Ransom of Red Chief Vocabulary

Word / Definition
Apparition / an unusual or unexpected sight, a ghost
undeleterious / healthy; full of well-being
philoprogenitiveness / Parent’s love for their children
radius / Range, area of activity
diatribe / a bitter or angry attack in speech or writing, hrd, abusive criticism.
bas-relief / Slightly raised. Usually refer to a kind of sculpture in
Which figures are carved in a flat surface so they project slightly from the background.
fraudulent / acting with deceit (lies)
court plaster / Cloth that sticks to the skin, used for covering cuts and scratches.
Magic lantern views / Slides. A magic lantern is an early type of projector.
dassent / Dare not
rubber / Rubberneck; stretch the neck to look at something curiously.
incontinently / uncontrollably
contiguous vicinity / Nearby area
sylvan / characteristic of woods and forests
somnolent / sleepy; drowsy
King Herod / Ruler of Judea who ordered the killing of all boys in Bethlehem two years old and younger.
peremptory / Commanding, allowing no debate or delay.
Decry / Speak out against
Acceded / Gave in; consented
hump / Here, hurry
Surreptitiously / In a secret or sneaky way.
depredation / Robbery, looting
cauterized / Burned to prevent infection
ineffable / Indescribable; too great to describe
Russian in a
Japanese war / Reference to the Russo-Japanese war, in which Japan defeated Russia
Crabbed hand / Handwriting that is too hard to read,
Bedlam / An insane asylum; a place of uproar and confusion
calliope / Keyboard instrument like an organ, with a series of whistles sounded by steam or compressed air.
elevation / a high place (height)
provisions / food and supplies
stealthy / secret; sly
Impudent / showing scorn for or disregard of others
Palatable / agreeable to the taste, fit to eat
collaborated / worked together
prominent / widely and favorably known
Pervade / to spread through all parts of
Comply / to act in agreement with another's wishes or in
obedience to a rule
Deleterious / harmful or noxious
Commend / to give into another's care, to speak of someone or
something with approval
lackadaisical / Showing a lack of interest
provisions / Food and supplies
reconnoitre / To explore, to investigate
renegade / A traitor
proclivities / Natural tendencies
proposition / Suggested plan