(Also posted on the CASQA website under Events > Annual Conference > Speaker Information)


Registration Deadlines:

·  Early registration discount ends: Jul 31, 2016

·  All Speakers & Poster Presenters must register byAug 15, 2016, 5:00 PM PT

ALL Speakers click here to register (regardless of eligibility for speaker discount)

Speaker Rate Eligibility:

CASQA offers a reduced conference rate for eligible speakers as described below. You will also be able to view the list of discount eligible speakers & poster presenters during the registration process.

·  The primary speaker (1) for each Technical Program presentation is eligible.

·  Panelists for a Technical Program panel presentation are eligible

·  Alternate presentation speakers for each session are eligible

·  Training Workshop speakers are eligible

·  Supporting speakers are not eligible for the speaker rate and must pay the full CASQA member or non-member rate

·  Poster presenters who are not also presenting orally and are not alternate presentation speakers receive a $50 discount off the member general attendee rate

·  Speaker & poster presenter rates apply to both members and non-members

Additional Notes:

·  All speakers must check in at the CASQA Conference Registration Desk to pick up their speaker packet and badge.

·  There is no charge for a speaker attending only the session or the half-day of a training workshop in which he/she is speaking therefore no need to officially register. Lunch is not included.

o  If you would like to attend lunch in addition to the session or a half-day of the training workshop in which you are speaking, please stop by the registration desk to purchase lunch ($60).

o  If you plan to attend another session (Tuesday or Wednesday) or the other half of Monday, including lunch, but no other conference days, then you must purchase a 1-Day Conference Pass.


Conference Hotel

Paradise Point - San Diego

1404 Vacation Road

San Diego,California,92109

Hotel Rates and Reservation Instructions:

General Attendees:

The special conference rate is $179/night - single or double (subject to taxes)

·  Conference rates will be in effect 3 days before and after the conference, subject to availability.

·  Rate cutoff date isSaturday, August 20, 2016. After this date, or earlier if the room block is filled, rates will no longer be guaranteed.

·  Reserve online (preferred): CASQA Conference Attendee Room Block

·  Reserve by phone: (800) 344-2626. To receive the discounted rate you must reference the California Stormwater Quality Association.

State of California and Federal Employed Attendees (not City or County employees):

Government rate applies to State of California ($125/night) and Federal ($140/night) employees only; not city, county, or other local government employees.

·  There are a limited number of government rate rooms available on 9/11, 12, 13 only.

·  Rate cutoff date isSaturday, August 20, 2016. After this date, or earlier if the room block is filled, rates will no longer be guaranteed.

·  Conference attendee registration is required in advance to be eligible to apply for a government rate hotel room in the CASQA block.

·  Government rate rooms cannot be reserved through the Attendee Block link provided above or by calling the hotel. Click here for steps to apply.


The conference hotel is 7 miles from the San Diego International Airport, 84 miles from the John Wayne Airport Orange County, and 123 miles from the Los Angeles International Airport.

Please click here for airport and shuttle information

SPEAKER SUBMITTALS - Tuesday & Wednesday Technical Program Speakers

Introduction Bio (limited to 100 words in Word format)

The bio you already provided with your abstract submittal will be given to the session moderator and used for introduction purposes.

If a presentation includes supporting speakers whose introduction bios were not included during the abstract submittal process, please upload the supporting speaker bios.

Deadline for additional introduction bios: Monday, August 1, 2016 - 5 pm PT: Click to upload

PowerPoint Presentation Requirements

For optimal webcast and overhead projection viewing, please adhere to the following requirements when creating your PowerPoint presentation:

·  Presentations must be in PowerPoint (.PPTX (preferred) or .PPT format)

·  No PDF presentations

·  Presentations should be formatted in 4:3 aspect ratio - not widescreen

·  Provide any video/audio files separately, even if embedded in your presentation

·  Include all linked documents and media when the presentation is submitted

·  Avoid red or faint text colors

·  Keep text at size 24pt and above; sans-serif fonts work best

·  We prefer that no custom fonts are used, but if used, please embed any custom fonts (Embed all characters). Instructions can be found here:

o  Article: http://www.pptfaq.com/FAQ00076_Embedding_fonts.htm

o  Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gM8BVO5ZYIo

·  Compress images and remove cropped areas. Instructions can be found here:

o  For PowerPoint 2016

o  For older versions of PowerPoint (Microsoft support page)

·  Do not use an image as a slide background unless it lends itself to text readability

·  Do not assume that the audience will know all stormwater jargon. Define acronyms or arcane terms in your presentation.

