U.S. History Goal 6 and 8 Study Guide

In addition to knowing the items on the Key Terms list, be able to answer the following questions:


1.  What is imperialism?

2.  What were the three main causes of American imperialism?

  1. Why did Americans want to open to overseas markets?
  2. What is Anglo-Saxonism?
  3. Why did America want to expand the military?

3.  What ideas did Josiah Strong promote?

4.  What ideas did Alfred T. Mahan promote?

5.  What happened to Queen Liliuokalani? What happened to her country?

6.  What are the two causes of the Spanish-American War?

7.  What is yellow journalism?

8.  What was significant about the U.S.S. Maine?

9.  What is jingoism?

10.  What did the Teller Amendment say?

11.  What were the two fronts in the Spanish-American War?

12.  Who led the American forces in the Philippines?

13.  Describe the military actions in the Philippines.

14.  Who were the Rough Riders?

15.  Describe the military actions around Santiago Bay, Cuba.

16.  What territory did America win after the Spanish-American War?

17.  What were arguments for annexing the Philippines?

18.  What were arguments against annexing the Philippines?

19.  What were McKinley’s reasons for annexing the Philippines?

20.  What did the Platt Amendment do to Cuba’s promised independence?

21.  What were Spheres of Influence?

22.  How did Open-Door Policy affect Spheres of Influence?

23.  What happened in the Boxer Rebellion?

24.  What was Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy called, and what did it mean?

25.  What was the Great White Fleet? What was its purpose?

26.  What is significant about the Panama Canal?

27.  What is the Roosevelt Corollary?

28.  What was William Taft’s foreign policy called, and what did it mean?

29.  What was Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy called, and what did it mean?

30.  What happened in Mexico when Wilson tried to establish a democracy there?

31.  How is Big Stick, Dollar, and Moral Diplomacy evident in our current foreign policy today?

World War I

1.  What were the four causes of World War I?

2.  What is militarism?

3.  Who made up Triple Alliance?

4.  Who made up Triple Entente?

5.  How were imperialism and nationalism against each other?

6.  Who was for and who was against Serbia, and how was this a problem?

7.  What event triggered the beginning of World War I?

8.  Who made up the Central Powers?

9.  Who made up the Allies?

10.  What was America’s initial stance on World War I?

11.  Why did some people favor the Central Powers?

12.  Who did most Americans favor?

13.  What did Germany use to get around British blockades?

14.  What was the Lusitania, and what happened to it?

15.  What was the Sussex Pledge?

16.  How did the Zimmermann Telegram cause the United States to enter World War I?

17.  What famous quote did Wilson use to convince Congress to declare war?

18.  What was the purpose of the War Industries Board?

19.  What was the purpose of victory gardens?

20.  How did the Food Administration encourage saving food for troops?

21.  How did the Fuel Administration save fuel for troops?

22.  What was the purpose of the National War Labor Board?

23.  Who worked in factories in World War I, and why?

24.  What was the Great Migration?

25.  How did the United States use propaganda to “sell” the war?

26.  What did the Espionage Act do?

27.  What did the Sedition Act do, and why was it controversial?

28.  What happened in Schenck vs. United States?

29.  What did the Selective Service Act do?

30.  Who led American troops?

31.  What was the role of women in the military?

32.  Who was initially sent from America to boost morale for the Allies?

33.  Describe conditions in trench warfare.

34.  What is no-man’s-land?

35.  List five new technologies used in World War I.

36.  What caused Germany to win on the Eastern Front?

37.  Who were the Bolsheviks, and who led them?

38.  What happened on the Western Front as a result of the Russian Revolution (concerning Germany)?

39.  How was America able to safely transport troops to Europe?

40.  What stopped the German advance on Paris in 1918?

41.  What is an armistice?

42.  How did America help the Allies win World War I?

43.  What was the Treaty of Versailles?

44.  What was the purpose of Wilson’s Fourteen Points?

45.  What was the War Guilt Clause?

46.  What did the Treaty of Versailles do concerning new borders to countries?

47.  Which part of the Fourteen Points was adopted in the Treaty of Versailles?

48.  What was the League of Nations, and who rejected membership in it?

49.  Describe the economy of the United States immediately after World War I.

50.  What happened in the Boston Police Strike?

51.  What caused race riots in cities?

52.  Why did riots and strikes make people afraid?

53.  Describe the events of the Red Scare.

54.  What were the Palmer Raids, and why were they controversial?

55.  Who won the Election of 1920, and why was it significant?

56.  What did Warren Harding call for?