H-B Woodlawn AP Biology - Page 2 of 10

Plant Vocabulary

Introduction to Plants

gametophyte -

sporophyte -

spores -

bryophytes -

mosses -

liverworts -

hornworts -

rhizoid -

gemma -

protonema -

antheridium -

archegonium -

Seedless Vascular Plants

vascular tissue -

tracheid -

xylem -

phloem -

lignin -

root -

vein -

leaf -

stem -

ferns -

club mosses -

horsetails -

rhizome -

frond -

sporangium -

sorus -

Seed Plants

cuticle -

seed -

embryo -

seed plant -

flower -

phloem -

xylem -

stems -

shoot -

root -

meristem -

cone -

gymnosperm -

flower -

angiosperm -

fruit -

endosperm -

monocot -

dicot -

Vascular Plant Structures


stems -

leaves -

meristematic tissue -

apical meristem -

dermal tissue -

ground tissue -

epidermis (epidermal cell) -

cuticle -

trichome -

cork -

vessel -

sieve tube -

companion cell -

parenchyma -

collenchyma -

sclerenchyma -


taproot -

fibrous root -

cortex -

root hair -

root cap -

endodermis -

herbaceous plant -

vascular cylinder -

Casparian strip -


node -

internode -

bud -

vascular bundle -

pith -

primary growth -

secondary growth -

vascular cambium -

cork cambium -

heartwood -

sapwood -

bark -


blade -

petiole -

mesophyll -

palisade mesophyll -

spongy mesophyll -

stoma -

guard cell -

transpiration -

Transport in Plants

adhesion -

capillary action -

transpiration -

source and sink -

translocation -

Munch's Pressure Flow Model -

Sexual Reproduction in Seed Plants

pollen grain -

pollen cone -

seed cone -

ovule -

pollination -

pollen tube -

seed coat -

cotyledon -

sepal -

petal -

stamen -

filament -

anther -

carpel -

pistil -

ovary -

style -

stigma -

embryo sac -

double fertilization -

Plant Growth and Development

dormancy -

germination -

perennial -

annual -

biennial -

annual ring -

Plant Growth Regulation

macronutrients -

micronutrients -

hormone -

target cell -

phototropism -

auxin -

gravitropism -

lateral bud -

apical dominance -

herbicide -

cytokinin -

gibberellin -

ethylene -

thigmotropism -

short-day plant -

long-day plant -

photoperiodism -

phytochrome -

dormancy -

abscission layer -

Asexual Reproduction in Plants

vegetative reproduction -

plant propagation -

tissue culture -

stolon -

grafting -

budding -

Plant Adaptations

aquatic plants -

hydrophytes -

salt-tolerant plants -

desert plants (xerophytes) -

carnivorous plants -

parasitic plants -

epiphytes -

chemical defenses -

Importance of Plants

vegetative part -

cereal -

grain -

wood -

cellulose -