Harvesters of Jesus

(Newsletter 208– 06/01/2017)

The Association of the Harvesters of Jesus was established in order to provide the regular daily spiritual needs of the LITTLE EDEN Society. It is firmly believed that without such support, LITTLE EDEN would wither.

Time among angels

I imagine if Domitilla was still amongst us, she would be overflowing with pride and gratitude this year as her precious LITTLE EDEN turns 50. With her resolute faith, I have no doubt that she knew that this day would come.We believe that she remains among us in spirit and through her prayers she continues to guidethe organisation in the right direction.

This year I celebrate my own personal mini milestone, my 10 year journey at
LITTLE EDEN. Reflecting on it makes me want to take a very deep breath because even after a decade, the feeling of being amongst angels still feels surreal and overwhelms me. It is true that circumstances and experiences in life are stepping stones leading us to where we are meant to be.

I do not know how long my journey with LITTLE EDEN will go on for. It might be for a year, another decade or even a lifetime but I do know how it feels to be among God’s angels.
If it is written in my obituary it shouldn’t be referred to as a career path but a rare opportunity to be in God’s presence while on earth, an opportunity to identify God within me and more especially aprivilege to serve Him.

My contribution to this missionary work is limited in comparison to that of the founders of the organisation; but the effect the experience has on my personal life is immeasurable and is one with which I will grow.

Initial appearances of situations which are meant to impact and change our lives for the better, do not always come covered in beautiful smelling rose petals. However, it is through our faith in Divine Providence that we may be led to soul enriching revelations.

Happy 50th anniversary LITTLE EDEN!

N Muthige

Daily prayer for the needs of LITTLE EDEN
Jesus, Great Harvester, who desires the salvation of all mankind, accept the offering of my life and work in assisting You to help garner the fields for the harvest. Teach me compassion, understanding and love for those most in need. Bless our Association; strengthen the bonds of love and charity amongst us, so that with hearts united we may say "Thy kingdom come". Mary, comfort of the afflicted, pray for us.