Tau Beta Sigma

Southwest District Convention 2010

Baylor University in Waco, Texas

April 9, 10, 11

“Leave Your Mark”

Opening Joint Session Friday

  1. Call to Order at 4:05pm
  2. Welcome
  3. Introduction of Joint District Councils
  4. Kappa Kappa Psi Southwest Council
  5. President- Mark Daniels (Theta Nu)
  6. VP- Adrian Alonso (Epsilon Kappa)
  7. Secretary/ Treasurer- Jennifer Larsen (Epsilon Delta)
  8. Co-MAL- Megan Polis (Beta Gamma)
  9. Co-MAL- Andy Smith (Theta Phi)
  10. Governor- Danny George
  11. Governor- Mr. Fred Velez
  12. Tau Beta Sigma Southwest Council
  13. President- Brynn Jones (Psi)
  14. VP of Membership- Leah Arecneaux (Alpha Omicron)
  15. Secretary/ Treasurer- Patricia Butler (Theta Theta)
  16. Counselor- Erika Pope
  17. Introduction of Visiting Dignitaries
  18. Kappa Kappa Psi National Council
  19. President- Derrick Mills
  20. VPP- Christine Beason
  21. VPSA- Jack Lee
  22. Tau Beta Sigma National Council
  23. President- Dollie O’Neill
  24. VPCR- Nicole Burdick
  25. Kappa Kappa Psi Board of Trustees
  26. Chris Haughee
  27. Tau Beta Sigma Board of Trustees
  28. Chris Gordon, BOT and Immediate Past SWD Counselor
  29. TBSAA Members
  30. Stephanie Salazar, Executive Committee
  31. Tau Beta Sigma Counselors
  32. Midwest District Counselor- Adrienne Ralls
  33. National Headquarters Staff
  34. Di Spiva, NHQs Office Manager & Accountant
  35. Aaron Moore, NHQs Alumni, chapter and Colony Affairs Coordinator
  36. Past District Officers
  37. Recognition of Life Members in attendance
  38. Recognition of Graduating Seniors in attendance
  39. Final Call for New ALTO Bids
  40. Final Call for Convention Host Bids
  41. Announcements from Iota and Beta Alpha
  42. Recess at 4:19pm until Saturday @ 8am

Opening Separate Session Friday

  1. Call to Order at 5:02pm
  2. Seating of the DelegatesAppendix A
  3. Unassigned proxy seating begins with Theta Beta
  4. Unassigned proxy seating should begin with Theta Theta in 2011
  5. Installation of Erika Pope as Southwest District Counselor
  6. Appointment of Convention Parliamentarian Krissy Bailey (Alpha Omicron)
  7. Reading of the Standing Rules Appendix B
  8. Motion to accept by Beta Zeta
  9. Seconded by Alpha Upsilon
  10. Vote: Motion Passes
  11. Reading of the minutes
  12. Motion to suspend the reading by Beta Delta
  13. Seconded by Epsilon Psi
  14. Vote: Motion Passes
  15. Motion to accept the minutes by Delta Sigma
  16. Seconded by Theta Theta
  17. Vote: Motion Passes
  18. Call for District Officer Candidates Packets
  19. Siobhan Wilkes (Beta Zeta) for VPM
  20. Nicole Masole (Beta Gamma) for Sec/ Treas.
  21. Dustin Nyugen (Gamma Nu) for VPSP
  22. Leah Arceneaux (Alpha Omicron) for VPM
  23. Brynn Jones (Psi) for President
  24. Patricia Butler (Theta Theta) for Sec/ Treas.
  25. Assigning of CommitteesAppendix C
  26. 10 minute talk from TBS-AA
  27. Recess at 5:53pm until Saturday at 4pm

Second Joint Session Saturday

  1. Call to Oder at 8:15am
  2. Presentation of Bids for the New ALTO
  3. None presented
  4. Presentation of Bids for District Convention hosts
  5. Joint Chapters Delta and Delta at the University of Oklahoma
  6. Presentation 8:21am – 8:27am
  7. Joint Chapters Gamma Nu (TBS) and Delta Sigma(KPsi) at UTA
  8. Presentation 8:35am -8:40am
  9. Question and Answer Period
  10. Motion by Xi (TBS)
  11. Seconded by (KPsi)
  12. Vote: Motion Passes
  13. Motion for 2 minute caucus by Psi (TBS)
  14. Seconded by Beta Alpha (KPsi)
  15. Vote: Motion Passes
  16. Presentation on New Texas Area and New Rotation Schedule Appendix D
  17. Recess until Saturday at 5pm