PowerPoint Presentation File Name Instructions

Important: Please reference the Technical Program Agenda to determine the date, track, session, and time slot in which you are speaking. To ensure that we can easily identify your PowerPoint, please save your presentation with this file name format in one of the following examples:


Date of Presentation_Track_Session_Time Slot_Last Name (note: session time slot is 1, 2, or 3)

·  Example - one speaker on Tuesday 09/13/16 in Track A / Session 2 / Time Slot 1:


·  Example - co-speakers on Tuesday 09/13/16 in Track A / Session 2 / Time Slot 1 - using separate PowerPoints:



·  Example - co-speakers on Tuesday 09/13/16 in Track A / Session 2 / Time Slot 1 - using one PowerPoint:


PowerPoint Presentation Submittal (2 options):

Option 1: Advance Submittal: (Preferred)

Deadline: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 - 5 pm PT: Click to upload

Submitting presentations in advance ensures that your presentation will be pre-loaded into the CASQA-provided laptop in your assigned meeting room before your arrival.

Option 2: On-Site Submittal

In order to maintain the program schedule, and for courtesy to the audience and fellow speakers, please bring your PowerPoint presentation on a flash drive well in advance of your presentation time. In instances where there will be co-speakers, each speaker should bring their presentation on a flash drive to prevent potential miscommunication errors.

Day BEFORE your scheduled presentation time: (Preferred)

See Amy Porter, CASQA Event Coordinator & Speaker Coordinator, at the CASQA Conference Services desk to upload your presentation. It will then be pre-loaded into the CASQA-provided laptop in the assigned meeting room.

Day OF your scheduled presentation time:

If the presentation has not been pre-loaded or has been updated, please upload it to the CASQA-provided laptop at the podium in the assigned meeting room at least 10 minutes before the session is scheduled to begin:

·  Use a flash drive to drag and drop, or copy and paste, the PowerPoint presentation into the folder icon on the meeting room laptop. There will be only one folder icon on the laptop.

·  It is required to copy the original file (not a shortcut) of the presentation to the folder icon on the meeting room laptop in order to be captured.

·  If you have any questions, please ask the A/V staff in the room or Amy Porter at the CASQA Conference Services Desk.


1.  Arrive at your designated meeting room at least 10 minutes before your session is scheduled to begin. Introduce yourself to the session moderator.

2.  Introduction bios (if not previously submitted) should be provided to the session moderator.

3.  The session moderator will use their discretion to replace a “no show” speaker with a potential alternate speaker. If a speaker is a no-show, the track will be cancelled or postponed until the designated start time of the next presentation (presentations will not be moved up).

4.  Reserve some time at the end of your presentation for questions, or at the beginning state that you will take questions during the presentation.

5.  Please pay attention to time. The session moderator will stand and/or hold up a yellow card identified with “5 minutes” on the card when you have 5 minutes left. The session moderator will also stand and/or hold up a red card identified with “1 minute” on the card when you have 1 minute left. Please begin wrapping up at that time. It is critical to stay on schedule.


Selected primary speakers should designate alternate speakers who can speak on their behalf in case of an emergency. Further, designated primary speakers should let CASQA know as soon as possible if they are aware of a conflict that will prevent their participation. In some instances, this may be unavoidable, so CASQA arranges for pre-designated alternate presentations/speakers to fill gaps that may develop in the program. A description of the alternate speaker program and alternate speaker obligations follows:

a.  The purpose of an alternate speaker is to replace a primary speaker who is unable to fulfill his/her commitment. Selected alternate speakers are expected to prepare and bring their PowerPoint presentation and attend the conference, but must recognize that there is no guarantee that they will present at the conference. However, in return, their name, affiliation, and abstract title will be included in the conference printed program as well as posted on the CASQA website and can serve as free publicity for their employer. Designated alternate speakers will also receive the discounted speaker rate for attending the conference.

b.  During the abstract selection process, CASQA identified abstracts to have available as alternate presentations. If CASQA selects an abstract for alternate status, the speaker will be notified and asked if they are interested in participating as an alternate speaker. CASQA prefers alternate speakers who are able to make their presentations on short notice at the conference. However, CASQA recognizes the time and effort necessary to prepare such presentations and, therefore, CASQA will work with alternate speakers to address any minimum notification requirements that must be provided before being designated as a fill-in speaker.

c.  The program chair(s) in coordination with the moderator will have the discretion to determine if an alternate speaker will speak in a track whose theme is not related with the presentation theme.

d.  Speaker cancellations can occur any time after the abstract selection process right up until the day/time of the presentation. CASQA will endeavor to notify alternate speakers as soon as possible following a primary presentation speaker cancellation that may move them into a designated primary presentation speaker’s position. When feasible, these changes will be reflected in the conference printed program, CASQA website online conference agenda, or subsequent errata sheets distributed with the CASQA registration information.

e.  Selected alternate speakers are expected to bring their introduction bios (limited to 100 words) and PowerPoint presentations (on a flash drive) as a backup.