kevin commented on how nice the fireworks that were set off for the wedding were.

Correspondence were read and discussed. Also the use of tobacco in trucks was talked about.

In committee reports, Dennis reported for the building committee, the public hearing is set for Monday August 15th, please wear white dress shirts for those attending. Discussion for the purchase of the museum was talked about. Will made a motion to accept the committees recommendation for the purchase price plus storage costs, 2nd by Roy, motion carried. Glenn made a motion to purchase the ground that the museum will sit on, 2nd by Kevin Miller, motion carried. There will be a list put together to bid on the items in the current museum, sealed bids will be taken for these items at the September business meeting. Glenn gave a presentation for the aerial truck committee on trucks that they have seen. Dan mentioned the MDA boot drop, the date is September 1st at 4:00. Reminder that the pancake breakfast is Oct. 15th. Jason reported that the new 807 is in route and should be in service by mid September.

In unfinished business Dan talked about Fab Tech drilling holes for the fireworks and charged us 75.00. A motion was made by Kevin to pay the bill, 2nd by Bob Edgar, motion carried. Rob mentioned needing to get clothing ordered, order forms are on the board.

In new business, Nate Frazee brought up putting together a group to investigate color guard uniforms and their cost, Kevin, Dennis, and Will will work with Nate. Convention was brought up, no one seems to be going this year. Dan talked about the sound proofing in 804 that needs replacing due to a leak that has not yet been found. It was also discussed about testing hose, 1st night will be Tuesday August 18th and the 2nd night will be August 23rd at 6:00. New Hampton will be hosting a Rope rescue and confined space class on August 27th and 28th, there is only room for 3 people.

Fire calls for the month were read and discussed. Motion do adjourn by Dennis, 2nd by Bryce, motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted

Jeff Soash, Secretary