Second Separate Session Saturday

  1. 10 minute talk from National Council
  2. Call to Order at 4:28pm
  3. Seating of late delegates
  4. Keynote Speaker Presentation by Katie Dukes (Theta Theta)Appendix E
  5. Report of the District Secretary/ Treasurer Appendix F
  6. Report of the Jurisdiction and Finance Committee Appendix G
  7. Motion to accept article 2.03 by Eta Pi
  8. Seconded by Epsilon Beta
  9. Vote: Motion Passes
  10. Motion to accept article 2.07 by Gamma Nu
  11. Seconded by Delta Tau
  12. Vote: Motion Passes
  13. Motion to accept article 2.16 by Gamma Xi
  14. Seconded by Alpha
  15. Vote: Motion Passes
  16. Motion to accept article 3.05 by Theta Beta
  17. Seconded by Delta Upsilon
  18. Vote: Motion Passes
  19. Motion to accept article 6.03 by Delta
  20. Seconded by Delta Alpha
  21. Vote: Motion Passes
  22. Motion to accept article 6.04 by Tau
  23. Seconded by Gamma Tau
  24. Vote: Motion Passes
  25. Motion to accept article 9.02 by Zeta Mu
  26. Seconded by Zeta Phi
  27. Vote: Motion Passes
  28. Motion to accept the 2010- 2011 budget by Delta Phi
  29. Seconded by Beta Omicron
  30. Vote: Motion Passes
  31. Motion to accept the Report by Gamma Omicron
  32. Seconded by Epsilon Beta
  33. Vote: Motion Passes
  34. Beta and Sigma Turtles
  35. Motion for 2 minute caucus by Beta Delta
  36. Seconded by Alpha Omicron
  37. Vote: Motion Passes
  38. Straw vote for Beta and Sigma (S&S Committee Chair)
  39. Report of the Membership Committee Appendix H
  40. Motion to Accept by Iota Beta
  41. Seconded by Gamma Phi
  42. Vote: Motion Passes
  43. Reading of the Chapter Buddy List
  44. Candidate packets for office/ New ALTO/ Convention hosts passed out
  45. Recess at 5:22pm till Sunday at 8am

Second Joint Session Saturday

  1. Call to Order at 5:42pm
  2. Seating of Late Delegates
  3. Hazing Prevention Week Presentation by the SWD Vice Presidents of Membership
  4. Vote on New Texas Area and New Rotation Schedule
  5. Motion to Accept by Delta Sigma (KPsi)
  6. Seconded by Epsilon Psi (TBS)
  7. Vote: Motion Passes
  8. Report of Joint Action Committee on Music Education Appendix I
  9. Motion to Accept by Beta Epsilon (TBS)
  10. Seconded by Beta Sigma (KPsi)
  11. Vote: Motion Passes
  12. Announcement of Area Workshop Hosts for 2011
  13. Arkansas- University of Arkansas- Fort Smith (KPsi Lambda Kappa)
  14. Oklahoma- Oklahoma Baptist University- Shawnee (KPsi Epsilon Zeta)
  15. Louisiana- Grambling State University- Grambling (KPsi Epsilon Rho and TBS Zeta Mu)
  16. North Texas- Midwestern State University- Wichita Falls (KKPsi Gamma Alpha)
  17. East Texas- Baylor University- Waco (KPsi Beta Alpha TBS Iota)
  18. South Texas- University of Mary Hardin-Baylor- Belton (KPsi Mu Lambda)
  19. West Texas/New Mexico-Eastern New Mexico University- Portales, NM (KPSI Beta Lambda)
  20. Announcements from Iota and Beta Alpha
  21. Recess at 6:18pm till Sunday at 11am

