Mr. Wedlock
School Phone: 364-7778 ext.7384
Website: then place “Wedlock Physics” in the search box
Course Outline: Quarter One: chapters (11, 12) waves and sound, chapters (23, 24) light and optics, and chapters (16) electric charge (MCA1). Quarter Two: chapters (17,18,19) electric potential, current and circuits, chapters (20-22) magnetism and electromagnetic waves (MCA2) Quarter Three: chapters (2-5) Motion (MCA3). Quarter Four: chapters (6-8) energy, momentum, and rotation (MCA 4 which includes research and a trip to Six Flags)
Text: Giancoli, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 6th Ed. Physics,
Website: Includes a class schedule, notes, handouts, tutorial links, and homework solutions.
What You Need: A journal notebook, a subject notebook, a ring binder, and a scientific calculator.
Grading: The class grade is divided in a 65/35 percentage which includes summative and formative types of assessment. The 65% portion of the grade will consist of tests, labs, projects, and the MCA. These items will be recorded as late, missing, and receive a grade of “0” in Power-School until the work is given to the teacher. 35% portion of the grade, consist of 10% homework and 25% blogs, journals, quizzes, and classwork. Parents can also read comments concerning work when checking grades on Power-School.
A. Summative Assessments 65%
a. Labs: 10% Students will be given an opportunity to fulfill the science portion of the portfolio, (Expectation 1 Problem Solving and for an entry in their technology log), in the form of a formal lab during quarter one and three using the science lab rubric found under the “Lab” link on the webpage. In Quarter two and four students will be assigned two non-formal analysis labs. The time to hand in the lab(s) will be extended to five days prior to the end of each quarter but after the due date the highest grade possible is an eighty.
b. Tests: 20% Tests are generated from homework questions, multiple choice questions, and short essays. The multiple choice questions, sample problems, and short essays can be found on the webpage under the link “Tests.” Tests must be completed on the test date. Students who are absent must make-up the test on the next-help night. The make-up test for absent students will reflect the same material but may not contain the same exact questions. There are no test revisions!
c. Project: 10% At the end of each quarter, the week before the MCA, the student will use their knowledge to create a physical model of a particular concept learned that quarter. This project can fulfill either Expectation 5b or 5d Self Directed Learner and for an entry in your technology log. Project topics, question sheets, rubrics, and helpful links can be found on the webpage under the “Project” link.
d. MCA: 25% Please be aware that the MCA is25% of your final grade. Please realize that this grade can strongly affect your class average!MCA questions are a mix of multiple choice, problems, and short essay questions. All MCA questions are generated from tests taken during the quarter. So, you should save each test and make sure you can answer each question correctly. There is only one MCA revision!
B. Formal Assessments 35%
a. Homework: 10% Homework usually consists of Guided Note Questions and Practice Problems found at the end of each chapter. The Guided Note Questions are also on the webpage under the “Notes” link. All solutions are on the webpage under the “Solutions” link. These are there to help you when you are “stuck” or to check your answers. Home work must be handed in on time for full credit. Late homework will receive 50% credit and must be handed in to the teacher or placed in the teacher’s mailbox by the end of the next school day. Students absent on the day homework is do must hand the work to the teacher or place it in the teacher’s mailbox the day they return to school.
b. Quizzes, Journal, Blogs, and Class work 25% Quizzes directly reflect the Homework Problems and Guided Note Questions. The Journal is part of an introduction and or exit question, activity, or Balanced Science exercise. Blog assignments can be acquired under the “Blog” link. Quizzes, balanced science, journals, and class work will be due in class. Absent students will make-up this work on the next help-night. Blogs are due by the last class of the week the Blog was assigned for discussion.
Class Rules:
The school provides students with a handbook that serves to explain the conduct and attendance expectations of Chariho Students. The handbook can also be used to organize their assignments. It is the intention of this class to follow the school’s mission statement and student expectations in words, deeds, actions, and thoughts. Two essential expectations central to the success of a productive learning environment are the practice of concepts learned and the importance of asking questions when concepts are difficult. The safety contract must be signed and returned before participation in any lab activity.
Most importantly follow these simple rules;
- No phone - No food - No drinks except water
- Run a clean and safe lab, never play with lab equipment.
- Be in your seat when the bell rings with materials for class.
Help Night: Help night is held every Wednesday after school.
The parent and student signatures verify that at least one parent and the student has read the Physics Expectations document, viewed the grading policy, and
visited the class web-page. Parent(s) please provide your e-mail so that I might communicate difficulties or success your child is having in the class.
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
e-mail address:______
Student Signature:______Date: ______