I am a beginner Programmer taking a beginning VB course with text book “Programming in Visual Basic 2010”

I have 2 assignments I need help with. 1 is past due (4.3) and the other (5.3) is due Wednesday night (April 25)

The program I am using is Visual Basic through Visual Studio Beta 11 that I downloaded through MSDNAA.

.NET Framework 4.5

Below are the instructions in the book:

Project #1 (Project past due)


Create a project to compute your checking account balance.

Form: Include radio buttons to indicate the type of transaction: deposit, check, or service charge. A text box will allow the user to enter the amount of the transaction. Display the new balance in a Read Only text box or a label. Calculate the balance by adding deposits and subtracting service charges and checks. Include buttons for Calculate, Clear, Print, and Exit.

End Project

I am submitting what I have done so far. The problem is in calculation and I realize changes may be made by the Assignment Expert programmer. I suspect the code under the calculation button is not correct because it does not work as it should.

Project #2 (due Wednesday April 25)


A salesperson earns a weekly base salary plus a commission when sales are at or above quota. Create a project that allows the user to input the weekly sales and the salesperson name, calculate the commission, and displays summary information.

Form: The form should have text boxes for the salesperson’s name and his or her weekly sales.


File / Edit / Help
Pay / Clear / About
Summary / ------
Exit / Font….

Use Constants to establish the base pay, the quota, and the commission rate.

The Pay menu item calculates and displays the commission and the total pay for that person. However, if there is no commission amount (do not display a zero-commission amount)

Write a function procedure to calculate the commission. The function must compare sales to the quota. When the sales are equal to or greater than the quota, calculate the commission by multiplying sales by the commission rate.

Each salesperson receives the base pay plus the commission (if one has been earned). Format the dollar amount to two decimal places; do not display a dollar sign.

The summary menu item displays a message box that holds total sales, total commissions and total pay for all salespersons Display the numbers with two decimal places and dollar signs.

The Clear menu item clears the name, sales and pay for the current employee and then resets the focus.

The Color and Font menu items should change the color and font of the information displayed in the total pay text box.

Use the message box to display the program name and your name as programmer for the About option on the Help menu.

Test Data: Quota = 1000; Commission rate = .15; and Base pay = $250.

Name / Sales
Sandy Smug / 1,000.00
Sam Sadness / 999.99
Joe Whiz / 2,000.00

Totals should be

Sales / $3,999.99
Commissions / 450.00
Pay / 1,200.00

End Project