Final Separate Session Sunday

  1. Call to Order at 8:34am
  2. Report of the District Counselor Appendix J
  3. Motion to Accept by Eta Nu
  4. Seconded by Delta Tau
  5. Vote: Motion Passes
  6. Report of the Committee on History and Traditions Appendix K
  7. Motion to Accept by Alpha Upsilon
  8. Seconded by Theta Theta
  9. Vote: Motion Passes
  10. Report of the District Vice President of Membership Appendix L
  11. Motion to Accept by Alpha Omicron
  12. Seconded by Beta Zeta
  13. Vote: Motion Passes
  14. Report of the Spirit and Sisterhood Committee Appendix M
  15. Motion to Accept by Theta Pi
  16. Seconded by Theta Omicron
  17. Vote: Motion Passes
  18. Report of the Creditionals Committee Appendix N
  19. Motion to Accept by Beta Delta
  20. Seconded by Eta Nu
  21. Vote: Motion Passes
  22. Report of the District President Appendix O
  23. Motion to Accept by Psi
  24. Seconded by Theta Theta
  25. Vote: Motion Passes
  26. Report of the Nominations Committee Appendix P
  27. Motion to Accept by Theta Beta
  28. Seconded by Delta Sigma
  29. Vote: Motion Passes
  30. Elections for President
  31. Slated by Nominations Committee: Brynn Jones
  32. Motion to Accept by Acclamation by Beta Nu
  33. Seconded by Iota
  34. Vote: Motion Passes
  35. Elections for Vice President
  36. Slated by Nominations Committee: Leah Arceneaux
  37. Nominations from the floor: Siobhan Wilkes declines
  38. Motion to accept by acclamation by Alpha Omicron
  39. Seconded by Eta Pi
  40. Vote: Motion Passes
  41. Elections for Vice President of Special Projects
  42. Slated by Nominations Committee: Nicole Masole
  43. Nominations from the floor: Dustin Nyugen accepts
  44. Motion to allow 1 minute for each candidate to speak by Beta Delta
  45. Seconded by Xi
  46. Vote: Motion Passes
  47. Nicole Masole 9:51am
  48. Dustin Nguyen 9:53am
  49. Motion to allow 2 minutes for Q an A by Theta Theta
  50. Seconded by Delta Upsilon
  51. Vote: Motion Passes
  52. Motion to extend Q and A by 2 minutes by Beta Delta
  53. Seconded by Delta Sigma
  54. Vote: Motion Passes
  55. Motion for 1 minute caucus by Delta
  56. Seconded by Beta Delta
  57. Vote: Motion Passes
  58. Vote by secret ballot: Nicole Masole is the new VPSP
  59. Elections for Secretary/ Treasurer
  60. Slated by Nominations Committee: Patricia Butler
  61. Motion to accept by acclamation by Iota
  62. Seconded by Theta Theta
  63. Vote: Motion Passes
  64. New Officers for 2010- 2011
  65. President: Brynn Jones
  66. VP Membership: Leah Arceneaux
  67. VPS Special Projects: Nicole Masole
  68. Secretary/ Treasurer: Patricia Butler
  69. Installation of officers by Chris Gordon
  70. Motion to adjourn Tau Beta Sigma Convention by Delta Sigma
  71. Seconded by Iota Beta
  72. Vote: Motion Passes
  73. Adjourn at 10:32am

Final Joint Session Sunday

  1. Call to Order at 11:26am
  2. Introductions of New District Officers
  3. Report of the Joint Committee on Publications Appendix Q
  4. Motion to Accept by Delta Phi (TBS)
  5. Seconded by Zeta Zeta (KPsi)
  6. Vote: Motion Passes
  7. Report of the Joint Committee on Convention SiteAppendix R
  8. Motion to Accept by Beta Alpha (KPsi)
  9. Seconded by Theta Theta (TBS)
  10. Vote: Motion Passes
  11. Slated by Committee: Delta/Delta-OSU
  12. Nominations from floor
  13. Delta Sigma/ Gamma Nu-UTA
  14. Motion to Caucus by Eta Beta (TBS)
  15. Seconded by Eta Delta (KPsi)
  16. Vote: Motion Fails
  17. Vote by Secret Ballot- Delta/ Delta-OSU will host 2011 convention
  18. Announcement of Talent Show Winner: Gamma Phi: Kappa Kappa Psi
  19. Announcements from National Headquarters
  20. Announcements from Host Chapters
  21. Announcements from District Councils
  22. Adjourn the 2010 Kappa Kappa Psi/ Tau Beta Sigma Southwest District Convention
  23. Adjourned by Presidents at 11:54am

