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Agreement on International Cooperation
in implementation ofdoctoral studies and doctoral thesis guidance


1)Masarykovauniverzita, based inŽerotínovonám. 9,

601 77 Brno, Czech Republic

(hereinafter referred to as “MU”),

represented by:

Option A: Rector, PhDr. MikulášBek, Ph.D.

Option B: Dean, (fill in), Faculty F (fill in),

(Choose the relevant option)


2)University X , based in Y (exact address),

(hereinafter referred to as “X”),

represented by:

Z (fill in)


3) Mr/Ms AA (fill in),the doctoral student

The parties hereby agree to cooperate on a joint supervision of the doctoral student’s thesis and to cooperate during the doctoral studies of the doctoral student pursuant to

-relevant provisions of the Act No.111/1998 Coll. on Higher Educationas amended (hereinafter referred to as “Higher Education Act”)

-relevant provisions of the Masaryk University Statute,

-(quote relevant legalrulesof the party X)

andon the basis ofthe result of theentrance examinationas follows:

Article 1
TheIntroductory Provisions

  1. The doctoral student shall enrol since(fill in the date) for the doctoral studies at the MU and,at the same time, atX; i.e. as a full-time student of the MU at the Faculty Fin the programme P, subjectO, and at Xas (fill in).
  2. Option A: The doctoral student’s supervisors are Prof. AB(a MU workplace) and Prof. CD(an X workplace).
    Option B: The doctoral student’s supervisor is Prof. AB(a MU workplace) and his/her consultant is Prof. CD(an X workplace).
    (choose the option)
  3. The way of dealingwith the resultsobtained in theperiod covered by thisagreementin the jointresearchrelatedto the work on the doctoral thesisandwith the doctoralstudiesshall comply withthe statutoryprovisions for the protectionof intellectualpropertyin both countries (such as the Copyright Act No. 121/2000 Coll., the Act No.527/1990 Coll. on Inventionsand ImprovementProposals, the Act No.478/1992 Coll. on Utility Models, Act No.207/2000 Coll. on Protectionof Industrial Designs, Act No.529/1991Coll. onProtection of Topographies ofSemiconductor Products, Act No.408/2000 Coll.on Protection of Plant Variety Rights(add therelevant provisionsof the party X).

The works made by the doctoral student in connection withhis/her studiesunder this agreement are considered to be school works. MU andX areentitled tousethemonly on a non-profit basisand for theirown needs.If thedoctoral studentcreates in connectionwith his/her studies under this agreementan invention or a similarobjectof industrialproperty rights, he/sheagrees totransfer his/herrights toanyrelatedpatentsorsimilar rights on MU andXinthe form of a joint ownership.

Article 2
Administrative Provisions

  1. Possibleadministrativefeesfordoctoralstudiesin the academicyearshall be paid bythe doctoral student to one of the parties, either MU or X.It will usually be the party with which he/she spends most of the academic year in accordance with the study plan pursuant to Art. 3 of this agreement. However, he/she shall pay to each of the parties, either MU or X,the fees at least
    Option A:in oneacademic yearfor theduration of this agreement
    OptionB:in two academic terms for theduration of this agreement.
    Option C:as otherwise agreed upon
    (Choose an option, in the case of C give specific data – in which year or term and to which party the fees will be paid.)
  2. The contracting parties,MU and X,undertake to specify the fees for studiesin a foreign language ortuition fees at the amount of 0(if this is determined)for the duration of this agreement.
  3. The doctoral student is obliged to conclude an insurance contract covering health and civil risks in both countries for the duration of this agreement. (Add thespecifictype of policyand other conditionsin specificsituations.)
  4. Each of the contracting parties, MU andX,undertakesto provide the doctoral student during his/her studies with board and lodging and other services at their workplaces for the duration of this agreement under the same conditions as for their own students, including scholarship.
  5. The increasedtravel costsof the doctoral studentwhen travelling to the workplace of the parties, MU andX,according to his/her study plan (Art. 3, Para. 3) shall be paid by:(Fill inan institutionora specificagreementon payments.)
  6. The costs related to the completion of doctoral studiespursuant toArt.5 (travelling expenses of the examination board members, opponents, supervisors, opponents’ reports - complete anexhaustive list, or give none, etc.) shall be paid by each of the parties, MU or X,separately. Payments to third parties shall be made by MU in the case of completion of studies pursuant to Art. 5, Para. 1, Sub-Para. a) and by X in the case of completion of studies pursuant to Art. 5,Para. 1, Sub-Para. b).

