SWAS-Fundamental Program

Biology I Honors

Instructors: Ms. LaKeisha Middlebrooks


****Tutoring Available on Tuesdays only!!!! 2:15-2:45

Class Mission Statement

Our class will set and accomplish high, realistic goals, utilizing respect, honor, dignity, and hard work as our tools for achievement. We will make NO EXCUSES for anything, instead we will simply work with what we have and make success our reality.

Course Objective: To increase student knowledge of the study of life by experimenting, reading in science and passing an end of year assessment to receive credit for graduation.

Course Content

Unit 1-Study of Biology

Unit 2-Biochemistry

Unit 3 Cell Biology

Unit 4-Heredity

Unit 5-Theory of Evolution

Unit6- Diversity


Unit 8-Human Anatomy and Physiology

Required Assignments

Interactive Notebook (This will include all assignments and homework given by teacher).

LABS and LAB Reports 20 points for completing labs and 30 points for detailed lab reports equals a total of 50 points.

Homework will be given at least two times a week!!!! Lab Reports are considered homework.

Required Materials

3inch Ringed Binder with tabs and pencil/pen case

2 one subject spiral notebook

Black or Blue Pens Only

#2 pencils

Colored pencils or Markers.

(Please bring these materials to class EVERYDAY)

Classroom EXPECTATIONS, Procedures, and Consequences.

Classroom Expectations

1)Students will respect all persons and property in word and action within the classroom.

2)Students will come to class prepared and on time.

3)Students will leave all electronic devices off and away at all times unless given permission by teacher.

4)Students will raise hand to ask permission to speak and to leave their seat and the classroom.

5)Students will remain on task and follow all directions given.

6)Students should be in seats when tardy bell rings otherwise you are considered tardy.


Everyone is to be seated when the bell rings and prepared for daily lesson.

Make sure homework is turned in at the beginning of class or will be late.

No hall passes during the first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes of class period.

Only one person will be allowed to leave the classroom for the restroom with permission from instructor. I must give a hall pass for you to leave.

Make-up test and quizzes

This is the responsibility of the student, you must notify the instructor that you need to make up a test or quiz. All make up test and quizzes must be done after school.

Late work vs. Make-up work

Late work will not be accepted. It is your responsibility to receive make-up work if absent from class.

Stated in the Code of Student Conduct

MAKE-UP WORK. (This does not apply to specific homework provided under F.S. § 1003.01 to certain suspended students.)


Make-up work for credit and grade is allowed for all excused absences. It is the student's responsibility to get the missed work. The number of days allowed to make up the work shall be the same as the number of days the student was absent.


Make-up work for credit and grade is allowed. It is the student's responsibility to get the missed work. The number of days allowed to make up the work shall be the same as the number of days the student was absent. Work made up after an unexcused absence in elementary or middle school may be dropped a letter grade and must be dropped a letter grade in high school. (Taken from the student code of conduct)

Consequences as stated in the Fundamental Guidelines:

Discipline-All violations will result in consequences including warning, parent/guardian contact, written report, Detention, Office Referral, suspension, work detail, and/or recommendation for expulsion. In addition to the Code of Student Conduct, the Fundamental Guidelines and each school’s Student/Parent Handbook list the following specific offenses: skipping class, defiance, classroom disruption, tardy, gum, candy, prohibited items (i.e. toys, playing cards, electronic devices, etc.), general misconduct, dress code violations, and prohibited behaviors including displays of physical affection and gossip, slander, or unkind/hurtful remarks about another person.

  • Notice of Discipline Violation- a formal written notification requiring a parent/guardian signature. It may result in a Report (requiring administrator or guidance conference), Detention, or Office Referral. Failure to return the signed notice the following day results in a Detention.
  • Detentions may be issued by teachers or administrators. Detentions are 30 minutes and held before or after school, depending on the specific school and schedule. A missed detention results in an additional detention.
  • 4 Detentions (cumulative total) in a school year results in a Notice ofDisciplinary Status warning requiring signature and a mandatory parent/guardian conference.
  • 6 additional Detentions (10 total) requires referral to the IAC.
  • Suspension-Out-of-school suspension requires referral to the IAC.

Make sure you keep all assignments in notebook; I will do notebook checks at all times during the school year.

LaKeisha Middlebrooks

Your Signature/Parent/Guardian Signature