Appendix A- In the possession of the District Secretary/ Treasurer

Appendix B

Standing Rules

  1. All business sessions shall begin promptly at the place and hour specified on the convention agenda.
  2. All reports shall be typed, double-spaced, on standard sized paper (8-1/2” X 11”).
  3. Members desiring the floor shall rise, clearly state their name and chapter. Any Tau Beta Sigma member attending may speak to or discuss the question on the floor, but only delegates and proxies are entitled to vote on the motion.
  4. Reports of committees, which would change the Constitution or affect the district budget, must be reported to the Jurisdiction & Finance Committee chair for review before presentation to the floor.
  5. Motions amending the Constitution from the floor should be submitted in writing, signed by the mover and seconder.
  6. No member shall speak more than twice during the same session to the same question and no longer than 3 minutes at one time without the permission of the delegation. The question of granting permission shall be decided by a two-thirds vote without debate.
  7. Suspension of any standing rule would require a two-thirds vote without debate.

Appendix C

Committee Assignment List 2010

Tau (Chair) - S TX
Delta Upsilon - W TX
Beta Delta - N TX
Delta Sigma - LA
Gamma Omicron - AR
Delta – OK

Convention Site:
Iota (chair) - N TX
Gamma Tau - AR
Alpha Upsilon - S TX
Gamma Phi - OK
Zeta Mu - LA
Spirit and Sisterhood
Theta Theta (chair) - AR
Gamma Nu - N TX
Xi - W TX
Delta Eta - S TX
Delta Alpha - OK
Colonization and Membership
Beta Gamma (chair) - S TX
Delta Tau - W TX
Beta Nu - AR
Iota Beta - N TX
Eta Nu - LA
History and Traditions
Alpha (chair) - OK
Delta Pi - AR
Epsilon Beta - N TX
Eta Epsilon - S TX
Music Education
Alpha Omicron (chair) - S TX
Epsilon Eta - N TX
Delta Phi - S TX
Gamma Xi - AR
Jurisdiction and Finance
Beta Zeta (chair) - N TX
Theta Beta - AR
Beta Omicron - S TX
Eta Pi - LA
Psi (chair) - AR
Beta - W TX
Epsilon Psi - S TX
Zeta Phi - LA

Appendix D

New Rotation Schedule and Texas Re-Areaing

Arkansas Area:

Arkansas State University- Jonesboro

Arkansas Tech University- Russellville

Henderson State University- Arkadelphia

Ouachita Baptist University- Arkadelphia

Southern Arkansas University- Magnolia

University of Arkansas-Fayetteville
University of Arkansas-Fort Smith

University of Arkansas-Monticello

University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff

University of Central Arkansas

This rotation will begin in 2011 with the Lambda Kappa Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at the University of Arkansas-Fort Smith in Fort Smith, AR.

Louisiana Area:

Grambling State University- Grambling

Louisiana State University- Baton Rouge

Louisiana Tech University- Ruston

McNeese State University- Lake Charles

Northwestern State University- Natchitoches

Southeastern Louisiana University- Hammond

Tulane University- New Orleans

University of Louisiana-Monroe

This rotation will begin in 2011 with the Epsilon Rho Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi and the Zeta Mu Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma at Grambling State University in Grambling, LA.

Oklahoma Area:

East Central University-Ada

Langston University-Langston

Northeastern State University-Tahlequah

Oklahoma Baptist University-Shawnee

Southeastern Oklahoma State-Durant

Oklahoma State University-Stillwater

Southwestern Oklahoma State-Weatherford

University of Oklahoma-Norman

University of Central Oklahoma- Oklahoma City

This rotation will begin in 2011 with the Epsilon Zeta Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee, OK.

North Texas Area:

East Texas Baptist University- Marshall

Midwestern State University- Wichita Falls

Texas A&M University-Commerce

Texas Christian University- Fort Worth

Texas College- Tyler

Tyler Junior College- Tyler

University of Texas- Arlington

University of Texas- Tyler

This rotation will begin in 2011 with the Gamma Alpha Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, TX.

East Texas Area:

Baylor University- Waco

Blinn Junior College- Brenham

Houston Baptist University- Houston

Lamar University- Beaumont

Prairie View A&M University- Prairie View

Sam Houston State University- Huntsville

Stephen F. Austin University- Nacogdoches

Texas Southern University- Houston

University of Houston- Houston

This rotation will begin in 2011 with the Beta Alpha Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi and the Iota Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma at Baylor University in Waco, TX.

