Application Formfor SMU Early Career Award (ECA) Appointment

Please submit completed form together with all necessary accompanying documents in PDF format to email address:


/ Recent
Full Name as in identity card or passport (Underline Surname/Family Name):
Name in Chinese characters (If applicable):
Preferred Name (Optional):
Postal Address:
Home Address:
Email Address: / Telephone / Mobile number
[include country & area codes for non-Singapore numbers]:
In case of emergency, notify:
Gender: Male Female / Marital Status:
Marital Status Date (if married):
Day / Month / Year / Country of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Day / Month / Year
Singapore NRIC No (Pink): / Other Permanent Residency (PR) outside Singapore:
Yes No
If yes, please indicate:


Have you already completed your PhD studies?

Yes No

Start date:


Completion date / Expected date of completion:



Areas of PhD Study:

Accountancy / Information Systems / Operations Management
Economics / Statistics / Law / Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources
Finance / Marketing / Strategy & Organisation
Political Science / Sociology / Psychology
Please state your thesis topic and the name of school / university where you are pursuing / have completed your PhD studies and/or undertaken postdoctoral placements.


(List universities/ institutions attended and attach copies of relevant, certified true copy of transcripts and degree scrolls)
From [month/year] / To [month/year] / Institutions attended / Degrees obtained
Membership of Professional Institutions or Societies (date admitted or joined)
Scholarships/awards obtained (give particulars, including year of award and whether under bond to any authority)
Language / Degree of Proficiency
(indicate spoken and/or written) / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor


a)Name and Address of Present Employer:
b)Date Initially Employed and Position:
Day / Month / Year
c)Present Position and Date Appointed (if different from above): / a)Indicate monthly base salary:
Do not include any bonus or variable or other supplementary components. Ensure it is your current base and not a possible future base number.
b)List any non-bonus related supplementary components to your monthly or annual base.
c)For Singapore based pay in relation to variable bonus component, indicate the number of months of bonuses you received in each of the two prior bonus award periods.
From [month/year] / To [month/year] / Employer (name and country) / Position Held / Brief Description of Responsibilities
REFEREES: The University will seek confidential references on you. Please provide details of 3 referees whom the University can invite to comment on your suitability for the ECA appointment and for an academic career.
Name / Occupation / Years Known / Mailing Address and E-Mail Address
If you have not served National Service, state whether you have been exempted. Yes No
If yes, please quote Exemption Notice no. and date:
Are you currently liable for reservist? Yes No
Date Enlisted [month/year] / Date Discharged [month/year] / State whether
Full-Time/Part-Time / Type of Service
Army/SC/ VC/PDF / Highest Rank
Attained / Vocation

Note: Please attach a copy of your Certificate of Conduct/Service


Please answer the following questions. If the answer is 'Yes', give full details on a separate sheet of paper.
  1. Have you ever submitted any other application at SMU before? (e.g. scholarship, admissions, employment, etc)
/ Yes No
  1. Have you ever been tried or convicted in a court of law of any country?
/ Yes No
  1. Have you ever filed for bankruptcy or been declared bankrupt in any country?
/ Yes No
  1. Have you ever been dismissed, discharged or suspended from employment?
/ Yes No
  1. Have you ever had, or are you suffering from any of the following, which may impair your ability to competently undertake the appointment for which you have applied:
Physical impairment?
Mental illness?
Medical condition?
Surgical operation? / Yes No
  1. Have you ever been the subject of allegations or complaints made regarding or in connection with research misconduct, breach of research protocols or ethical behaviour, or had sanctions imposed or licences/permissions cancelled, withdrawn or restricted or been subjected to any form of employee/faculty disciplinary process/action/tribunal irrespective of whether sanctions were ultimately imposed?
/ Yes No
  1. For avoidance of any conflict of interest, please state if you have any relative(s) or friend(s) who is/are presently working/ studying in the University? If yes, please provide name, relationship, and office/unit/department
/ Yes No

I declare that the particulars stated above are true, complete and correct, and that I have not suppressed or omitted any material information that could be of relevance to my application. I understand and accept that any misrepresentation or omission of information may result in a withdrawal of ECA offer or may render me liable to disqualification from appointment as an SMU ECA appointee or, if awarded, dismissal from the ECA appointment.

I acknowledge and understand that SMU may collect and use my personal information (e.g. medical information) for purposes of evaluating this application and, where applicable, managing the appointment. SMU may also disclose such information where necessary to external parties for purposes of university administration and to Government agencies for official purposes. I consent to such collection, use and disclosure of my personal information by SMU in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.

DATE SIGNATURE(to sign in ink or digital signature)

(Day /Month /Year)

Note: Forms which are not correctly filled and properly signed will not be accepted. This form will be held on file for a period of 2 years from the date of application submission.