Article 3
The Course of Studies and Studies Records

  1. The topic of the doctoral student’s thesis is(add the title).
  2. Option A:The supervisors
    Option B:The supervisor and the consultant
    (Choose an option pursuant to Art.1, Para. 2)
    shall supervise the doctoral student’s work in the workplaces of the parties, MU and X, among others, by regularly exchanging information onthe course of his/her studies.
  3. The doctoral studies follow an individual study plan that shall include a framework plan of his/her studies and a time schedule made by the doctoral student in collaboration with
    Option A:the supervisors
    Option B: thesupervisor and the consultant
    (Choose an option.)
    in compliance with the study programme and the field accredited for MU and with thecorresponding conditions of the studies at X. The time schedule may be updatedat the beginning of each term to comply with the frameworkplan. The framework plan and thetime schedule, including the updates, are annexed to this agreement and may be modified only upon a written permission given by theparties.
    The framework plan can only be modified upon a written application by the doctoral student and approved by the
    Option A:the supervisors
    Option B:the supervisor and the consultant.
    (Choose an option.)
    The application must be filed
    Option A:at least 1 month prior to the enrolment for the following term.
    Option B:prior to the beginning of thenext term
    Option C: as otherwise agreed upon.
    (Choose an option;in the case of C specify the agreement.)
  4. The time schedule of the doctoral student’s stay at the workplaces of the parties, MU and X, must be part of the study plan.
  5. The study plan must contain the date of thedoctoral thesissubmission.
  6. The doctoral studies records within MU are kept in ISMU (Masaryk University Information System) at the Faculty F, withinX (add the records system). The course, records and assessment of studies during the stay of the doctoral studentin the workplaces of MU followthe Study and Examination Regulations of MU, during his/her stay at Xthe doctoral student has to follow the study regulations ofX (if need be, cite precisely a provision of X). The study records are regularly updated by both contracting parties. The doctoral student is obliged to provide the record administrators with the relevant data in the deadlines set in the relevant study regulations.

Article 4
The Doctoral Thesis

  1. The doctoral thesishas to contain original results that are published or accepted for publishing. (§ 47,Para. 4, the Higher Education Act).
  2. The doctoral thesis shall be written in the(fill in) language. An abstract having a length of (fill in) shall be written in Czech, English and (fill in if the abstract is to be written in one more language).
  3. Publication of thedoctoral thesis shall follow the provisions of §47b of the Higher Education Act and the provisions of Art. 1,Para. 3.

Article 5
Finishing the Doctoral Studies

  1. The doctoral studiescan be finished properly either at

a)MU, or


as stipulated inthe doctoral student’swritten application approved by

Option A:the supervisors

Option B:the supervisor and the consultant.

(Choose the right option.)

The date of finishing the studies is the date ofthe defending of thedoctoral thesis.

  1. Should option 1a) be applied, the doctoral studieswill be finished by passing the doctoral state examination and by defendingthe doctoral thesis. Should option 1b) be applied, the doctoral studies will be finished by(addthe way of completing the doctoral studieswhich is inaccordance with the legal provisionsand rules of X). The ways of completing the studies are equivalent and will be accepted by the other party, either MU or X, in terms ofits rulesforcompleting studies.
  2. The doctoral studiesat the workplace ofeitherparty, MU or X,may also be finishedin any way which is in accordance with the relevantnational legal rules and internal regulations of either contracting party. The dateof finishing the studiesis the day set by these rules and regulations.
  3. Hard copies of the doctoral thesis(add the number) and its electronic version are a part of theapplicationfor the defence of thedoctoral thesis. Otherrequirements of the application for the doctoral state examination and the defence of thedoctoral thesis pursuant toPara.1a), or of the application for the defence of thedoctoral thesis pursuant toPara.1b), are governed by the regulations of the relevant contracting party, MU or X.
  4. The defence and the doctoralstate examination pursuant to Para. 1a), or (add the way of finishing the studies given in Para.2)pursuant to Para. 1b),are held before an examination boardin the(add the language) language.
  5. The following persons are appointed to assess the doctoral thesis:

Option A:two opponents out of whom at least one is not an employee of MU or X.
Option B:three opponents out of whom at least one is not an employee of MU or X.
(Choose the option – when finishing the studies pursuant toPara.1a) it is the option A, when finishing the studies pursuant to Para.1b), choose according to customs. However, always give an exact number of opponents, not a formulation such as “… at least two...”.)

Each of the opponents will make athesis reportthe aim of which isprimarilyto assess theability andreadiness of the doctoral student for an independentscholarlyresearchand creativeactivities in a givenscientific discipline. The doctoral studenthas the right toget familiar with thethesis reportsbefore the defencewithin the period given bythe study regulations ofthatparty,MU or X,where thestudies arebeing finished.

