Teacher Name: Jeff Poth & Theresa Lester
Telephone Number: 832-484-4932 Email:
Contact Times: 12:40 to 1:29
TEKS for Course
Student objectives are listed in the calendar/outline section of this document by six weeks. A complete list and description of the TEKS for Algebra I (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) can be found at
Grading Determination
Major Grades: 60%
Quiz/Daily: 30%
Homework: 10%
Late Work Procedure
Homework will be accepted one day late at 20% off. Homework received 2 or more days late, but turned in by the end of the unit, will be 50% off.
Projects will be received one day late for 10% off, 2 days late for 20% off, and 3 days late for 30% off. No credit will be given after 3 days late.
Reteach / Retest Procedure
Summative assessments are typically given each six weeks. Summative tests are cumulative and serve as retesting over concepts covered during the six weeks. If the summative assessment score is higher than a six weeks unit test, it will serve as a replacement grade to give the student an opportunity to improve his/her overall average.
Projects are infrequent in Algebra I. There may be 1 or 2 during the year.
Project grades can be “Minor,” fitting into the Quiz/Daily category, or “Major,” fitting into the Major grade category.
Student Absence Procedure
Students are allowed the same number of days that they were absent to complete make-up homework.
If a test is missed, the student should make it up as soon as possible to maximize performance. Two weeks is the typical make-up time limit for testing.
Room 289 is the test make-up location. There is one after-school and one before-school make-up time typically offered each week. This year it will be Mondays after school from 2:35 – 3:25 p.m. and Fridays before school from 6:30 – 7:20 a.m. If there are conflicts with these times, I am typically available to administer the make-ups in my room upon prior arrangement.
Test Days
Standard test days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tests are allowed on other days with principal approval.
Six week calendars are passed out to the students and kept current on my teacher website. Below is a rough course outline; time periods are approximations* and may vary according to students’ needs. Electronic copies of the calendars can be viewed on my website using the link below.

Unit Title TEKS Time*
First Six Weeks
Unit 1 / Introduction to Algebra / A.1A, A.1B, A.1C, A.1D / 1.5 weeks
Unit 2 / One/Two Steps and Literal Equations / A.4A, A.7B / 1 week
Unit 3 / Multi-Step Equations / A.4B, A.7B / 2 weeks
Second Six Weeks
Unit 4 / Inequalities / A.7B / 1.5 weeks
Unit 5 / Functions and Function Families / A.1B, A.1C, A.1D, A.2C, A.2D / 3 weeks
Third Six Weeks
Unit 6 / Introduction to Linear Functions / A.5C, A.6A, A.6B, A.6G / 2.5 weeks
Unit 7 / Writing Linear Equations and Transformations of Functions / A.5C, A.6C, A.6D / 3 weeks
Fourth Six Weeks
Unit 8 / Solving Systems of Equations / A.8A, A.8B / 2 weeks
Unit 9 / Solutions of Linear Equations / A.7B, A.8B / 1 week
Unit 10 / Properties of Exponents / A.11A / 1.5 weeks
Fifth Six Weeks
Unit 11 / Working with Polynomials / A.4A / 2 weeks
Unit 12 / Introduction to Quadratic Functions / A.2A, A.10B / 2 weeks
TAKS Short Course / 2-3 weeks
Sixth Six Weeks
Unit 13 / Factoring and Inverse Variation / A.3A, A.4A, A.4B, A.11B / 2.5 weeks
Unit 14 / Solving Quadratic Equations / A.10A / 1.5 weeks
Unit 15 / Exponential Growth and Decay / A.1C, A.1D, A.11C / 1 week
Other Important Information
Materials to bring each day:
  • Pencil/Pen
  • Charged laptop
  • Paper/Spiral
All papers and electronic files completed during the six weeks should be kept until the end of each six weeks.