Experts’ Discussion on Current Affairs

Will Obama bring new American climate policy?

News extract

A22 International Daily News 19 November 2008
Obama bring new climate policy to America
In comparison with his predecessor, Obama has shown more concern for the severity of climate change. In his presidential ads and speeches, he mentioned sea-level rising, shrinking coastal landmass, spread of infectious diseases, increase of extreme weather and other consequences of climate change. Obama also support the scientific theory that climate change is created by greenhouse gases produced by man, therefore, he proposed the cap and trade policy and set up an ambitious target for lowering greenhouse gases: to lower greenhouse gases to 1990 level by 2020, and lowering emission by 18% in 2050. He sees energy policy as the key to reach the targets.

Current event discussion

Executive Director of the United Nations Environment ProgramAchim Steiner:

During the next few months, the new climate change policy will clarify American stand on the problem. Not only will it have great significance in term of the climate change meeting, it also declare that despite of the financial turmoil we are facing, greener economic policy will get new power.

‘United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC Boer:

Obama’s position is a ‘message that pound a man’s heart’ and will positively affect global negotiation on climate change.

Greenpeace China Climate and Energy Campaign ManagerAilun Yang:

I support Obama, who agreed on large-scale reduction of emission, to be elected. The world is waiting for such a ‘climate saviour’. … Obama see energy revolution as a way to turn the economy around due to his knowledge of economic, energy and the problem of climate change. Slowing down the effect of climate change is depended on lowering the use of fossil fuels such as coal and oil, and creating clean energy. The two paths are raising efficiency and developing renewable energy. The two paths connect economic, industry and living aspects and complement with clear government objectives and strong policy to create new movement for economic development. In the long-term, it could also prevent harm to American economy from unstable oil price.

Candidate for Washington University Built Environment Doctorate (廖桂賢):

To task of lowering greenhouse gases is not solely an energy problem because deforestation, endless spread of urbanization, inappropriate building design, eating habit of meat (especially beef) and other dietary habits take up the bulk of greenhouse gas emissions. We look forward to Obama’s government to address these problems in the future and find positive solutions. ... Improper alternative sources of energy, will result in other environmental and social issues, Obama’s so-called ‘clean alternative energy sources,’ included highly controversial nuclear energy and ‘clean coal technology, that over-rely on thescience and technology of energy policy remains a cause for concern. I look forward for the Obama government to develop a more refined, delicate environmental policy (not just climate policy), but also a new US Government that gives hope to United States and the world. One that is capable of seeing the result of uncontrolled mass production and human consumption, which are the main causes of greenhouse gas emissions. However, Obama or any major media had, not mentioned this fundamental issue.


  1. How come American mode of energy consumption is a concern for others? Explain your answer.
  2. With reference to the source, why is using nuclear energy as alternative energy controversial? Explain your answer.
  3. With reference to the source, do you think Obama can solve the two heavy responsibilities of saving the climate and turning the economy around? Explain your answer with reference to the source.

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