  1. The choice of opponents, the composition of the examination board and the rules of its proceedingsmustbe in conformity with therulesof both contracting parties. If their rules differ ina particular casethen the stricter ones take precedence.

(If need be, you may give additional information in this paragraphorreplace it by specificrequirements for thecomposition of theexamination board and itsrules of procedurewhen dealing with a particular doctoral studentbut it must always beinaccordancewith the abovementionedgeneral provision.)

  1. The examination boardwillmake a record in the Czech and (add language) languages. The record shallinclude names of the two equivalent study programmes (fields of study) pursuant toArt. 6.

Article 6
Diploma and Degree

  1. Upon a successfulcompletion of studiesin accordance with Article5, Para.1a) thedoctoral studentis awarded the academictitle "Doctor" (abbreviated as "Ph.D." and put after the name). MU will issuea diplomapursuant to §47aand §57 of Higher Education Act.Thediplomawill expresslystatethat itwas obtained withinthe agreementon jointstudies andthe contracting partyXwill be mentioned there as a cooperatinginstitution.Xwill recognizethe validity of the diploma issued by the MU and it will also recognize the completedstudiesandthe obtained degree to be equivalent withits corresponding educationandits degree givingthe doctoral student a certificate about that in accordance withlegalrules valid in the country of the partyX.
  2. Upon a successfulcompletion of studies by any of the ways pursuant to Art.5, Para.1a),b) the doctoral student is awarded the academicdegree "Doctor" (abbreviated as "Ph.D." and putafter the name). MU and X will issuea joint university diploma pursuant to §47aand §57 of Higher Education Act,and in accordance with the legal rules valid in the country of the party X. It will beexpresslystatedin the diploma that it is obtained within an agreement on joint studies, both parties, MU and X, will be mentioned there,and it will be stated that theawarded degree is a joint degree awarded at the same timeat bothschools.A diploma specimen is attached to this agreement.
  3. Upon successfulcompletion of studies by any of the ways pursuant to Art.5, Para.1a),b),the doctoral student will beawarded the academicdegree "Doctor" (abbreviated as "Ph.D." and putafter the name) andMUwill issueauniversity diploma pursuant to §47aand §57 of Higher Education Act. It will beexpresslystatedin the diploma that it is obtained within an agreement on joint studies and theparty Xwill be mentioned as a cooperating institution.At the same time,X will award the doctoral student a degree (inserta specificdegree inthelanguage ofXwithout translation)in the abbreviation(insertthe abbreviation) and will issue adiploma in accordance with legal rulesof the country ofX. It will beexpresslystatedin the diploma that it is obtained within an agreement on joint studies and MU will be mentioned as a cooperating institution.

Choose one of the options 1, 2 or 3,the option 3 being preferred.

Article 7
Final Provisions

  1. The successfulgraduate of the studies done under this agreementis considered for the purpose of a job at MU or Xas a graduate ofeach of the parties,MU andX.
  2. This agreementisconcluded for aperiod of doctoral studies. It shall expireon the day ofthepropercompletion of the studies oron the day ofgraduation fromany of the parties underArt. 5, Para. 3.
  3. This agreement may beterminatedby an agreement of alltheparties.
  4. In the case of a seriousbreach of obligations arising from this agreement by one of the parties,either partyhas theright to withdrawfrom the agreement. Hereby theagreementiscancelled.
  5. This agreement may only bechanged bywritten amendmentssignedby alltheparties.
  6. The partieshave agreed thatthis agreement shall begoverned by the lawof the CzechRepublic and all the disputes that may arise in connection with this agreement or the breach thereof shall be dealt with exclusively by the respective Czech courts.

(Leave this out if X does not agree but do not substitutewith a formulation that would leadto this agreementbeing governed by the lawof X or with a formulation stating that disputes will be dealt with by other courts than the Czech ones.)

  1. The agreement is executed in five identical copies, each party obtaining one copy

Option A: and both supervisors
Option B:and the supervisor and the consultant.
(Choose anoption and, if need be, other recipients of the copies – in that case adjust the number of the copies.)

In Brno on ……………In …….. on …………In …… on…......

On behalf of MU …………On behalf of X ………..Doctoral student ……..

List of Annexes:

1. Framework plan of doctoral studies

2. Time schedule of doctoral studies

3. Joint diploma specimen – if option 2 is chosen in Art. 6

Note: The red text points at the necessity of choosing a variant or at a possibility of changes in the concrete formulation of the agreement.