·  Things to take to class:
·  Customer Profiles
·  Beauty books
·  Create-A-Roll-up Closing Sheet
·  Filled Roll-up / Fill Trays (Large wells)
1.  3 in 1 Cleanser
2.  Night Solution
3.  Day Solutions
4.  Age Fighting Moisturizer
5.  Concealer and Foundation / Fill Trays (Small wells)
1.  Indulge Soothing Eye Mask
2.  TimeWise Eye Cream
3.  Satin Lips Mask
4.  Satin Lips Balm
Have guests apply:
1.  Mint Bliss Energizing Lotion for Feet & Legs on one foot or leg (optional)
2.  Satin Hands done by Hostess at sink
3.  Products are fountain of youth for body. / 1.  Finish with TimeWise Visibly Fit Body Lotion on hands and on one arm.
2.  Select foundation & concealer (test foundation on side of neck) / ·  Welcome, Intros, Name, Family, Occu- pation, Ever use Mary Kay before?
·  My goal--make you feel so good on the outside, you can’t help but feel great on the inside!
·  This Pampering Session is Part 1 of 2!
·  Part 1 focuses on creating healthy, glowing skin
·  Part 2 is all about color. / Today we’ll be doing 3 things.
·  We’ll be focusing on creating healthy skin.
·  You’ll be able to have a good “face day” every day! / ·  The first thing you’ll want to consider in creating healthy skin is to use one brand only.
·  When you mix brands, you may create chemical warfare on your face, which can result in…
·  acne, oiliness, dryness, or damage like lines and wrinkles.
·  Talk about the ultimate in skin damage! / ·  Secondly, you’ll get to try our customized skin care products!
·  You may want to know how to get rid of lines and wrinkles, puffiness under the eye, dark circles, or excess oiliness / ·  We have amazing products that you’ll get to try that correct these concerns
·  You’ll even get to do your own experiment on ½ your face to see the difference they make for your skin!
·  The third thing you’ll get is my personal attention
·  After we play with the products, you’ll get a personal 1-on-1 consultation with me to help you create the perfect customized set just for you. / ·  You’re also entitled to a 2nd Pampering Session as part of my free service to you.
·  2nd pampering session is crucial! / ·  First, because you deserve it! You deserve to pamper yourself!
·  Secondly, I want to make sure you’re completely satisfied & loving your Mary Kay. (explain 100% guarantee)
·  And #3, you will receive special- ized glamour training, and if you share that time with friends, you’ll receive lots of free MK products. / ·  I’d like to share a couple of quick facts about the products, so you feel totally comfortable applying them.
·  First, we’ve been the #1 Best Selling Brand for the past 11 yrs. / ·  I love to be on the winning team, don’t you?
·  3 things that have made us #1
1.  Top Quality Products
We put money into ingredients and research, not into advertising. / ·  We voluntarily have our products clinically tested in a government regulated FDA Lab.
·  What it says on the box, it will do. / ·  When it says it will reduce wrinkles by 56%, it will.
·  Our products are fragrance-free, unless stated otherwise.
·  They are safe for sensitive skin
·  We don’t test on animals
·  And finally, our products are non-comedogenic, which means they won’t clog your pores or cause acne. / 2.  The 2nd reason is Service
·  You get ME for FREE! I’m your gift with purchase!
·  My #1 priority is keeping you completely happy with MK / ·  I will be your “face girl” as long as you will have me!
·  I’ll deliver your products to your door
·  Shop with me 24/7 on my website
·  Or leave me a voice mail order.
·  Remember, Mary Kay and I stand behind the products 100%.
·  You may be thrilled about quality and excited about service, but the bottom line is—money doesn’t grow on trees! So, how much is this going to cost? / 3. You’ll be relieved to know, the 3rd reason we are #1 is because of the
Value. / ·  Less expensive than department store brands and many of the drug store brands!
·  And we last twice as long—from 3-6 months. You can afford to get on Mary Kay and stay on Mary Kay.
·  Last but not least, I want you to know that you’re under absolutely no obligation!
·  This is your chance to sit back, relax, hang out with the girls, and feel great about your face. / ·  / ·  However, if you’re tempted, I do carry everything on hand, and you can take it home with you today.
·  MC, Visa, Discover, checks, cash, and creative financing! (page 6) / ·  How would you like a Miracle for your face?
·  Read The “Make a Miracle Happen Every Day
·  Night Solution on ½ Face
Did you know: At Age
20 A girl has no wrinkles
25 Forehead and laugh lines appear
30 Crows feet develop
40 Perrmanent wrinkles from ears to neck / 50 Nose, earlobes and chin creases form
55 Folds on neck begin to form
60 Mouth wrinkles deepen
70+ Wrinkles overlap and criss-cross

How about a miracle for those wrinkles?

