1.Alter, Jonathan. The Center Holds: Obama and His Enemies.

2. Balakrishnan, Radhika and Elson, Diane. Economic Policy and Human Rights.

3. Boghosian, Heidi. Spying on Democracy: Government Surveillance, Coporate Power and Public Resistance.

4. Brady, Emily. Humboldt: On America’s Marijuana Frontier.

5. Brenner, Joel. Class Houses: Privacy, Secrecy, and Cyber Insecurity in a Transparent World.

6. Burman, Leonard. Taxes in America: What Everyone Needs to Know.

7. Chomsky, Noam, and Vitchek, Andre. On Western Terrorism: From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare.

8.Clark, Brett and York, Richard. The Ecological Rift: Capitalism’s War on Earth.

9.Cockburn, Alexander. A Colossal Wreck: American Diaries from the Time of Clinton to Obama.

10. Collins, Chuck. 99 to 1: How Wealth Inequality is Wreaking the World and What We Can Do About It.

11. Critchlow, Donald. Takeover: How the Left’s Quest for Social Justice Corrupted Liberalism.

12. Derber, Charles. Greed to Green: Solving Climate Change and Remaking the Economy.

13. Derber, Charles. Marx’s Ghost: Midnight Conversations on Changing the World.

14. Earleywine, Mitch. Understanding Marijuana: A New Look at the Scientific Evidence.

15. Factor, Mallory and Elizabeth. Shadow Bosses: Government Union’s Control Americans and Rob Taxpayers Blind.

16.Fisk, Robert. The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East.

17. Fletcher, Jr. Bill and Gapasin, Fernando. Solidarity Divided: The Crisis in Organized Labor and a New Path to Social Justice.

18. Foster, John Bellamy. Ecology: Materialism and Nature.

19. Friedman, Allan and P.W. Singer. CyberSecurity and Cyber War: What Everyone Needs to Know.

20. Gates, Robert. Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary of Defense.

21.Gerhardt, Michael. The Power of Precedence.

22. Goldberg, Jonah. The Tyranny of Cliches: How Liberals Cheat in the War of Ideas.

23. Goldwater, Barry. Conscience of a Conservative.

24. Grossman, Zoltan and Parker, Alan. Asserting Native Resilience: Pacific Rim Indigenous Nations Face Climate Crisis.

25. Hayes, Christopher. Twilight of the Elites: America After Meritocracy.

26. Huff, Mickey. Censored 2014: Fearless Speech in Fateful Times; The Top Censored Stories and Media Analysis of 2012-13.

27.Iweala, Uzidinma. Our Kind of People: A Continent’s Challenge, A Country’s Hope.

28. Janiskee, Brian. Democracy in California: Politics of Government in the Golden State.

29. Jones, Reece. Border Walls: Security and the War on Terror in the United States, India and Israel.

30. Kasier, Robert. Act of Congress: How America’s Essential Institution Works and How it Doesn’t.

31. Kellough, J. Edward. Understanding Affirmative Action: Politics, Discrimination and the Search for Justice.

32. Kelly, Majorie. Owning Our Future: The Emerging Ownership Revolution.

33. Kennedy, Randall. For Discrimination: Race, Affirmative Action, and the Law.

34. Lee, Mike. The Freedom Agenda: Why a Balanced Budget Amendment is Necessary to Restore Constitutional Government.

35. Levin, Mark. The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic.

36. Lippman, Thomas. Saudi Arabia on the Edge: The Uncertain Future of an American Ally.

37.Lowry, Rich. Legacy: Paying the Price for the Clinton Years.

38. McChesney, Robert. Digital Disconnect: How Capitalism is Turning the Internet Against Democracy.

39. McAfee, Andrew. The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technology.

40. MacNeil, Neil. The American Senate: An Insider’s History.

41. Mahler, Jonathon. The Challenge: How a Maverick Navy Officer and a Young Law Professor Risked Their Careers to Defend the Constitution—and Won.

42. Maloof, Michael. A Nation Forsaken: EMP: The Escalating Threat of An American Castastrophe.

43. Mandery, Evan. A Wild Justice: The Death and Resurrection of Capital Punishment.

44.Mason, Jim. No Holding Back: The 1980 John B. Anderson Presidential Campaign.

45. McDonald, Lawrence. Colossal Failure of Common Sense: The Inside Story of the Collapse of Lehman Brothers.

46. McCarthy, Andrew. The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America.

47. McGregor, Richard. The Party: The Secret World of China’s Communist Rulers.

48.Meotti, Giulio. A New Shoah.

49.Nichols, John. Uprising: How Wisconsin Renewed the Politics of Protest, from Madison to Wall Street.

50. Nichols, John and McChesney, Robert. Dollarocracy: How the Money and Media Election Complex is Destroying America.

51. Norman, Jesse. Edmund Burke: The First Conservative.

52. Pendley, William. Sagebrush Rebel: Reagan’s Battle with Environmental Extremists and Why It Matters Today.

53. Pestritto, Ronald. Woodrow Wilson and the Roots of Modern Liberalism.

54.Rashid, Ahmid. Descent into Chaos: The United States and the Failure of Nation Building in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Central Asia.

55. Richards, Jay. Infiltrated: How to Stop the Insiders and Activists Who are Exploiting the Financial Crisis to Control Our Lives and Our Fortunes.

56. Robbins, James. This Time We Win: Revisiting the Tet Offensive.

57. Rothstein, Hy and Arquilla. Afghan Endgames: Strategy and Policy Choices for America’s Longest War.

58. Roy, Arnundhati. Walking with Comrades.

59. Sanger, David. Confront and Conceal: Obama’s Secret Wars and Surprising Use of American Power.

60. Schechter, Danny. Plunder: Investigating Our Economic Calamity and the Subprime Scandal.

61.Schlafly, Phillis, and Neumayer, George. No Higher Power: Obama’s War on Religious Freedom.

62.Schwartz, Joseph. The Future of Democratic Equality: Rebuilding Social Solidarity in a Fragmented America.

63. Sethness, Javier. Imperiled Life: Revolution Against Climate Castrophe.

64. Siedman, Louis Michael. On Constitutional Disobedience.

65. Sitrin, Marina. Everyday Revolutions: Horizontalism and Autonomy in Argentina.

66. Sixsmith, Martin. Russia: A 100-year Chronicle of the Wild East.

67. Sotomayor, Sonia. My Beloved World.

68. Stiglitz, Joseph. The Price of Inequality: How Today’s Divided Society Endangers Our Future.

69. Steyn, Mark. Lights Out: Islam, Free Speech and the Twilight of the West.

70. Street, Paul. The Empire’s New Clothes: Barack Obama in the Real World of Power.

71. Sutton, Matthew. Jerry Falwell and the Rise of the Religious Right.

72. Swanson, David. Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union.

73.Walzer, Michael. Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument.

74. Watt, Peter and Zepeda, Robert. Drug War Mexico: Politics, Neoliberalism, and Violence in the New Narco-economy.

75. Way, Ben. Jobocalypse.

76. West, Diana. American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character.

77. Wessel, David. Red Ink: Inside the High-Stakes Politics of the Federal Budget.

78. Williams, Chris. Ecology and Socialism: Solutions to Capitalist Ecological Crisis.

79. Wollin, Sheldon. Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism.

80. Zinn, Howard. A Power Governments Cannot Suppress.