South Texas:

Texas A&M University- Kingsville

Texas Lutheran University- Seguin

Texas State University- San Marcos

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor- Belton

University of Texas- Austin

University of Texas- Pan American (colony)

University of Texas- San Antonio (colony)

This rotation will begin in 2011 with the Mu Lambda Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor in Belton, TX.

West Texas/New Mexico Area:

Angelo State University- San Angelo

Eastern New Mexico University- Portales, NM

Howard Payne University- Brownwood

McMurry University- Abilene (Colony)

Texas Tech University- Lubbock

University of New Mexico- Albuquerque, NM

West Texas A&M University- Canyon

This rotation will begin in 2011 with the Beta Lambda Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at Eastern New Mexico University in Portales, NM.

Appendix E

Keynote Speaker Report 2010

Greetings Sisters and Brothers of the Southwest!

It is my sincere pleasure to welcome you all to the 2010 Southwest District Convention. My name is Katie Dukes and I am a sister of the Theta Theta chapter at Henderson State University. It is an honor to be selected for Keynote Speaker and I hope that each of you are able to relate and take something from what is said today.

Upon deciding to apply for Keynote Speaker, my mind raced as to what I would talk about. Naturally, I thought to follow the convention theme and go along the lines of "Leaving Your Mark," but with a twist. When you think about it, we, as Sisters and Brothers of Tau Beta Sigma, are who we are today because of the "marks" left by our "ancestors." The decisions made back in 1946 affect us today in 2010, and, frankly, I don't think Wava knew what she was getting herself into! :) That being said, I have chosen to speak about Tau Beta Sigma and the places we've been and the places we are going.

We will start with the past. As everyone here knows, 64 years ago Tau Beta Sigma was founded thanks to Wava and a few of her friends. Over that time, TBS has experienced many changes, such as becoming coed. This decision made its mark on potential brothers and mister sisters forevermore. Personally, I am glad we allow males in our sorority- lifting heavy things becomes so much easier when you have a William in your chapter. :)

While the specific decision for TBS to be coed didn't directly affect me, the decision for TBS to have our five Purposes did. When considering to join Tau Beta Sigma, I was wary to get involved. I was always "one of the guys" and was afraid with it being a sorority, I would be initiated in a Sandra Bullock 'Miss Congeniality' makeover kind of way and lose all sense of who I was. Fortunately, I did my research and saw that TBS was full of some pretty cool people from all walks of life, and, most importantly, it stood for Five Purposes that fit right in to who I was. In choosing these Purposes, our ancestors left their "marks" on me.

Now, we will move to the present. Nationally, I think Tau Beta Sigma is growing into a group of classy individuals who, while not perfect, strive to create better bands. If my math is correct, from the National website, I counted 96 inactive chapters and 134 actives (not including colonies). While it upsets me that due to different circumstances, 96 bands are no longer being served through TBS, I can't help but get excited when I see that 134 bands ARE being served and 35 of those are from the Southwest! Like I said before, no one is perfect and every chapter will make mistakes, but if we make the decision NOW to always keep the Ideals of Tau Beta Sigma first, we will leave a positive "mark" on our futures.

For me, I feel we are so fortunate to be Sisters and Brothers now. We have so many resources within our reach, and good ones at that! I amazed that any time I have a question; I can call or e-mail National and/or District officers and have my response within 24 hours. I'm not certain, but I don't think things were that easy back in 1946! I have made it a decision to utilize my resources now and hope that I am able to convey what I've learned and leave my mark on my chapter.

Alright, we've talked past and we've talked present, and there is only one place to go from here- the future! As I was putting my speech together, I had planned to talk about where I see Tau Beta Sigma going in the future and remind everyone that the decisions you make now, affect later! While doing this, a popular children's book stuck in my mind.

You see, as a middle school education major, I have become quite familiar with different children's books and one that comes to mind is "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" by Dr. Seuss. Generally, when people think of Dr. Seuss, they think of cute little poems that serve no purpose other than an easy to read book, but this book is different. "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" talks about the journey of life and where it takes you. Dr. Seuss used his catchy rhymes to send an important message to people of all ages. Life is a journey full of many decisions- what you do today affects tomorrow, the next day, and the next. Live your life to the fullest and find the success that lies within you.