/ ·  We’re going to continue with our Miracle Set!
·  Apply Day Solution on top of Night Solution on ½ face.
·  You have the Miracle Set on one side and the TimeWise set on the other.
·  The Miracle Set, including foundation, will make the difference in how your skin looks at your next class reunion!
·  Review application steps and prices. / ·  Read Day/Night Solutions
·  We’re going to take the anti-aging miracle to the next level by adding some additional TimeWise products / ·  We’ve just done the basics for healthy skin, except foundation.
·  Why would you have this beautiful face and neck and then allow your eyes to give away your age?
·  The eye area is the first place that you begin to show the signs of age.
·  Use the ring finger (weakest one) to apply products to eye area / ·  / ·  Apply Indulge Soothing Eye Gel to one eye—(one eye) under eye and on brow bone.
·  Instantly gives 130% increase moisture to the eye, reduces fine lines, wrinkles, and puffiness / ·  It can also be used throughout the day as a pick-me-up. Won’t disturb makeup
·  Great for computer users and itchy allergy eyes.
·  Green tea works on the wrinkles
·  Cucumber for puffiness
·  TimeWise Age-Fighting Eye Cream goes on top of Indulge—one eye
·  Rich, luxurious cream dramatically reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles in the eye area. / ·  / ·  The foundation is the lightest, silkiest makeup you’ve ever tried.
·  First apply concealer
·  If we have the right color of foundation it will disappear / ·  If we have the right formula of foundation, it will not feel heavy
·  Full coverage adds moisture
·  Medium coverage absorbs oil
·  That completes our miracle set.
·  Just like the Spa set at the beginning of the class is the fountain of youth for your body, the Miracle Set is the fountain of youth for your face. / ·  / ·  It is said that a woman at the age of 20 has the skin she was born with.
·  A woman at 40 has the skin she is working with. / ·  And the woman at the age of 60 has the skin she deserves!
·  So it’s up to you how you want to look at that next class reunion!
·  Apply loose powder or dual powder to set makeup.
·  Use conversion chart for correct color. / ·  Doesn’t my job look fun?
·  I want to take just a minute to share with you why I became a consultant.
·  Mary Kay Ash founded Co on Golden Rule—Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you. / ·  Priorities are God 1st, Family 2nd. Mary Kay 3rd
·  I hope you’ve been watching what I do. If you think you might want more information, talk with me later.
·  Glamour
o  Sunny Spice Cheeks
o  Lipstick choice from Beauty Bash Book / ·  Eyes (optional)
a.  Apply Eye Primer
b.  Spun Silk & Hazelnut
c.  Mascara—1 dip / ·  Advanced Glamour--2nd facial
o  Eyes (3 colors)
o  Eyeliner
o  Lip Liner
·  (consider the look on p 14 or 15)
·  Hostess finishes Color Look
·  Other guests finish 1-4 questions on back of profile.
·  Page 16 / ·  Everyone wants to know 3 things: how does it come, when can I get it, and how much does it cost?
·  Review products and prices—each set on page 17 / ·  These sets are for the woman who wants it all and doesn’t want to age another day!
·  It’s for the woman who wants people to think she’s at the wrong class reunion!
·  All 7 sets retail for $371, plus you get the $40 travel roll-up bag for a total of $411. But, today it’s only $349!
·  Or, you can Create-A-Roll-up with any 4 sets and still get a free rollup bag.
·  Go over sets in Create-A-Roll-up sheet / ·  Brush Set--$45
·  Hostess pays only $30
·  When she has 1 booking--$20
·  Two bookings--$10
·  Three bookings--free /

Private Consultation

·  Did you have fun?
·  How does your skin feel?
·  What was your favorite part?
Are you as excited about the way your skin looks and feels as I think you are?
·  Well, you know your situation a whole lot better than I do
·  Whatever works for you is fine with me.
·  Would you prefer to splurge tonight with all seven sets plus the free rollup bag? / ·  / ·  Or do you need to be more conservative and create your own rollup by choosing four sets?
·  How would you like to handle it? (CC? Check?)
·  We need to set the date for your / ·  2nd Pampering Appt.
·  Which is better for you? During the week or on the weekend? (set date)
·  Share it with friends?
·  Ask for recruiting interview.